Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.

Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.

The bolded: damn, that is racist to the core.

yeah....thats Rabbi for you. A racist.
[Bergdahl's primary problem is not his conduct in captivity. His problem is walking off base and endangering, and even causing the deaths of his comrades at arms. That's obviously what you left out.

Except no one proved that he did that.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid for him to wander off base. Again, I would still like to know if his unit was using Go-No Go pills to keep alert. But I suspect the Army won't want to have that conversation.

Garwood was charged but not found guilty of desertion, and he joined the enemy, carried a weapon and roamed about freely. Intent and circumstances mean everything.

In the case of Garwood, there were other POW's who were able to testify to his actions. Nothing of the sort has happened with Bergdahl.

And even then, with a clearer case, the military was unable to convict Garwood of the more serious charges of Desertion.
They've used Bowe for their own purposes since day one. If, in some form or fashion, it's eventually revealed that Sgt Bergdahl acted heroically while in captivity, conservatives would shower him with praise as being a fine example of American resilience while also praising his parents for raising such a fine son. Then conservatives would probably claim that it was liberals who engaged in a disinformation campaign about who Sgt Bergdahl was and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance in order to undermine the war effort or some such nonsense. No doubt the draft dodger, Ted Nugent, would show up to have his picture taken with Sgt Bergdahl for the purposes of stating the importance of CCW laws just in case one of those Taliban 'fellers' ever crosses Obama's open borders in order to try to kidnap someone in your family on the way to church.

Have I left anything out?

Oh, yeah. Praise JESUS!
Bergdahl's primary problem is not his conduct in captivity. His problem is walking off base and endangering, and even causing the deaths of his comrades at arms. That's obviously what you left out.

You guys are so quick to judge virtually everyone when you don't know pretty much ANY of the facts about what actually happened and why.

What I see time and time again is this: One of you righties spouts a lot of conspiratorial nonsense with little, if anything, in the way of actual proof, and the next thing you know, ALL you righties jump on the bandwagon as if the consequences of being the last one at a lynching is some kind of indictment on the purity of your ideological commitment and fervor.

As a general rule, that's the behavior of excitable children or immature people who equate believing with knowing as if the two are exactly the same thing. They're not! Hell, one of the hallmarks of growing up is looking before leaping which is another way of saying thinking before acting so you don't make the kind of mistakes you come to regret or which put you in the unenviable position where you have to apologize to someone for assuming a rumor you heard was true without checking it out before going off on someone. But you guys don't seem to learn from the previous debacles in this area. You just jump from one assumption to the next as if getting it right every once in a while makes up for being wrong all the other times. It doesn't!
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You, V, are the Manchurian double agent of the far right and are failing desperately.

Ah, Rep Frog Boy II, glad to see you noticed what I post and it annoys you...and I didn't have to put a cartoon with it so you could understand.....or perhaps Howey explained it to you?

Reps are worth nothing but mean everything to you.

You continue to fail here.

Try a new approach.

But Rep Frog Boy II why do then participate in gathering as much Rep as you can, if it wasn't important to you? Damn, so easy and very stupid! Keep going, your entertaining with your double talk!
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