Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Who do you think gave refuge and otherwise defended Al Qaeda?
They are not Al Qaeda. Too bad Boooshies blew an easy victory and let OBL get free by running off to Iraq that nothing to do with 9/11. Great job! AND wrecked the world economy. No wonder you love the greedy morons...
The booshies, as you put it, completely annihilated the both the Taliban and Al Queada. In the meantime, the obamies have given birth to ISIS, an even more radical and strategically placed network. Since Obama lacks the cajones, I hope the next president or Putin or Netanyahou takes them out.

Horse shit. The Taliban and AQ merely went underground to outwait the idiots and re-emerged later with new financing and personnel.

Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan, but, no, he had to have a non-essential war in Iraq, so withdrew the Spec Ops, chopper, and other units from Afghanistan for Iraq.

That's what the history books are teaching, and that won't change.

didn't seem to work when bush finally ordered more troops there and obama followed suit.

as usual, you're wrong and i continually prove it.
As usual, your are wrong. The surge and Obama's efforts merely drove them back, did not "win" anything.

Yurt is fun to watch spin in circles.

you said: Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan,

the surge had more troops in afghanistan then any time before. yet, obama could not destroy the taliban.

thus, your claim that it is bush's fault is absolutely false and 100% wrong.

as usual, i prove you wrong time and time again. i use facts, you use fairy tales.
The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?
The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?

nbc did as well....
You retards would be screaming at Obama if ISIS beheaded ]Bergdahl
The whole thing is sick. The troops that died looking for his worthless ass, the 5 terrorists the Ahole-in-Chief traded and his press conference PR campaign with his hippie parents.

You retards would be shitting your pants, crying & screaming at Obama for not saving Bergdahl if ISIS beheaded him on video.
The fuckup was signing up someone like Bergdahl to start with. Someone who washed out of Boot Camp for the Coast Guard.

and then the army kept promoting him in his absense.
Of course, of course. How stupid of me to even think that Obama made a bed call here.

Considering that we had no reason to really hold these five Taliban guys (they hadn't committed any crimes against Americans) and they were of no value, it was actually a good trade.

I should also point out that the right wing had been screaming FOR YEARS to do something to secure Bergdahl's release.

Until the Black Guy Did It.

Only a Moon Bat that was so stupid as to vote for Obama would rationalize the trade of five Muslim terrorists leaders for a sorry ass deserter as being a "good trade".

Obama has been the most corrupt and incompetent President this country ever had and this disaster of a deal is just one of many screws up he has made.

And according to you it would have been better to just leave him?

Permit me to jump to the front of the line to handle that question.

The lives of those soldiers who serve honorably are worth far more than that of deserter Bergdahl. In my humble opinion (many experts agree), the release of those dangerous high-level terrorists prisoners is likely to result in the deaths of more of these young men and women. Bergdahl wasn't worth it. No deserter is.

Here is my question: Suppose there was a magic button you could push which would send Bergdahl back to his captors, put the five dangerous terrorists back at Gitmo. and restore the lives which were lost searching for Bergdhal so these good men could be reunited with their comrades-in-arms, friends and family. I would push that button without hesitation and without regret. What would you do?

The prisoner exchange was not the only thing I found troubling. Incredibly, our Corpseman-In-Chief invited the deserter's parents to the White House for a celebration. Obama either didn't know (he's clueless) or didn't care (he's irresponsible) that his special treatment of Bergdhal would adversely impact the morale of the military.

This is the same president who sent three representatives to the parents of Michael Brown, a thug who committed strong-arm robbery and then assaulted a policeman and tried to take his gun before being killed when he advanced towards the officer after being told to stop and get on the ground. Obama failed to see what most others would have seen, that his administration's apparent support for Brown may have created the impression that officer Williams was a racist killer, thus fanning the fires of racism and causing innocent policemen to be killed in retaliation. Obama is clearly “Th-Th- Th- Th-Th ...That's all, folks” looney tunes.

Some people think that Bergdhal is entitled to back pay for all the years in captivity. I disagree. The law does provide for those who are captured by the enemy to receive continuation of pay, but Bergdahl broke his contract with the armed forces and quite his job; after all, isn't that what deserters do? Being subsequently captured by the enemy (and there is a question as to whether he was captured in the true sense of the word) does not reinstate that contract. Back pay? Can't see it.

