Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Obama did the right thing by bringing this man home, by leaving no man behind. Bergdahl was not a 'charged' deserter, he had not had a chance to be charged or defend himself from a charge.... the only place to do that, was here in the USA.

I would expect Bergdalhl to be brought home and not left behind.
That's the "American" thing to do.

Obama and his incompetent administration should have known he was a deserted because everybody else did. In fact it was reported in the media long before the exchange.

Obama being an affirmative action President is not all that competent in his job so it is not surprising he didn't do his homework on this. I suspect he knew that Bergdahl was a deserted but just didn't give a shit. After all he never served in the military so he didn't understand things like this.

With Bergdahl being a deserter the administration should have "left the man behind" because the man deserted his post and duty and the military was no longer responsible for him. He was a fracking Muslim for god's sake that decided he didn't want to be an American soldier or fight the Taliban any more.

Stop trying to justify Obama's incompetency. It makes you look like a partisan fool.
Obama did the right thing by bringing this man home, by leaving no man behind. Bergdahl was not a 'charged' deserter, he had not had a chance to be charged or defend himself from a charge.... the only place to do that, was here in the USA.

I would expect Bergdalhl to be brought home and not left behind.
That's the "American" thing to do.

Do you trade 5 Taliban HIGH PROFILE terrorists for one man that his unit says left his post deliberately?

One American is worth a gazillion billion million of Taliban....

and hearsay from the guys on a post IS NOT something to go on to make your decision to leave an American soldier behind.

We have hearings and trials and charges, where both sides can be represented, that have to be gone through...hearsay from a few guys that never liked Bergdahl is MOST DEFINITELY not good enough of a reason to leave an American soldier behind....period!!!!!

Why wasn't Sgt. Tahmooress, held by a FRIENDLY government NOT persued the way Bergdahl was?
The circumstances were completely different. We FORCED via orders, Bergdahl to go overseas and serve in war.... no one from our government forced or gave orders for Tahmooress to go to Mexico where we are not at war, with his guns.

Either way, Tahmooress was being helped by our government. It took months, which felt like forever....but with Bergdahl it took years and years to get him released.
No one "forced" the cock sucker to enlist you half-wit!
Obama did the right thing by bringing this man home, by leaving no man behind. Bergdahl was not a 'charged' deserter, he had not had a chance to be charged or defend himself from a charge.... the only place to do that, was here in the USA.

I would expect Bergdalhl to be brought home and not left behind.
That's the "American" thing to do.

Do you trade 5 Taliban HIGH PROFILE terrorists for one man that his unit says left his post deliberately?

One American is worth a gazillion billion million of Taliban....

and hearsay from the guys on a post IS NOT something to go on to make your decision to leave an American soldier behind.

We have hearings and trials and charges, where both sides can be represented, that have to be gone through...hearsay from a few guys that never liked Bergdahl is MOST DEFINITELY not good enough of a reason to leave an American soldier behind....period!!!!!

Why wasn't Sgt. Tahmooress, held by a FRIENDLY government NOT persued the way Bergdahl was?
The circumstances were completely different. We FORCED via orders, Bergdahl to go overseas and serve in war.... no one from our government forced or gave orders for Tahmooress to go to Mexico where we are not at war, with his guns.

Either way, Tahmooress was being helped by our government. It took months, which felt like forever....but with Bergdahl it took years and years to get him released.
No one "forced" the cock sucker to enlist you half-wit!
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
Progressives are not allowed to admit they were wrong, and they certainly cannot say their Dear Leader made a mistake. Their programming doesn't permit it.

They will only double down on his master's actions. A rule of thumb with these progs is when they are proven wrong, just repeat the lie over and over. None of these progs will admit what a huge mistake it was.

It is amazing to see the convoluted excuses these Moon Bats will dream up to justify the incompetency and corruption of Hussein Obama.

I think it is that they know they made a big mistake electing him but have to defend him lest they be outed for being idiots. They would rather be considered dumbasses for their lame excuses than admit they were wrong.
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
Liberals love a traitor, but call an american sniper a coward.
It seems you don't love our system of justice in the United States.
When a soldier walks off base and joins the enemy, he should be shot. He cost american lives and no telling what information he told the enemy.
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
Here's hoping BOBO makes the charges 'go away' and the cock-sucker walks free.
Any guesses on the cock-sucker's life expectancy?
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.
Here's hoping BOBO makes the charges 'go away' and the cock-sucker walks free.
Any guesses on the cock-sucker's life expectancy?

