Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?.
No, I don't. What I see is a military publication in an official capsity hamstrung. I see two independent groups calling the story on leaks.
what official 'capsity' do you believe the army times has?
I know that an Article 32 comes first. In fact, I believe it may very well have been going on already. But what are the charges (the Articles) since the OP states that the Army is charging him?

No, he hasn't had an Article 32 hearing at this point and the charge is go hang upside down from a rafter someplace.
So...if there hasn't even been an Art. 32 can the OP claim that charges have been made?
You have to make the distinction between winners a loser. Al Qeada, the Taliban and Saddam were the great losers of the Bush wars. Bush is alive and most of the others are dead or in Gitmo or Florence ADX. It is Obama's JV varsity team which has the initiative, although Bush will be blamed regardless.
The booshies, as you put it, completely annihilated the both the Taliban and Al Queada. In the meantime, the obamies have given birth to ISIS, an even more radical and strategically placed network. Since Obama lacks the cajones, I hope the next president or Putin or Netanyahou takes them out.

Horse shit. The Taliban and AQ merely went underground to outwait the idiots and re-emerged later with new financing and personnel.

Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan, but, no, he had to have a non-essential war in Iraq, so withdrew the Spec Ops, chopper, and other units from Afghanistan for Iraq.

That's what the history books are teaching, and that won't change.

didn't seem to work when bush finally ordered more troops there and obama followed suit.

as usual, you're wrong and i continually prove it.
As usual, your are wrong. The surge and Obama's efforts merely drove them back, did not "win" anything.

Yurt is fun to watch spin in circles.

you said: Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan,

the surge had more troops in afghanistan then any time before. yet, obama could not destroy the taliban.

thus, your claim that it is bush's fault is absolutely false and 100% wrong.

as usual, i prove you wrong time and time again. i use facts, you use fairy tales.
As usual, you think repeating your lies will change something. Hint: it won't.

AQ is operational, the Taliban is dealing with Afghanistan government, Bush could have changed that outcome by committing to Afghanistan and ignoring a non-essential war in Iraq, and yet once again you support the reactionary far right.

what lies did i tell jake? be specific.

the surge included more troops and weaponry than bush had in the beginning. yet, you mysteriously claim, with ZERO evidence, that bush could have destroyed the taliban. nothing factual backs up your OPINION. sorry jake, but your opinion is not fact. and as usual, you offer zero evidence to support anything you say. you just merely proclaim what you say is right and then proclaim yourself a winner.

now, don't forget to cite the lies jake.
I know that an Article 32 comes first. In fact, I believe it may very well have been going on already. But what are the charges (the Articles) since the OP states that the Army is charging him?

No, he hasn't had an Article 32 hearing at this point and the charge is go hang upside down from a rafter someplace.
So...if there hasn't even been an Art. 32 can the OP claim that charges have been made?

because some guy got on the news and said his defense lawyers received charging papers. that was fox. then nbc reported that unnamed sources said the same thing, i think reuters reported it as well.
There is little support anywhere in Afghanistan or iraq for the Taliban, Saddam or
al Qeada. That has been opted by ISIS, or as Obama put it, the JV team.
You are well named, a true Yurt.

and everyone knows that jakin means lies, never backing up claims and trolls the board with his whining posts about he is always right and always also means fake republican
Any hater dupes heard of innocent until proven guilty? My take is he's a free spirit who didn't fit in the army, took a walk and got captured. Dumb, but not criminal.

I don't think the Moon Bats were saying that Tim McVeigh was "Innocent until proven guilty".

Several of Berghdahl's platoon members went on record saying that he had deserted.

Trying to give this shitbird the benefit of the doubt is only you trying to cover up for the incompetency of Hussein Obama.
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I know that an Article 32 comes first. In fact, I believe it may very well have been going on already. But what are the charges (the Articles) since the OP states that the Army is charging him?

No, he hasn't had an Article 32 hearing at this point and the charge is go hang upside down from a rafter someplace.
So...if there hasn't even been an Art. 32 can the OP claim that charges have been made?

because some guy got on the news and said his defense lawyers received charging papers. that was fox. then nbc reported that unnamed sources said the same thing, i think reuters reported it as well.
reuters reported nbc reported it.
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
]Are you saying Obama was uninformed about who Bergdahl was and what he did before he let 5 dangerous men released for a deserter?! There is either something wrong with Obama, you, or most likely both.

Maybe there is another option. Maybe Hussein just didn't give a shit. After all he hung out with his commie buddies in college and never had the courage to serve in the military so he doesn't know jackshit about things like this.
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.

Whatever, but no, I was referring to Bergdahl's desertion charge...
Any hater dupes heard of innocent until proven guilty? My take is he's a free spirit who didn't fit in the army, took a walk and got captured. Dumb, but not criminal.

I don't think you Moon Bats were saying that Tim McVeigh was "Innocent until proven guilty".

Several of Berghdahl's platoon members went on record saying that he had deserted.

Trying to give this shitbird the benefit of the doubt is only you trying to cover up for the incompetency of Hussein Obama.
I always do- but I'm sure Fox etc covered the whackjobs. Lot fewer on the Dem side, however. The TP is 80% hater nutters.
Meath 10631345
There is little support anywhere in Afghanistan or iraq for the Taliban, Saddam or al Qeada. That has been opted by ISIS, or as Obama put it, the JV team.

Saddam is dead. ISIS is not in Afghanistan. iSIS is not popular or supported in Iraq.

Why are you so confused?
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.

why do you complain only about the right wing when NBC also reported it?

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