Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Only a Moon Bat that was so stupid as to vote for Obama would rationalize the trade of five Muslim terrorists leaders for a sorry ass deserter as being a "good trade".

Bush sent back hundreds of Muslims were were holding at Gitmo and got NOTHING in return for them.

The problem that you miss is- WE HAVE NO REASON TO HOLD THESE GUYS. They did not participate in terrorist actions against America. They were just leaders in Afghanistan we arrested. Legally, under the laws of war, we have to release them when hostilities end.

These five were Taliban leaders and were pretty bad characters and responsible for some pretty despicable operations against the Afghan people and our troops and allies.. We have spent the last 15 years and thousands of American lives fighting the sonofabitches. We have no peace treaty with them and can do whatever we want.

Obama, being a weak and incompetent leader does not know how to conduct foreign policy for the US.

Obama is notorious for cutting bad deals like we saw in Cuba.

There may be a day when we release prisoners but the time was not now to exchange these five high level Taliban leaders for a sorry ass Muslim deserter.

I have no idea what Obama's mission was in Afghanistan and I don't even think Obama has a clue. I personally think our only mission was to track down Bin Laden.

However, given the fact that we have been engaged in war then it should be conducted in a competent and aggressive manner. Obama is a pussy and really has no idea of what he is doing.

What crimes against the United States did these five guys specifically commit?

Conducted aggressive operations against the NATO troops in Afghanistan.

You can argue that we never should have troops there for 15 years (and I would be in agreement) but the fact that we have been at war gives us legitimacy to fight the war in a manner that includes capturing the enemy leaders.

Obama escalated the war and sent tens of thousands of troops. He is the one that put us in the position of having to capture enemy leaders.

He was weak and incompetent in releasing them for a deserter.

What crimes against the United States did these five guys specifically commit?

Conducted aggressive operations against the NATO troops in Afghanistan.

You can argue that we never should have troops there for 15 years (and I would be in agreement) but the fact that we have been at war gives us legitimacy to fight the war in a manner that includes capturing the enemy leaders.

Obama escalated the war and sent tens of thousands of troops. He is the one that put us in the position of having to capture enemy leaders.

He was weak and incompetent in releasing them for a deserter.
obama put us in a position to need to capture enemy leaders in 2002?
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.

why do you complain only about the right wing when NBC also reported it?
because it wasn't just inaccurate reporting - this thread is an example of inaccurate reporting of inaccurate reporting, by the right wing.'re again IGNORING the fact NBC reported the same thing....but all you whine about is right wing....hack
yep, nbc did some sloppy reporting.

but that doesn't change that what happened, in this thread, was exactly what i said happened.

a right-winger incapable of actually reading a news article misrepresented what was in it. the fact that what was in it was also incorrect is immaterial.
No, Yurt, since it was all explained above, now you are just repeating your lies, and so, no, you don't get "just once more." :)
These five were Taliban leaders and were pretty bad characters and responsible for some pretty despicable operations against the Afghan people and our troops and allies.. We have spent the last 15 years and thousands of American lives fighting the sonofabitches. We have no peace treaty with them and can do whatever we want.

Um, no, we actually can't.

We can't charge them with crimes against Americans, because they committed none. And we can't continue to hold them as Prisoners of War once we've declared hostilities at an end. this is actually pretty much black letter international law.

I have no idea what Obama's mission was in Afghanistan and I don't even think Obama has a clue. I personally think our only mission was to track down Bin Laden.

I'm critical of Obama's actions in Afghanistan. I think he was trying to look hawkish by saying that Afghanistan was the "War of NEcessity" while Iraq was the "War of Choice". Continuing the war in Afghanistan was pointless after Karzai stole the 2009 election.

Any political settlement in Afghanistan is going to require that the Taliban and the people who supported them be intergrated into the social order of the country.
Conducted aggressive operations against the NATO troops in Afghanistan.

That's not a crime. That's actually a protected action under the Geneva Conventions that all the NATO members have signed.

You can argue that we never should have troops there for 15 years (and I would be in agreement) but the fact that we have been at war gives us legitimacy to fight the war in a manner that includes capturing the enemy leaders.

I agree. But WHEN hostilities come to an end, those leaders have to be let go if you can't prove they committed any crime other than conduct warfare.
Everyone take note which members are standing up for a deserter! :ahole-1:'s
A deserter? Oh. He's been convicted then?

Is Obuma a liar...or do we need to go to court? :ahole-1:
Desertion is a crime, is it not? A very serious crime? Or are you afraid to answer?

He should be shot, as most traitors better be careful!
No, Yurt, since it was all explained above, now you are just repeating your lies, and so, no, you don't get "just once more." :)

oh, so you didn't reply to post and simply declared yourself the winner.


and you never did cite the lies jake, according to you, that means you lied. thanks for admitting that.
Everyone take note which members are standing up for a deserter! :ahole-1:'s
A deserter? Oh. He's been convicted then?

Is Obuma a liar...or do we need to go to court? :ahole-1:
Desertion is a crime, is it not? A very serious crime? Or are you afraid to answer?

He should be shot, as most traitors better be careful!
Sounds like a threat to me.....from a poster who doesn't believe in the rule of law....or the American standard of "innocent until proven guilty". You sound like YOU are the Communist here.

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