Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Obama did the right thing by bringing this man home, by leaving no man behind. Bergdahl was not a 'charged' deserter, he had not had a chance to be charged or defend himself from a charge.... the only place to do that, was here in the USA.

I would expect Bergdalhl to be brought home and not left behind.
That's the "American" thing to do.

Do you trade 5 Taliban HIGH PROFILE terrorists for one man that his unit says left his post deliberately?

One American is worth a gazillion billion million of Taliban....

and hearsay from the guys on a post IS NOT something to go on to make your decision to leave an American soldier behind.

We have hearings and trials and charges, where both sides can be represented, that have to be gone through...hearsay from a few guys that never liked Bergdahl is MOST DEFINITELY not good enough of a reason to leave an American soldier behind....period!!!!!

Why wasn't Sgt. Tahmooress, held by a FRIENDLY government NOT persued the way Bergdahl was?
The circumstances were completely different. We FORCED via orders, Bergdahl to go overseas and serve in war.... no one from our government forced or gave orders for Tahmooress to go to Mexico where we are not at war, with his guns.

Either way, Tahmooress was being helped by our government. It took months, which felt like forever....but with Bergdahl it took years and years to get him released.

But you said NO SOLDIER left behind, a double standard for our men, and from what I have read from Tomooress's mother, the government did NOTHING, she had to hire a Mexican lawyer!

Of course they did nothing! Didn't fit politically with the runaway train regime. Does anyone really think that if the US really wanted that Marine back, it couldn't have been done in 1 day?
Do you trade 5 Taliban HIGH PROFILE terrorists for one man that his unit says left his post deliberately?

One American is worth a gazillion billion million of Taliban....

and hearsay from the guys on a post IS NOT something to go on to make your decision to leave an American soldier behind.

We have hearings and trials and charges, where both sides can be represented, that have to be gone through...hearsay from a few guys that never liked Bergdahl is MOST DEFINITELY not good enough of a reason to leave an American soldier behind....period!!!!!

Why wasn't Sgt. Tahmooress, held by a FRIENDLY government NOT persued the way Bergdahl was?
The circumstances were completely different. We FORCED via orders, Bergdahl to go overseas and serve in war.... no one from our government forced or gave orders for Tahmooress to go to Mexico where we are not at war, with his guns.

Either way, Tahmooress was being helped by our government. It took months, which felt like forever....but with Bergdahl it took years and years to get him released.

But you said NO SOLDIER left behind, a double standard for our men, and from what I have read from Tomooress's mother, the government did NOTHING, she had to hire a Mexican lawyer!
'left behind' is the clue...was Tahmooress LEFT there by his squadron? The answer is NO.

the GVT worked on it behind the scenes, our gvt, not his lawyer, is who actually got him released

Is that quote a way of you saying, that Bergdahl WAS left behind?

One American is worth a gazillion billion million of Taliban....

and hearsay from the guys on a post IS NOT something to go on to make your decision to leave an American soldier behind.

We have hearings and trials and charges, where both sides can be represented, that have to be gone through...hearsay from a few guys that never liked Bergdahl is MOST DEFINITELY not good enough of a reason to leave an American soldier behind....period!!!!!

Why wasn't Sgt. Tahmooress, held by a FRIENDLY government NOT persued the way Bergdahl was?
The circumstances were completely different. We FORCED via orders, Bergdahl to go overseas and serve in war.... no one from our government forced or gave orders for Tahmooress to go to Mexico where we are not at war, with his guns.

Either way, Tahmooress was being helped by our government. It took months, which felt like forever....but with Bergdahl it took years and years to get him released.

But you said NO SOLDIER left behind, a double standard for our men, and from what I have read from Tomooress's mother, the government did NOTHING, she had to hire a Mexican lawyer!
'left behind' is the clue...was Tahmooress LEFT there by his squadron? The answer is NO.

the GVT worked on it behind the scenes, our gvt, not his lawyer, is who actually got him released

Is that quote a way of you saying, that Bergdahl WAS left behind?
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
Whether Obama's move was "liked" or "not liked" doesn't really matter....what matters is that Obama did the RIGHT THING by bringing this American home....he was not charged with desertion at the time.... shoot, he was being given pay raises and promotions while he was a hostage.

But he is now being considered as a deserter!
Do we know that as a FACT yet? And what about all of the other things right wingers claimed about him, was he charged with being a traitor too, or charged with aiding and abetting the enemy as well...not hearing anything on those things?

