Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

For the record - it was the House GOPs that blocked the vote on the comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Just change the definition of child to mean a 35 year old tattooed gang member and there you go, we're stopping children.
We see who and what party is USING this for their political purposes

wake up and get a clue...take a stand against these people like the op and call your Representatives and DEMAND them to get this man (Obama and his comrades)UNDER CONTROL
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That would still not be accurate.
Oh but it would be.

It would not. Europeans began settling in North America centuries before any of the Founding Fathers were born. Hamilton is the only one of what we consider the 'Founding Fathers' not born in America. Only 8 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention in 1787 were not born in America. The 'invading' part - if you wish to look at it that way - happened long before any of them came along. Of course those on the far left who cannot but view history through an anti-American prism will see every moment since 1492 until today as an act of 'invasion,' because they are idiots.

Indeed. But now consider the psychology of the person who would punish his own country for it's prior "misdeeds" as if the repercussions wouldn't touch him or his progeny. The redundancy of Lefty's idiocy is the stuff of Icarus.

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