Armed to defend your home and family? You might want to think again.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
So here is what happened. The Police receive a 911 call about a domestic disturbance. They go to the house across the street. They bang on the door. The lights are out inside. They bang twice more. The homeowner answers the door with a gun and is shot dead by police.

They were at the wrong house. The man was going to defend his home and family. Right?

You need to think before you get your guns. The cops don’t know you are a good guy. They just see the gun and kill you. This wasn’t the first good guy with a gun killed. And it won’t be the last.

So should the cops be charged with a crime? You decide. My own opinion is no. But I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.
So here is what happened. The Police receive a 911 call about a domestic disturbance. They go to the house across the street. They bang on the door. The lights are out inside. They bang twice more. The homeowner answers the door with a gun and is shot dead by police.

They were at the wrong house. The man was going to defend his home and family. Right?

You need to think before you get your guns. The cops don’t know you are a good guy. They just see the gun and kill you. This wasn’t the first good guy with a gun killed. And it won’t be the last.

So should the cops be charged with a crime? You decide. My own opinion is no. But I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.
In bright blue NM. Why am I not surprised? They never pulled the trigger eh? That seems to be the defense in that state. Kind of like Alec Baldwin?
The homeowner sounds like an idiot.
Did he not have a peep hole in the door or a window he could look through?
And if I were to open the door I sure as hell wouldnt have let them see the gun.
And you know they identified themselves when they were knocking on the door.
So here is what happened. The Police receive a 911 call about a domestic disturbance. They go to the house across the street. They bang on the door. The lights are out inside. They bang twice more. The homeowner answers the door with a gun and is shot dead by police.

They were at the wrong house. The man was going to defend his home and family. Right?

You need to think before you get your guns. The cops don’t know you are a good guy. They just see the gun and kill you. This wasn’t the first good guy with a gun killed. And it won’t be the last.

So should the cops be charged with a crime? You decide. My own opinion is no. But I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.
Proper safety training includes verifying who is outside your door before you open it. You should be able to check through a window or peephole and also verbally. If you see uniformed police, you put the gun down before you open the door.
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So here is what happened. The Police receive a 911 call about a domestic disturbance. They go to the house across the street. They bang on the door. The lights are out inside. They bang twice more. The homeowner answers the door with a gun and is shot dead by police.

They were at the wrong house. The man was going to defend his home and family. Right?

You need to think before you get your guns. The cops don’t know you are a good guy. They just see the gun and kill you. This wasn’t the first good guy with a gun killed. And it won’t be the last.

So should the cops be charged with a crime? You decide. My own opinion is no. But I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.
He had a right to carry his gun to the door.
And he probably knew his chances of survival were zero if he didn't bring his gun.

It wasn't the police's fault that he was standing his ground.

And like you always say, who gives a fk?
The homeowner sounds like an idiot.
Did he not have a peep hole in the door or a window he could look through?
And if I were to open the door I sure as hell wouldnt have let them see the gun.
And you know they identified themselves when they were knocking on the door.
Homeowners with Guns don't survive friends, police, and other visitors who knock on their doors.
Proper safety training includes verifying who is outside your door before your open it. You should be able to check through a window or peephole and also verbally. If you see uniformed police, you put the gun down before you open the door.
No! All Americans have the right to bear their arms and especially in their own homes. This dead guy was standing his ground!

No cowardly peepholes needed.
I've never answered my door with a gun in hand and have never opened the door before I knew who it was.

I've only answered with a gun in my hand one time.
Four mexicans were standing on my front porch and it turned out I was right to do so.
They wanted to come in a use my phone. Four of you? Was my first thought.
They claimed their car broke down and it was sitting in front with the hood up.
One of them became aggressive right up until I brought the sawed off shotgun from behind the door frame.
They fell all over themselves jumping into their supposedly broke down car and hauled ass....with the hood still up.
I don't lock my doors & never worry about it.
Anyone coming at here night better identify themselves quick & loud because I'm a light sleeper & they will be outgunned.
Those cops should be fired & face charges for such an egregiously violent reaction to innocent citizens on their own property
I've never answered my door with a gun in hand and have never opened the door before I knew who it was.
Had a car park in my driveway about 11:30 one night, and just sat there with the lights on. Grabbed my 38 and went to the door in my underwear. When I opene the door, they hit me with a spotlight and said over the speaker to come out and show my hands. Dropping the gun inside by the door, I complied. I stood there in 35 degree weather for what seemed like forever, but was probaably just a few minutes until they turned off the spotlight and drove away. Found out later that they had a warrant for somebody in the next block. They were at the wrong house.

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