I apologize for bringing up so much about Obama when the thread is about Bergdahl, but I am convinced that if anyone else was sitting in the oval office Bergdahl would have been tried for desertion and dishonorably discharged a long time ago.
The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?

nbc did as well....
Correct, and they claim they have their own anonymous sources. The need to be held accountable the same way FOX and everyone else does, including the OP of this thread. Could have been a thread about "probability" or "speculation". Thread title makes it appear like a done deal.
You retards would be screaming at Obama if ISIS beheaded ]Bergdahl
The whole thing is sick. The troops that died looking for his worthless ass, the 5 terrorists the Ahole-in-Chief traded and his press conference PR campaign with his hippie parents.

You retards would be shitting your pants, crying & screaming at Obama for not saving Bergdahl if ISIS beheaded him on video.
Wrong, you lying asshole. Any soldier that decides to leave and suck terrorist dick can get their head lopped off with my blessings. Try again Sheila.
The fuckup was signing up someone like Bergdahl to start with. Someone who washed out of Boot Camp for the Coast Guard.

and then the army kept promoting him in his absense.
Of course, of course. How stupid of me to even think that Obama made a bed call here.

Considering that we had no reason to really hold these five Taliban guys (they hadn't committed any crimes against Americans) and they were of no value, it was actually a good trade.

I should also point out that the right wing had been screaming FOR YEARS to do something to secure Bergdahl's release.

Until the Black Guy Did It.

Only a Moon Bat that was so stupid as to vote for Obama would rationalize the trade of five Muslim terrorists leaders for a sorry ass deserter as being a "good trade".

Obama has been the most corrupt and incompetent President this country ever had and this disaster of a deal is just one of many screws up he has made.

And according to you it would have been better to just leave him?

Permit me to jump to the front of the line to handle that question.

The lives of those soldiers who serve honorably are worth far more than that of deserter Bergdahl. In my humble opinion (many experts agree), the release of those dangerous high-level terrorists prisoners is likely to result in the deaths of more of these young men and women. Bergdahl wasn't worth it. No deserter is.

Here is my question: Suppose there was a magic button you could push which would send Bergdahl back to his captors, put the five dangerous terrorists back at Gitmo. and restore the lives which were lost searching for Bergdhal so these good men could be reunited with their comrades-in-arms, friends and family. I would push that button without hesitation and without regret. What would you do?

The prisoner exchange was not the only thing I found troubling. Incredibly, our Corpseman-In-Chief invited the deserter's parents to the White House for a celebration. Obama either didn't know (he's clueless) or didn't care (he's irresponsible) that his special treatment of Bergdhal would adversely impact the morale of the military.

This is the same president who sent three representatives to the parents of Michael Brown, a thug who committed strong-arm robbery and then assaulted a policeman and tried to take his gun before being killed when he advanced towards the officer after being told to stop and get on the ground. Obama failed to see what most others would have seen, that his administration's apparent support for Brown may have created the impression that officer Williams was a racist killer, thus fanning the fires of racism and causing innocent policemen to be killed in retaliation. Obama is clearly “Th-Th- Th- Th-Th ...That's all, folks” looney tunes.

Some people think that Bergdhal is entitled to back pay for all the years in captivity. I disagree. The law does provide for those who are captured by the enemy to receive continuation of pay, but Bergdahl broke his contract with the armed forces and quite his job; after all, isn't that what deserters do? Being subsequently captured by the enemy (and there is a question as to whether he was captured in the true sense of the word) does not reinstate that contract. Back pay? Can't see it.

