Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

I care enough to let all the facts come out before I start a witch hunt on a returning POW

And how can you know all the facts are out until Your New Messiah tells what you are to believe? But true, no need to rush. He can't do everything to suit the schedules of others. Well unless he gets direction from Mr. Soros.

I trust the Army to do a fair and thorough investigation

I do not trust Fox News
Here comes the investigation.

[ame=]Full Metal Jacket - Mickey Mouse song - YouTube[/ame]
I care enough to let all the facts come out before I start a witch hunt on a returning POW

And how can you know all the facts are out until Your New Messiah tells what you are to believe? But true, no need to rush. He can't do everything to suit the schedules of others. Well unless he gets direction from Mr. Soros.

I trust the Army to do a fair and thorough investigation

I do not trust Fox News

FOX News...

They Distort...and Deride!
Nope, you don't get an excuse, only a listing with the lowest of the low who spit on veterans and their families.
You don't give a rat's ass about Bergdahl or his family. You don't give a rat's ass about those who put their lives in danger or died looking for him. The only thing you care about is Obama's withering legacy.

No, it is not going to work coming from you or the other flunky. It is way too contrived...too fake.

I care enough to let all the facts come out before I start a witch hunt on a returning POW
Turns out the Bergdahl family are Rightwing Social Conservatives who home-schooled their children.
Dumb and Dumber. Excuse the rest of us for not slobbering over a deserter. Sorry, wrapping yourselves in the flag is not going to work here.

Yessir, the Taliban have conservative friends right here in the good ol' USA. I wonder what their first tip off was. I mean, was it the American evangelical religious movement's embrace of a fundamentalism when it comes to scripture? I'm referring to the whole literal interpretation of the Bible that rejects modernism and very often any scientific theory that challenges religious orthodoxy. After all, that's the way the Taliban views science and modernism vis-a-vis their own religious faith too. Or was it the American conservative movement's shared values that women should embrace the traditional roles for women in society instead of education and working outside the home?

Well, maybe that doesn't matter at this point.

Once the Taliban caught wind of just how much American conservatives hated their own gov't (much like the Taliban hates the gov't in Afghanistan), they probably saw an opportunity to divide and conquer. My guess is that some of the leaders of the Taliban thought that American conservatives would NEVER side with them against the American gov't in any dispute involving an American POW. But those doubters were proven wrong when American conservatives took the Taliban's word regarding anything they said about Sgt Bergdahl, AND American conservatives also actually railed against President Obama when he repatriated an American soldier. How ironic that is considering that the Taliban celebrated the return of their own countrymen even though they weren't actually sent back to Afghanistan.

But once the Taliban saw American conservatives rail against one of their own citizens who the Taliban had tortured and held prisoner for five years as well as the fact that American conservatives denounced their own president, then the Taliban knew they had friends here in this country. Well, maybe not friends in the truest sense of the word. But they had allies who shared some of the same goals. While it's true that the motives were different, that doesn't change the fact that some of the goals were the same.

One of those goals was undermining the American gov't. That's why the Taliban didn't miss the opportunity to release further statements about Sgt Bergdahl after he was released once they saw the reaction of American conservatives. So, the Taliban further called Sgt Bergdahl's patriotism into question. And what happened? American conservatives didn't miss a beat. As if Pavlov had rung a bell, American conservatives started salivating at the chance to go on the offensive against their own countrymen; they jumped right on Sgt Bergdahl and denounced him while also denouncing President Obama who's the commander-in-chief of the military fighting in Afghanistan. The North Vietnamese could never have attained anything of this magnitude just by getting a naive young actress like Jane Fonda to let her picture be taken while sitting on an NVA anti-aircraft gun. No, the Taliban have 10s of 1,000s of American conservatives trying to undermine the American gov't even as the Taliban is feeding them propaganda which they take at face value. These American conservatives are elected representatives of the Republican Party. They're also highly visible members of the national media, reaching millions of listeners and viewers. And they're also spread out ALL across America on the Internet, posting on forums and blogs. But that Internet reaches ALL around the world, and the Taliban is watching...and listening.

The conclusion, I'm sorry to say, is very clear. American conservatives, due to their self-serving motives to regain power, have now abandoned any semblance or pretext of patriotism to the nation as a whole. They are now, first and foremost, a pro conservative movement which is dedicated to undermining the US Gov't. Let's be clear here. I'm not talking about just being against policies they don't agree with. No, they are now essentially an anti E pluribus unum movement, and therefore an anti-American one, that has no qualms about taking the word of the Taliban in the conservative effort to undermine their own gov't if and when they believe it serves conservative interests to retake power. That's true even at the expense of the national interest. After all, it used to be said that politics stopped at the water's edge. That's obviously not true anymore as far as conservatives are concerned. For the Taliban, that makes American conservatives fifth columnists.

