Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.
I will treat them as trespassers.

why?....they are not trespassers unless a court of law says they are....right?.....
Learn the difference between trespasser and illegal alien.

i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.

Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

illegals? that other thread we were in....YOU claimed they aint illegal until a court says they are.....change your mind now?.....
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

So if its not photographed or video-taped, it never happened?

(This sounds like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] "logic".)

We're a country of video games.
Like all the other RW dupes, you just keep repeating this over and over but funny thing - You never say EXACTLY what Prez Obama should do differently.

Stop giving money and giving and/or selling weapons to enemies of this country.
Protect our borders instead of undermining the efforts of those who would do so.
Stop smuggling illegal aliens and making illegal agreements with foreign nations.
Stop trying to make law. That is the job of other people.
Resign immediately and repent of high crimes and misdemeanors.
That would be a nice start.
Rambo versus the guys who shoot first and don't ask questions? Yeah, I'd order the body-bags with the little American flag on them first. Those beaners aren't frogs eh, and they don't care why you got in their way, only that you did.

What exactly are you trying to say here? A bunch of beaner cartel thugs are better trained than our military?
Why do you hate our military? No wonder they despise you libs. Ya better hope you never need em on your side.

When did the malcontents who are pretending to be "militia" become "our military"?

Before you anser, remember that those same wannabes say they can take on our military. Even you Pootarians have to know how dumb that is.

Try and keep up.... a lot of those militia members are Vets. Dumbfuck....
Learn the difference between trespasser and illegal alien.

i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.


Dresden, you really have to wrap your head around the concept that I have had you on "ignore" for over a year, and never even see your posts unless someone quotes them. There really is a reason for that....
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.

Is he down there, looking for kids to kill?

Am I?


Wanna try again?

I know what you said....

"which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid"

Gotta break a few eggs...ends justify the means and all that right?
And you're calling our military Vets little boys? You cant open your mouth with out insulting our armed forces.
Fucken Dumbass...
You're so full of shit. I used to see two or three a month coming down the river so they could avoid the highway. I've seen them walking down Padre Island National seashore and of course you see em in Houston every fucking day.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
I can see what's coming, and it will be a teen shot by a little man with a big gun playing army, and he will be sent up the river where he belongs.
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Also, it appears that you're deeply against the legalization of marijuana.

I hit CTRL+F "marijuana", yet can find no results in my post. Where did you get this impression from? Do you honestly think that marijuana trafficking is the major problem here?
You often attempt to probe the depths of an argument by reducing a system of thought to its most basic Axioms, and then you often attempt to go further by forcing someone to disprove Gödel's incompleteness theorem, which is the same as proving it.

One thread of yours that demonstrates this behavior is: "Prove that race exists." You also attempt this line of attack in many posts in other threads that were initiated by others.

I would assume that someone who regularly examines the merits of an argument, like yourself, would immediately realize that the axiopisty employed to generate your first rebuttal of my solution automatically polarizes you against the legalization of marijuana.

In the absence of further clarification, that would be the sensible interpretation of her first post.

I have a slightly different take. I regard the War on Drugs to be an utter waste of treasure and an abject failure, a predictable one at that. Of course, the major culprits behind the current crisis are two: (1) the general incompetency and corruption of the Central and South American governments, and (2) the motives of the inordinately powerful cartels of the human- and drug-trafficking enterprises.

LiberalMedia lives in a dream world, so we need not waste anymore space on her gibberish. She neither coherently identifies the problem nor offers any practical solutions, and her hysterically pugilistic reaction to your assessment of the situation is . . . startling. It's the sort of reaction one would expect had you suggested something untoward about her mother's character. She might have a secrete fetish for the cartels.

Stayed tuned.

In any event, we should and can secure our southern border like the good little racists that we are, and we should get the hell out of the drug-enforcement business south of the border altogether like the miserly little bastards that we are. . . .

Wait a minute!

I seem to have slipped into the Twilight Zone of LiberalMedia's mind where the boogie man of racism lurks in the shadows around every corner.

Toss me a line of rope, 2nd. It's dark here, cold, and there's something crawling up my leg.
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Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.
good hufferpuffer puffing up their titles

they are armed to guard against the MIGRANT children

these people are not migrants or can'T BE classed as needing Humanitarian statis. What's different in their country that hasn't always bee like it is.. an why isn't MEXICO offering them to stay there?

If they were in Crisis, why isn't their government doing anything to KEEP THEM SAFE? This whole thing stinks and is being coordinated between Obama, Mexico and Honduras.....I'm just shocked over the whole thing and yet, they can cross our border freely and that person you call a President has YET TO SEND help to stop the flow of people.....they are not performing their duties they took and oath to and damn should be impeached and the rest kicked from office

so the Obama won't do his duties then it's UP TO THE CITICENS OF THE COUNTRY
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And yet, not a single picture of a kid being shot by these people or raped.

Feel free to adopt as many of these kids as you want to. Feel free to house, clothe, educate and feed them with your money. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with citizens securing our border.

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.

And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.
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What the genius above doesn't see is that the border patrol has already had it's balls cut off by the OA.
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


what do you call men who burn babies out of the womb with caustic chemicals? Democrats
i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.


Dresden, you really have to wrap your head around the concept that I have had you on "ignore" for over a year, and never even see your posts unless someone quotes them. There really is a reason for that....


Glad to be of service but I don't think you're missing much.

Sorry Harry. I used to have hope for you but really, you've become just another RW shill.
There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.

And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

And that's on top of the local LE and the Natl Guard.

The BP does a good job. What oops Perry and other Rs are doing is tantamount to saying they're not. I just got an email from a NG friend who says there's a lot of resentment going on.

They'll be lucky if they manage to not shoot each other. And all this while the Fat at Repubs are taking a vacation, playing golf and pretending to do their job.
So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.

Is he down there, looking for kids to kill?

Am I?


Wanna try again?

I know what you said....

"which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid"

Gotta break a few eggs...ends justify the means and all that right?
And you're calling our military Vets little boys? You cant open your mouth with out insulting our armed forces.
Fucken Dumbass...

You're calling children an omelet.

Bet you get all teary eyed over abortion, right?

Real live children though?

Not so much.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
I can see what's coming, and it will be a teen shot by a little man with a big gun playing army, and he will be sent up the river where he belongs.

Thus making him an RW icon, a hero for all time - all because he shot a child.

A BROWN child.

Just like the murder of Trayvon Martin.


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