Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Any hater dupes heard of innocent until proven guilty? My take is he's a free spirit who didn't fit in the army, took a walk and got captured. Dumb, but not criminal.

I don't think the Moon Bats were saying that Tim McVeigh was "Innocent until proven guilty".

Several of Berghdahl's platoon members went on record saying that he had deserted.

Trying to give this shitbird the benefit of the doubt is only you trying to cover up for the incompetency of Hussein Obama.
Army says no decision made on Bergdahl

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Army denied that a decision had been made to bring desertion charges against Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who was released last year in a controversial prisoner swap after disappearing from his base in Afghanistan in 2009. Full Article
I always do- but I'm sure Fox etc covered the whackjobs. Lot fewer on the Dem side, however. The TP is 80% hater nutters.

The story of the charges was first released by NBC and then all the other networks pretty well picked it up. It was wide spread reported today all across the spectrum.

The reports of the charges were said to come from some very reliable sources within the Pentagon. I wouldn't be surprise if the Obama administration is lying about it. After all we know what a proven record they have of lying to the American people.

I love to see you Moon Bats bitch about Fox News.

You turdbrain Left Wingers have NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, Hollywood, almost every newspaper in the country and every nitwit commie college professor in the US and all you do is bitch about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.
OK, NBC and Fox jumped the gun.

Yurt educated us on how stupid he is about what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, but of course he does support the far right's lies.

Once again, we all will have to wait on the 32b officer.
I always do- but I'm sure Fox etc covered the whackjobs. Lot fewer on the Dem side, however. The TP is 80% hater nutters.

The story of the charges was first released by NBC and then all the other networks pretty well picked it up. It was wide spread reported today all across the spectrum.

The reports of the charges were said to come from some very reliable sources within the Pentagon. I wouldn't be surprise if the Obama administration is lying about it. After all we know what a proven record they have of lying to the American people.

I love to see you Moon Bats bitch about Fox News.

You turdbrain Left Wingers have NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, Hollywood, almost every newspaper in the country and every nitwit commie college professor in the US and all you do is bitch about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

You TP turds sure get worked up.
Only a Moon Bat that was so stupid as to vote for Obama would rationalize the trade of five Muslim terrorists leaders for a sorry ass deserter as being a "good trade".

Bush sent back hundreds of Muslims were were holding at Gitmo and got NOTHING in return for them.

The problem that you miss is- WE HAVE NO REASON TO HOLD THESE GUYS. They did not participate in terrorist actions against America. They were just leaders in Afghanistan we arrested. Legally, under the laws of war, we have to release them when hostilities end.
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.

why do you complain only about the right wing when NBC also reported it?
because it wasn't just inaccurate reporting - this thread is an example of inaccurate reporting of inaccurate reporting, by the right wing.
A question to all on here saying the op is lying. If the story is true, will you hold Obama countable?

For what? Deserter or not, Obama had an obligation to try to recover the guy.

Even if the guy WAS a deserter, getting him back has value. He provides valued intel on the Taliban having lived with them for four years.
Even if Bergdahl had done something unforgivable like approving torture or lying us into war, we still had a responsibility to get him back.
The fuckup was signing up someone like Bergdahl to start with. Someone who washed out of Boot Camp for the Coast Guard.

and then the army kept promoting him in his absense.

Showing your ignorance. His automatic promotions were due to regulations.

Regulations must have changed since I was in. When I was in, you didn't make E-5 until you completed PLDC and were recommended by a promotion board.

I could see him getting an advancement to E-4 for getting enough promotion points. E-5, not so much.
Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

I'm not reading seven pages of what is, probably shortly after page two, nothing but insults and name calling so let me ask...

Did anyone not see this coming?
what, another inaccurate thread from the right wing?

no, we all saw that one coming.

why do you complain only about the right wing when NBC also reported it?
because it wasn't just inaccurate reporting - this thread is an example of inaccurate reporting of inaccurate reporting, by the right wing.'re again IGNORING the fact NBC reported the same thing....but all you whine about is right wing....hack
A question to all on here saying the op is lying. If the story is true, will you hold Obama countable?