Since this story has exposed the incompetency of the Obama administration you can be assured that the filth in the White House will do everything possible to make the story go away, including let the cock-sucker walk.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.

Reagan was a competent Commander in Chief. Hussein Obama not so much so.
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.
They were happy to finally have a President they could negotiate with. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism by negotiating with Hezbollah via Iran. It was called Iran Contra and was responsible for creating the most corrupt administration in American history. The links to today's terror groups go all the way back to the Reagan administration.
Bergdahl is likely to be our next shooter , taking down a school or a Senator. He's useless to the military. Nobody will hire him.

Funny, the left admires this POS and condemned Chris Kyle.
Bergdahl is likely to be our next shooter , taking down a school or a Senator. He's useless to the military. Nobody will hire him.

Funny, the left admires this POS and condemned Chris Kyle.
If the cock-sucker walks I suggest he doesn't spend any money on printer ink making up resumes to send off. He ought to give the money to his wack-job father so the father can buy a nice casket for said cock-sucker.
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.
They were happy to finally have a President they could negotiate with. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism by negotiating with Hezbollah via Iran. It was called Iran Contra and was responsible for creating the most corrupt administration in American history. The links to today's terror groups go all the way back to the Reagan administration.
Thanks for the full retard view. No discussion is complete without hearing from the most disabled among us.
So terrorism did not exist prior to Reagan and Carter was just too tough to do business with.
Aw, ain't you cute!
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.
They were happy to finally have a President they could negotiate with. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism by negotiating with Hezbollah via Iran. It was called Iran Contra and was responsible for creating the most corrupt administration in American history. The links to today's terror groups go all the way back to the Reagan administration.
Thanks for the full retard view. No discussion is complete without hearing from the most disabled among us.
So terrorism did not exist prior to Reagan and Carter was just too tough to do business with.
Aw, ain't you cute!

Yes, according to (rewritten) Progressive world history, Islamists have never taken people hostage before and ransomed them before Reagan.
Why the hell do you libtards always have to divert a discussion from the original commentary?

You can't win with your ignorance so you obfuscate and divert. Truly sad.
You are correct. We have an all-volunteer military. But I guess we have one with no screening process either.
It's hard to screen for that. I saw a handful of guys let go in bootcamp and a few more that should have been. Bootcamp is good at weeding people out but I think his issue was a deep seated political/philosophical one. Getting his worthless hide home is one thing but men died looking for him and 5 of the worse guys were traded because obbie wants to shut down Gitmo.

How many terrorists did Reagan trade to get the Iranian hostages back? obama learned nothing from Carter's fuckups.
That there is funny. The Mullahs in Iran released the hostages ONE FUCKING DAY after Reagan was sworn into office.
Apparently the Mullahs were told they had one day or each of them would be swallowing a MOAB with one gulp.
They were happy to finally have a President they could negotiate with. Reagan helped give birth to modern day terrorism by negotiating with Hezbollah via Iran. It was called Iran Contra and was responsible for creating the most corrupt administration in American history. The links to today's terror groups go all the way back to the Reagan administration.
Thanks for the full retard view. No discussion is complete without hearing from the most disabled among us.
So terrorism did not exist prior to Reagan and Carter was just too tough to do business with.
Aw, ain't you cute!
I said modern day terrorism. Modern day terrorism is rooted in Hezbollah and al Qaeda, both of which owe their growth to the 80's and assistance from Reagan.

This guy wrote a book about it. He became a top expert on terrorism for the United States and tracked it through the 80's and 90's. He shows in detail from a military and intelligence standpoint how the failure of Reagan to respond to the flood of terrorist attacks during his administration led to continued and escalated attacks and how negotiating with them encouraged them to increase their attacks which led to continuous kidnappings, bombings, various attacks and eventually to the bombing of Pan Am 103, Lockerbie.

"Peacekeepers at War: BEIRUT 1983 The Marine Commander Tells His Story
How the lack of retribution led to further attacks on Americans"
Col. Timothy J Geraghty

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