AND if he is being charged with being a deserter, the only way to do that, was to have him brought home and given the fair chance to defend himself of the charges.... no way to do this, without him being brought home.

The President made the right decision....

I'm not going to change my mind on this...truly, I'm not. ;)
Why is the president holding back the outcome of the investigation as reported by the non biased UK press?

Bowe Bergdahl deserter investigation is complete - but verdict will not be determined until after November s elections Daily Mail Online
who says the president is ''holding back''? A tabloid? The guys he served with?

The ARMY DENIES such a's in your LINK.
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
yes he did leave on his own accord....this was actually the second or the third time that he left and wandered in to town without permission....only this last time, he was kidnapped by the Taliban....
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
yes he did leave on his own accord....this was actually the second or the third time that he left and wandered in to town without permission....only this last time, he was kidnapped by the Taliban....

No the last time he left, he had left a written letter behind explaining his desertion.
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
yes he did leave on his own accord....this was actually the second or the third time that he left and wandered in to town without permission....only this last time, he was kidnapped by the Taliban....

No the last time he left, he had left a written letter behind explaining his desertion.
I'm sorry, YOU are mistaken.... yes, I ''heard'' there was a note left behind on his bed by him too...yadahdahdah BUT,

There was no note left by him... And if there was a note left behind by him, then why did they pay him and give him promotions over the years he was held hostage?

Last communication with platoon
According to The New York Times, a former senior military officer briefed on the investigation into Bergdahl's disappearance said that on the night he went missing, Bergdahl left a note in his tent that said he was leaving to start a new life.[19] Fox News reported that the letter said that Bergdahl wanted to renounce his citizenship.[20] According to Senator Saxby Chambliss, the White House said there was no note during a meeting with Congress on the release of Bergdahl.[21]
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
yes he did leave on his own accord....this was actually the second or the third time that he left and wandered in to town without permission....only this last time, he was kidnapped by the Taliban....

No the last time he left, he had left a written letter behind explaining his desertion.
I'm sorry, YOU are mistaken.... yes, I ''heard'' there was a note left behind on his bed by him too...yadahdahdah BUT,

There was no note left by him... And if there was a note left behind by him, then why did they pay him and give him promotions over the years he was held hostage?

Last communication with platoon
According to The New York Times, a former senior military officer briefed on the investigation into Bergdahl's disappearance said that on the night he went missing, Bergdahl left a note in his tent that said he was leaving to start a new life.[19] Fox News reported that the letter said that Bergdahl wanted to renounce his citizenship.[20] According to Senator Saxby Chambliss, the White House said there was no note during a meeting with Congress on the release of Bergdahl.[21]

Same reason they traded 5 depraved animals for his sorry ass. AKA I have no idea.
Progressives are not allowed to admit they were wrong, and they certainly cannot say their Dear Leader made a mistake. Their programming doesn't permit it.

They will only double down on his master's actions. A rule of thumb with these progs is when they are proven wrong, just repeat the lie over and over. None of these progs will admit what a huge mistake it was.
Oh that race card, overused to the point of total ineffectiveness!

I doubt anyone clamoring to get that turd back knew the current facts. At that time is was just a missing man, and not a known deserter. He left of his own accord, and no resources should have been wasted to "rescue" him. Obama thought he was making a move, which would shine a positive light on himself. He was a bit mistaken.

Actually, the details of the circumstances of his disappearance were reported on in Rolling Stone in 2012 by Michael Hastings.

Bowe Bergdahl America s Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings Rolling Stone

The circumstances were known to the Right Wing. They just didn't care. This was another thing they could ding Obama on in an election year.

Until he actually got the guy freed. Then he went from being the poor prisoner of war that Obama was doing nothing to save to the worst traitor since Jane Fonda, Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot combined.

McCain other Republicans called for Obama to get Bergdahl s release then condemned it
But you said NO SOLDIER left behind, a double standard for our men, and from what I have read from Tomooress's mother, the government did NOTHING, she had to hire a Mexican lawyer!

Tomooress wasn't in Mexico as a soldier. He was in there as a gun-smuggling drunk.
You can bet the Hussein administration is going apeshit behind the scenes trying to stop it.
As CiC obbie can order them to drop it if he wants. There's some political risk but there's political fallout if it goes through, so they are probably debating it. Everything is political with these people.

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