Armed teachers would mean fewer female teachers - That's why libs oppose it

The OP calling notorious conservative partisans on this site liberals may be the funniest thing I've seen on here. Now you all know what's it like to talk to you.

...And yes, the OP is absolutely bat shit.
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.

Just an observation. There are many poor posters on this site, SS may be the worst of the worst.
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.
2nd Amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Their is nothing in the 2nd Amendment that would even suggest that the teaching profession was intended to be some extension of a "well regulated militia" and therefore any requirement that someone in civilian life be forced to "keep and bear arms" against their will, is an "infringement" on THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
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Calm down. Do you think arming teachers is the right thing to do? How many school shooting deaths do we have per year?

Next figure out how many teachers we have, figure a percentage that would conceal carry, maybe use the female population as a whole as a guide. Then figure how many accidents we have with conceal carry.


I bet 99% of female teachers would refuse to carry a gun at school. Women just aren't into stuff like that. They want to talk not fight.

Is this part of your gay fantasy about becoming a teacher? Forget it, you're too stupid.
HAHAHA. Another PICTURE of a women with a gun. Like that proves they are capable. Most women can't shoot a powerful gun and don't even want to. They are gutless weaklings. Their answer to every problem is "call the police."

Well, you are the expert on being a gutless weakling, aren't you?
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.

And that gets you all 'excited,' doesn't it, Giovanni?
Calm down. Do you think arming teachers is the right thing to do? How many school shooting deaths do we have per year?

Next figure out how many teachers we have, figure a percentage that would conceal carry, maybe use the female population as a whole as a guide. Then figure how many accidents we have with conceal carry.


I bet 99% of female teachers would refuse to carry a gun at school. Women just aren't into stuff like that. They want to talk not fight.

Plenty of big muscular coachs out there who I'm sure would be happy to fulfill your desire to see their big gun in the boys locker room.
Dude you're a quack........
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.

I can't even trust teachers not to molest my children, I damned sure won't trust them to have guns around them.

Cops at school

any other idea is stupid partisan nonsense.
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.

Just an observation. There are many poor posters on this site, SS may be the worst of the worst.

HAHAHA. Thanks for admitting you have no arguments and so are reduced to childish name-calling. HAHA

I can't even trust teachers not to molest my children, I damned sure won't trust them to have guns around them.

Cops at school

any other idea is stupid partisan nonsense.

Cops? Do you have idea what it would cost to have a dozen cops at every school in america?THINK

If I could I would sage this thread into oblivion, but this isn't 4chan.

I can't even trust teachers not to molest my children, I damned sure won't trust them to have guns around them.

Cops at school

any other idea is stupid partisan nonsense.

Cops? Do you have idea what it would cost to have a dozen cops at every school in america?THINK

Why would every school need dozens of cops? One would suffice at most school. Most schools already have one.

As for cost, the only real cost would be taking one or two officers per town off the street during the day and putting them in the school. Their salary is already being paid.
Some skinny 110 pound girl cannot handle a powerful gun. Probably doesn't even want to. Women are scared of violence and prefer to let the cops handle everything. If we arm teachers we're gonna have to hire more young strong men and libs hate that idea.

Women are so soft and scared. They shriek and run around in a flurry.

Tell me, are you married? If that's your view of women, you should probably not tell you wife. She might surprise you.
If being a teacher means you have to be a caveman, no wonder the right wing will have us end up living in caves once again.
Cops? Do you have idea what it would cost to have a dozen cops at every school in america?THINK

Why would every school need dozens of cops? One would suffice at most school. Most schools already have one.

What century do you think this is? The one room schoolhouse is a thing of the past. No way a single cop could prevent mass shootings at a school with say 50 classes in session at a time. The armed teacher idea is the way to go but it will only work if nearly all teachers are armed and that means male teachers.
Women are so soft and scared. They shriek and run around in a flurry.

Tell me, are you married? If that's your view of women, you should probably not tell you wife. She might surprise you.

HAHA. Sounds like you're a henpecked husband married to an amazon who pushes you around and you think all marriages are like that. HAHAHA.

In my home - I'm the boss. And the little woman wouldn't have it any other way.
If this nonsense were true,

all it would mean is that with more women declining to go into teaching, it would simply exacerbate the teacher shortage,

and give teachers more leverage for higher pay and benefits.

lol, pony up big talkers.
Cops? Do you have idea what it would cost to have a dozen cops at every school in america?THINK

Why would every school need dozens of cops? One would suffice at most school. Most schools already have one.

What century do you think this is? The one room schoolhouse is a thing of the past. No way a single cop could prevent mass shootings at a school with say 50 classes in session at a time. The armed teacher idea is the way to go but it will only work if nearly all teachers are armed and that means male teachers.

You're an idiot. Go take your gay fantasies somewhere else.

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