For what? Deserter or not, Obama had an obligation to try to recover the guy.

Even if the guy WAS a deserter, getting him back has value. He provides valued intel on the Taliban having lived with them for four years.

lmao...what intel would he provide? he was locked up for a good part of the time and stuck in a small village. do tell what he could tell us...
OK, NBC and Fox jumped the gun.

Yurt educated us on how stupid he is about what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, but of course he does support the far right's lies.

Once again, we all will have to wait on the 32b officer.

so you can't explain how i was wrong, and you of course (as i stated you do) provide no evidence and then proclaim yourself the winner. you're a joke jake.

and tell me, how is my first post in this thread saying, this is not true, supporting the far right lies?

don't worry, i won't hold my breath, you NEVER back up claims. i bet you never cited my lies i asked to you, i will go check and edit this post.

edit: yep, i was right, jake didn't cite my lies. you have nothing but lies jake. only far left wingers believe anything you say.
Horse shit. The Taliban and AQ merely went underground to outwait the idiots and re-emerged later with new financing and personnel.

Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan, but, no, he had to have a non-essential war in Iraq, so withdrew the Spec Ops, chopper, and other units from Afghanistan for Iraq.

That's what the history books are teaching, and that won't change.

didn't seem to work when bush finally ordered more troops there and obama followed suit.

as usual, you're wrong and i continually prove it.
As usual, your are wrong. The surge and Obama's efforts merely drove them back, did not "win" anything.

Yurt is fun to watch spin in circles.

you said: Bush could have destroyed the Taliban completely and changed Afghanistan,

the surge had more troops in afghanistan then any time before. yet, obama could not destroy the taliban.

thus, your claim that it is bush's fault is absolutely false and 100% wrong.

as usual, i prove you wrong time and time again. i use facts, you use fairy tales.
As usual, you think repeating your lies will change something. Hint: it won't.

AQ is operational, the Taliban is dealing with Afghanistan government, Bush could have changed that outcome by committing to Afghanistan and ignoring a non-essential war in Iraq, and yet once again you support the reactionary far right.

what lies did i tell jake? be specific.

the surge included more troops and weaponry than bush had in the beginning. yet, you mysteriously claim, with ZERO evidence, that bush could have destroyed the taliban. nothing factual backs up your OPINION. sorry jake, but your opinion is not fact. and as usual, you offer zero evidence to support anything you say. you just merely proclaim what you say is right and then proclaim yourself a winner.

now, don't forget to cite the lies jake.

as i thought.....jake ran away again and simply proclaimed himself the winner. i'm not surprised so many far lefties on here support him.
Yurt ran away again. I have already explained how he was wrong, which he could not refute, so, he, does not get "just once more."

Oh, Yurt, the plural of court martial is courts martial. You have trouble with that, and also with sergeants major.
Yurt ran away again. I have already explained how he was wrong, which he could not refute, so, he, does not get "just once more."

Oh, Yurt, the plural of court martial is courts martial. You have trouble with that, and also with sergeants major.

then surely you can show us where you addressed this post:

what lies did i tell jake? be specific.

the surge included more troops and weaponry than bush had in the beginning. yet, you mysteriously claim, with ZERO evidence, that bush could have destroyed the taliban. nothing factual backs up your OPINION. sorry jake, but your opinion is not fact. and as usual, you offer zero evidence to support anything you say. you just merely proclaim what you say is right and then proclaim yourself a winner.

now, don't forget to cite the lies jake.

oh wait, you haven't....but i'm still here trying to get you to address the post and somehow that means i ran away....:lol:

i have never had a problem with court martial jake, stop lying. and the sergeants major....we were BOTH correct, it can be spelled BOTH ways. but of course, even after that was shown to you by multiple posters, you still proclaim yourself the winner.

and you wonder why most of the board has no respect for you.

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