Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Everyone take note which members are standing up for a deserter! :ahole-1:'s
why do you hate the troops?
Or even more accurately...why does Vigilante hate the Military Courts and the UCMJ?

Well...since he isn't a member of the court, or the jury he can say what he thinks about the situation....the guy walked from his post in a combat zone.......deserter......and from reports attempted to link up with the enemy in a combat zone......a traitor....
Everyone take note which members are standing up for a deserter! :ahole-1:'s
A deserter? Oh. He's been convicted then?

Is Obuma a liar...or do we need to go to court? :ahole-1:
Desertion is a crime, is it not? A very serious crime? Or are you afraid to answer?

He should be shot, as most traitors better be careful!
Sounds like a threat to me.....from a poster who doesn't believe in the rule of law....or the American standard of "innocent until proven guilty". You sound like YOU are the Communist here.

It does? Where? I only point out how TRAITOROUS you are by sympathizing with a DESERTER that MOST OF THE MEN in his unit say he is.... Are you calling those fine men LIARS?
A deserter? Oh. He's been convicted then?

Is Obuma a liar...or do we need to go to court? :ahole-1:
Desertion is a crime, is it not? A very serious crime? Or are you afraid to answer?

He should be shot, as most traitors better be careful!
Sounds like a threat to me.....from a poster who doesn't believe in the rule of law....or the American standard of "innocent until proven guilty". You sound like YOU are the Communist here.

It does? Where? I only point out how TRAITOROUS you are by sympathizing with a DESERTER that MOST OF THE MEN in his unit say he is.... Are you calling those fine men LIARS?
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?
Is Obuma a liar...or do we need to go to court? :ahole-1:
Desertion is a crime, is it not? A very serious crime? Or are you afraid to answer?

He should be shot, as most traitors better be careful!
Sounds like a threat to me.....from a poster who doesn't believe in the rule of law....or the American standard of "innocent until proven guilty". You sound like YOU are the Communist here.

It does? Where? I only point out how TRAITOROUS you are by sympathizing with a DESERTER that MOST OF THE MEN in his unit say he is.... Are you calling those fine men LIARS?
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?

You mean something like ..... I guess according to you, the Mess...iah is from the Old Soviet Union!!!

Here is an idea for the remaining mass murderers in Gitmo....obama wants to release them.....his moral compass is so broken there is no fixing it....soooooo...

We take them to Afghanistan...the whole bunch of them......drop them in the middle of a field.........releasing these monsters to their natural habitat......and as soon as our people are from each branch of the service....kills we don't have to worry about them killing anymore Americans, Afghanis or anyone else.....
Sounds like a threat to me.....from a poster who doesn't believe in the rule of law....or the American standard of "innocent until proven guilty". You sound like YOU are the Communist here.

It does? Where? I only point out how TRAITOROUS you are by sympathizing with a DESERTER that MOST OF THE MEN in his unit say he is.... Are you calling those fine men LIARS?
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?

You mean something like .....

What is the crime "stupidly"? Is it as serious as "desertion"?

Why, now you need an equivalency, instead of a direct comparison?

One is a crime in which, in OUR country (apparently not yours) one is innocent until proven guilty. The other is just a statement of one's behavior which is not a crime. For example, it is totally ok, from the evidence here that you are posting stupidly. And yet that doesn't need to be proven in a court of just is. :D
Interesting that you come from some country (not the United States of America) where people are presumed guilty of a serious crime not only before they are found guilty, but even before they are charged. Are you from the old Soviet Union?

You mean something like .....

What is the crime "stupidly"? Is it as serious as "desertion"?

Why, now you need an equivalency, instead of a direct comparison?

One is a crime in which, in OUR country (apparently not yours) one is innocent until proven guilty. The other is just a statement of one's behavior which is not a crime. For example, it is totally ok, from the evidence here that you are posting stupidly. And yet that doesn't need to be proven in a court of just is. :D

Too bad you haven't got the intellectual honesty to admit your wrong, as you constantly are!
My wrong what?

Oh...have you yet shown that Bergdahl has been convicted of desertion in a court martial yet?
Vigilante admits he is a communist, and Yurt does not get "just once more" so he can lie again.

This has been a very good day for the good guys.

Good night all.

Oh, send me notice if the bad guys attack Route Irish again. Courtesy Copy EconChick also.

And you admit that your a new line communist that agrees with the Manchurian muslim almost always! That's why you are the Manchurian Republican...Jackass!
Still trying to corrupt GOOD Republicans with your lies!

Show us where he admits to any such thing.

So...tell us more about your country's "guilty even before a trial" policy.
Vigilante admits he is a communist, and Yurt does not get "just once more" so he can lie again.

This has been a very good day for the good guys.

Good night all.

Oh, send me notice if the bad guys attack Route Irish again. Courtesy Copy EconChick also.

And you admit that your a new line communist that agrees with the Manchurian muslim almost always! That's why you are the Manchurian Republican...Jackass!
Still trying to corrupt GOOD Republicans with your lies!

Show us where he admits to any such thing.

So...tell us more about your country's "guilty even before a trial" policy.

Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
OK, boys and girls. Get back to the subject of the OP. The back and forth is cute but not allowed. Thank you!
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)
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Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)
I'm not recalling anything saying Bergdahl is in the brig. I wonder where Viggie gets his info.
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted - at least no more than any other soldier
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
your ignorance is showing again - it would not be the president who made that call.
Isn't that why he is incarcerated, on a strong suspension that he is a deserter? You should stay with munching carpets, as you suck at politics!
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
your ignorance is showing again - it would not be the president who made that call.

Oh....In White House terms, not charging Bergdahl means that he was indeed worth the trade for the Taliban Five. But charging him on any level means that releasing the five Taliban was an error of monstrous proportions, one the administration will never be able to explain away satisfactorily.

Is nervous Obama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage Fox News
what makes you think he's incarcerated? (if the answer is your incredible ignorance, just feel free to stay silent on the question)

Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
your ignorance is showing again - it would not be the president who made that call.

Oh....In White House terms, not charging Bergdahl means that he was indeed worth the trade for the Taliban Five. But charging him on any level means that releasing the five Taliban was an error of monstrous proportions, one the administration will never be able to explain away satisfactorily.

Is nervous Obama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage Fox News
Hooray, idle speculation and opinion
Is he free to go wherever he wants to?
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
your ignorance is showing again - it would not be the president who made that call.

Oh....In White House terms, not charging Bergdahl means that he was indeed worth the trade for the Taliban Five. But charging him on any level means that releasing the five Taliban was an error of monstrous proportions, one the administration will never be able to explain away satisfactorily.

Is nervous Obama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage Fox News
Hooray, idle speculation and opinion

Ain't it great!
so yes, the answer was it was your incredible ignorance that made you claim he was incarcerated.
he's not incarcerated. he is on active duty, working a desk job at ft. sam houston.
he is in no way restricted.

As John Kerry said " I misspoke!"....But should have known the ass of a president would let a guy being investigated for desertion, and being a traitor, to walk around free as a bird!
your ignorance is showing again - it would not be the president who made that call.

Oh....In White House terms, not charging Bergdahl means that he was indeed worth the trade for the Taliban Five. But charging him on any level means that releasing the five Taliban was an error of monstrous proportions, one the administration will never be able to explain away satisfactorily.

Is nervous Obama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage Fox News
Hooray, idle speculation and opinion

Ain't it great!
Useless would be my description of it

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