Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

You can bet the Hussein administration is going apeshit behind the scenes trying to stop it.
As CiC obbie can order them to drop it if he wants. There's some political risk but there's political fallout if it goes through, so they are probably debating it. Everything is political with these people.

Debating it is putting it lightly. More like threats and/or bribes going down to shut this thing down.
I saw on Morning Joe a spokeman say that no charges have been filed.
But it is expected he will be charged with desertion but a charge carrying a lesser penalty.

So he will be charged with the good desertion charge not the bad one I guess.
Oh that race card, overused to the point of total ineffectiveness!

I doubt anyone clamoring to get that turd back knew the current facts. At that time is was just a missing man, and not a known deserter. He left of his own accord, and no resources should have been wasted to "rescue" him. Obama thought he was making a move, which would shine a positive light on himself. He was a bit mistaken.

Actually, the details of the circumstances of his disappearance were reported on in Rolling Stone in 2012 by Michael Hastings.

Bowe Bergdahl America s Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings Rolling Stone

The circumstances were known to the Right Wing. They just didn't care. This was another thing they could ding Obama on in an election year.

Until he actually got the guy freed. Then he went from being the poor prisoner of war that Obama was doing nothing to save to the worst traitor since Jane Fonda, Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot combined.
McCain other Republicans called for Obama to get Bergdahl s release then condemned it
I'm surprised anyone would take a Rolling Stone article seriously. But then JoeB actually believes the things he spouts. That's the scarier part.
Liberals are actually so fucking stupid that they actually believe Hussein Obama when he claimed he only learned about Benghazi through the news when joe public learned about it.

Holy shit.
I'm surprised anyone would take a Rolling Stone article seriously. But then JoeB actually believes the things he spouts. That's the scarier part.

Except no one has disputed the accuracy of Hastings story.

I think the real tragedy of Bergdahl is that in order to keep up numbers, the Army lowered the standards.

So you get them whitewashing the fact Nidal Hasan was obviously crazy, or not washing Bradley/Chelsea Manning out of boot camp despite his not knowing which gender he was. Or taking Bergdahl into the Army after he washed out of Coast Guard basic Training.

What you get from that article is that whole unit had collapsed in terms of discipline and order. That's probably why the army isn't in any big hurry to bring this guy up on charges. The guy who has been out there screaming about him the loudest himself was thrown out with an Other than Honorable Discharge.

Soldier Who Claims Bergdahl Deserted Received Other Than Honorable Discharge - LGF Pages
It does? Where? I only point out how TRAITOROUS you are by sympathizing with a DESERTER that MOST OF THE MEN in his unit say he is.... Are you calling those fine men LIARS?
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?

You mean something like .....

What is the crime "stupidly"? Is it as serious as "desertion"?

Why, now you need an equivalency, instead of a direct comparison?

One is a crime in which, in OUR country (apparently not yours) one is innocent until proven guilty. The other is just a statement of one's behavior which is not a crime. For example, it is totally ok, from the evidence here that you are posting stupidly. And yet that doesn't need to be proven in a court of just is. :D
Tell that to Zimmerman and Wilson.
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
Liberals love a traitor, but call an american sniper a coward.
Was anyone that he served with still serving there? Heck no....they had all completed their tours and gone home years before his release....

That doesn't mean he was left behind. He left his unit on his own accord, so as far as him being considered left behind, I will break out my tiny violin. If he had not deserted, barring him being killed in combat, he would have went home years before with them too. You can lead a horse to water..........
yes he did leave on his own accord....this was actually the second or the third time that he left and wandered in to town without permission....only this last time, he was kidnapped by the Taliban....

No the last time he left, he had left a written letter behind explaining his desertion.

which at this point makes it

sucks to be him --LOL
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
Liberals love a traitor, but call an american sniper a coward.

that is because leftardism is a mental disorder
You can bet the Hussein administration is going apeshit behind the scenes trying to stop it.
As CiC obbie can order them to drop it if he wants. There's some political risk but there's political fallout if it goes through, so they are probably debating it. Everything is political with these people.

Debating it is putting it lightly. More like threats and/or bribes going down to shut this thing down.
So you say. Got any evidence that that is happening?
Liberals love a traitor, but call an american sniper a coward.

Where did anyone express any "love" for Bergdahl here? We just pointed out that the reports the army was going to court-martial him were false.

I think he should get an other than honorable discharge and be done with him.
You have to understand them....if you want the rule of law to apply, you are supporting a traitor...a deserter..a communist...a whatever label they want to throw.
You can bet the Hussein administration is going apeshit behind the scenes trying to stop it.
As CiC obbie can order them to drop it if he wants. There's some political risk but there's political fallout if it goes through, so they are probably debating it. Everything is political with these people.

Debating it is putting it lightly. More like threats and/or bribes going down to shut this thing down.
So you say. Got any evidence that that is happening?
It's called deductive reasoning. Not exactly a liberal strong point.
obama put us in a position to need to capture enemy leaders in 2002?

Obviously he is not responsible for anything in 2002 because that was when he was a pot smoking "community organizer" or whatever.

However, he is responsible for the war starting in 2009 and that included a major escalation and six years of fighting the Taliban as part of a NATO operation.

He is a very weak Commander in Chief. The worse this country has ever had and that includes Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who held the previous title.

He makes bad deals and conducts an incompetent foreign policy. Anybody that voted for him to be the Commander in Chief is an idiot.
So you get them whitewashing the fact Nidal Hasan was obviously crazy, or not washing Bradley/Chelsea Manning out of boot camp despite his not knowing which gender he was. Or taking Bergdahl into the Army after he washed out of Coast Guard basic Training.
Joey, you were in the military. You don't need to prove the low standards of recruits.
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?

You mean something like .....

What is the crime "stupidly"? Is it as serious as "desertion"?

Why, now you need an equivalency, instead of a direct comparison?

One is a crime in which, in OUR country (apparently not yours) one is innocent until proven guilty. The other is just a statement of one's behavior which is not a crime. For example, it is totally ok, from the evidence here that you are posting stupidly. And yet that doesn't need to be proven in a court of just is. :D
Tell that to Zimmerman and Wilson.
Well, you are certainly free to show where at ANY TIME I called those men guilty of murder before any trial ended. Go ahead and pull up my comments saying so.
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
Liberals love a traitor, but call an american sniper a coward.
It seems you don't love our system of justice in the United States.

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