I apologize for bringing up so much about Obama when the thread is about Bergdahl, but I am convinced that if anyone else was sitting in the oval office Bergdahl would have been tried for desertion and dishonorably discharged a long time ago.
Of course you believe a lot of hateful BS. Boooshies in power might have made him a hero as that was THEIR theme... THIS is based on facts and law, not incompetent chicken hawks' propaganda or a lynch mob.
The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?.
No, I don't. What I see is a military publication in an official capsity hamstrung. I see two independent groups calling the story on leaks.
The thread title was fraudulent to begin with. The link in the OP suggested a charge was coming, not that one had been issued. Now the Army Times is reporting even the suggestion is wrong.
Another ding bat heard from. Do you know the difference between a lead with sources and something like the ArmyTimes?
I do, but apparently you do not. FOX used a source that used an unnamed unidentified source. They based their story on the speculation of a guest on one of their commentary programs. The Army Times used named sources in the US Army familiar and connected to the investigative staff. See the difference?.
No, I don't. What I see is a military publication in an official capsity hamstrung. I see two independent groups calling the story on leaks.
wtf is a capsity?
  1. 1.
    the maximum amount that something can contain.
    "the capacity of the freezer is 1.1 cubic feet"
    synonyms: volume, cubic measure; More

  2. 2.
    the amount that something can produce.
    "the company aimed to double its electricity-generating capacity"
They are not Al Qaeda. Too bad Boooshies blew an easy victory and let OBL get free by running off to Iraq that nothing to do with 9/11. Great job! AND wrecked the world economy. No wonder you love the greedy morons...
The booshies, as you put it, completely annihilated the both the Taliban and Al Queada. In the meantime, the obamies have given birth to ISIS, an even more radical and strategically placed network. Since Obama lacks the cajones, I hope the next president or Putin or Netanyahou takes them out.

Horse shit. The Taliban and AQ merely went underground to outwait the idiots and re-emerged later with new financing and personnel.

Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan, but, no, he had to have a non-essential war in Iraq, so withdrew the Spec Ops, chopper, and other units from Afghanistan for Iraq.

That's what the history books are teaching, and that won't change.

didn't seem to work when bush finally ordered more troops there and obama followed suit.

as usual, you're wrong and i continually prove it.
As usual, your are wrong. The surge and Obama's efforts merely drove them back, did not "win" anything.

Yurt is fun to watch spin in circles.

you said: Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan,

the surge had more troops in afghanistan then any time before. yet, obama could not destroy the taliban.

thus, your claim that it is bush's fault is absolutely false and 100% wrong.

as usual, i prove you wrong time and time again. i use facts, you use fairy tales.
As usual, you think repeating your lies will change something. Hint: it won't.

AQ is operational, the Taliban is dealing with Afghanistan government, Bush could have changed that outcome by committing to Afghanistan and ignoring a non-essential war in Iraq, and yet once again you support the reactionary far right.
  1. 1.
    the maximum amount that something can contain.
    "the capacity of the freezer is 1.1 cubic feet"
    synonyms: volume, cubic measure; More

  2. 2.
    the amount that something can produce.
    "the company aimed to double its electricity-generating capacity"
oh, i know what a capacity is.
i still don't know what a capsity is.
Meath 10630823
The booshies, as you put it, completely annihilated the both the Taliban and Al Queada

Bush annihilated neither of those two.

The truth is Bush started out in Afghanistan pretty well as US Special Forces and the Northern Alliance drove the Taliban out of power. The terrorists that hit us on 9/11/01 were on the run. But Bush all but quit that war against terrorists where it battered in order to attack Iraq - where no Sunni radical extremist terrorist were tolerated by the Baathist regime. Once Afghanistan and lawless Pakistan were abandoned as Iraq was attacked in error the Taliban and Al Qaeada regrouped and the Taliban took back much of the territory they lost and developed a strong anti-government insurgency and developed a network of IED planters that took the lives of many Americans and Our allies in the effort.

Then in Iraq terrorists streamed in from outside havens to engage US troops and acquire their perceived glory of killing as many of the US soldiers they could that Bush sent there to find the WMD that was not there.
And the babbling from the far right continues, irresponsible yet irrepressible.

I hope Bergdahl is tried for desertion, but he is going to have to give the prosecution something to work with, and I don't see his defense attorneys allowing that if they can prevent it.

The Art 32b officer is in a tough spot, but I believe he or her and those helping him will uphold the highest standards of the service in coming to a recommendation.

Anyone who thinks Obama can influence the 32b recommendation knows nothing about the JAG, Article 32b investigations, and the good order and discipline of the service. Such a suggestion is absolutely irresponsible.

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