Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.

And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

You continue to ignore the fact that most of these guys are ex military that train together frequently.

Why is that?
Is he down there, looking for kids to kill?

Am I?


Wanna try again?

I know what you said....

"which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid"

Gotta break a few eggs...ends justify the means and all that right?
And you're calling our military Vets little boys? You cant open your mouth with out insulting our armed forces.
Fucken Dumbass...

You're calling children an omelet.

Bet you get all teary eyed over abortion, right?

Real live children though?

Not so much.

Good God you're a dumbass!!
I'm not the one hoping children get shot so I can make political hay over it.
He should have said America was founded by Invaders...
That would still not be accurate.
Oh but it would be. We are a nation built upon stolen land, mostly. Worse than Israel even since we happily committed, helped greatly by disease, genocide.

That is true of every nation on Earth, so why do you think it matters?

Furthermore, Israel didn't "steal" any land from anyone.

And passing along diseases is not a deliberate act. If you give me a cold, does that mean I can sue you?
That would still not be accurate.
Oh but it would be.

It would not. Europeans began settling in North America centuries before any of the Founding Fathers were born. Hamilton is the only one of what we consider the 'Founding Fathers' not born in America. Only 8 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention in 1787 were not born in America. The 'invading' part - if you wish to look at it that way - happened long before any of them came along. Of course those on the far left who cannot but view history through an anti-American prism will see every moment since 1492 until today as an act of 'invasion,' because they are idiots.

without those settlers coming over the founders would not have been here....

YAY! logic of context!

Of course its always touching when we see a story of a person doing good who was a child of immigrants who struggled and worked hard. Who then went on to become ( insert moment here )....

Unless they are mexican....then they are invaders.
America was founded by Illegals stupid

NO, it wasn't. You brainless idiots out on the far left have got to let go of this false, hackneyed slogan.

yes it was stupid...Who was here first? Indians or the founders....Take a few minutes there guy, this is a complicated one.

Mindless liberals just love to chant this pointless, false mantra. It is juvenile, idiotic, and factually untrue. Get a new fucking bumper sticker already, moron.
And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

Actually they do, they brief the folks on what they can and can't do and often provide communication equipment to expedite reporting and response times. BTW your derogatory terms only speaks to your ignorance, these folks are giving their time and resources to make the country safer. I know a concept you commies will never understand, you always want to use other peoples money. If I were physically able I would be right there with them, I think my 26 years of military experience would be a benefit.

I predict that they will give their time and resources for about 4 to 7 days, which will, coincidently, end about the same time that the media stops taking pictures of them.

Many groups have been there for months, but why let facts stand in the way of a good story.
there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

Shooting kids doesn't make you an American.

Shooting kids makes you a monster.
there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.
there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.

None of them are advocating the shooting of kids.
Not one of them have shot anyone, much less kids.
Talk about Lama Drama :lol:
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there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.

Modern Militias are under each States Governors control
Modern Militia: State Defense Forces and Homeland Security

Today, 23 states and territories have organized militias, most commonly known as State Defense Forces (SDFs). SDFs provide governors with a cost-effective, vital force multiplier and resource, especially if state National Guard units are deployed out of state. However, in general, SDFs are underfunded and undersupported. Some states at high risk for a natural or man-made disaster have not even created SDFs. The U.S. and its states can no longer afford to sideline these national security assets.

Currently, 23 states and territories have modern militias. As of 2005, these militias had a force strength of approximately 14,000 individuals nationwide.[1] Most commonly known as State Defense Forces (SDFs) or state militias, these forces are distinct from the Reserves and the National Guard in that they serve no federal function. In times of both war and peace, SDFs remain solely under the control of their governors, allowing the governors to deploy them easily and readily in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.

have any kids been shot? I dodn't think so Let me ask you this, how many founders would advocate burning babies out of the womb with caustic chemicals? or sucking their parts out with a vacuum?

Once again, you prove your ignorance. The militias refered to in the 2nd amendment are not under the authority of the government. in James madisons own words, they were to be civilian militias by leaders of their own choosing. stop showing your ignorance and confusing government militias with civilian
there was a reason the founders gave the citizens the right to arm themselves and form their own militias. here you see it in action.

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.

None of them are advocating the shooting of kids.
Not one of them have shot anyone, much less kids.
Talk about Lama Drama :lol:

none of them are advocating anything other than dress up and play militant for the camera ... how many illegals are they responsible for stopping trying to enter the country?


but they are in the NEWS aren't they?
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Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

Shooting kids doesn't make you an American.

Shooting kids makes you a monster.

Gee. Any kids killed? Any heads ears or noses removed?? See any bodies in those photos??

Thought not.

Yep. Your an idiot.
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Oh but it would be.

It would not. Europeans began settling in North America centuries before any of the Founding Fathers were born. Hamilton is the only one of what we consider the 'Founding Fathers' not born in America. Only 8 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention in 1787 were not born in America. The 'invading' part - if you wish to look at it that way - happened long before any of them came along. Of course those on the far left who cannot but view history through an anti-American prism will see every moment since 1492 until today as an act of 'invasion,' because they are idiots.

without those settlers coming over the founders would not have been here....

YAY! logic of context!

Of course its always touching when we see a story of a person doing good who was a child of immigrants who struggled and worked hard. Who then went on to become ( insert moment here )....

Unless they are mexican....then they are invaders.

there were no "Mexicans" until after the Spanish got here.....the Indigenous peoples of California and the southwest were various types of Indians until the "Mexicans" moved they are "invaders" too.....
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

Shooting kids doesn't make you an American.

Shooting kids makes you a monster.

so when did a kid get shot?.....did i miss something?....

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