Tonto has gone off the reservation..........................


That all ya got?
It is particularly and specifically offensive to those of us who have knowledge that it is an accurate depiction of what occurred to some POW's in previous wars. The suffering and nightmarish memories of our veterans and there families are fre2ely used as jokes to the lowest moral character representatives of our society.
Dumb and Dumber. Excuse the rest of us for not slobbering over a deserter. Sorry, wrapping yourselves in the flag is not going to work here.

Nope, you don't get an excuse, only a listing with the lowest of the low who spit on veterans and their families.

The Bergdahl's are actually getting death threats, as well.
Dumb and Dumber. Excuse the rest of us for not slobbering over a deserter. Sorry, wrapping yourselves in the flag is not going to work here.

Nope, you don't get an excuse, only a listing with the lowest of the low who spit on veterans and their families.

The Bergdahl's are actually getting death threats, as well.

Perhaps if he didn't thank Allah, praise his sons Captors, in their language, and that SMUG HUG from the Manchurian muslim at the end of his surrender speech, many American's wouldn't view him as a piece of trash. Yes, we've heard the bullshit that he wanted to be able to converse with the terrorists, etc., etc. Many of us, who were veterans, and most who had served in that shithole, Afghanistan, perhaps losing a loved one, or having a relation come back disfigured for life, thought that it was a "LITTLE OVERBOARD" with the BOWING to the SUPERIOR MUSLIM cult....especially when they got 5 of the worst terrorists sent back to them, for this soldier, that by all indications (fuck what the brass lies about, UNDER ORDERS) was a deserter, at best, and a collaborator, at worst!

Karma's a bitch, and that piece of shit that everyone calls the CIC has absolutely no fucking idea of his unforeseen circumstances!

Nope, you don't get an excuse, only a listing with the lowest of the low who spit on veterans and their families.

The Bergdahl's are actually getting death threats, as well.

Perhaps if he didn't thank Allah, praise his sons Captors, in their language, and that SMUG HUG from the Manchurian muslim at the end of his surrender speech, many American's wouldn't view him as a piece of trash. Yes, we've heard the bullshit that he wanted to be able to converse with the terrorists, etc., etc. Many of us, who were veterans, and most who had served in that shithole, Afghanistan, perhaps losing a loved one, or having a relation come back disfigured for life, thought that it was a "LITTLE OVERBOARD" with the BOWING to the SUPERIOR MUSLIM cult....especially when they got 5 of the worst terrorists sent back to them, for this soldier, that by all indications (fuck what the brass lies about, UNDER ORDERS) was a deserter, at best, and a collaborator, at worst!

Karma's a bitch, and that piece of shit that everyone calls the CIC has absolutely no fucking idea of his unforeseen circumstances!


^^^ The ignorant, hateful, fact-free un-American Rightwinger on display, ladies and gentlemen! Give him a big hand! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
You don't give a rat's ass about Bergdahl or his family. You don't give a rat's ass about those who put their lives in danger or died looking for him. The only thing you care about is Obama's withering legacy.

No, it is not going to work coming from you or the other flunky. It is way too contrived...too fake.

I care enough to let all the facts come out before I start a witch hunt on a returning POW
Turns out the Bergdahl family are Rightwing Social Conservatives who home-schooled their children.
That explains Bob's sympathy for the Taliban prisoners in Gitmo.

Oh, wait -- no, that's a leftist trait, isn't it? Why yes. Yes it is.
The Bergdahl's are actually getting death threats, as well.

Perhaps if he didn't thank Allah, praise his sons Captors, in their language, and that SMUG HUG from the Manchurian muslim at the end of his surrender speech, many American's wouldn't view him as a piece of trash. Yes, we've heard the bullshit that he wanted to be able to converse with the terrorists, etc., etc. Many of us, who were veterans, and most who had served in that shithole, Afghanistan, perhaps losing a loved one, or having a relation come back disfigured for life, thought that it was a "LITTLE OVERBOARD" with the BOWING to the SUPERIOR MUSLIM cult....especially when they got 5 of the worst terrorists sent back to them, for this soldier, that by all indications (fuck what the brass lies about, UNDER ORDERS) was a deserter, at best, and a collaborator, at worst!

Karma's a bitch, and that piece of shit that everyone calls the CIC has absolutely no fucking idea of his unforeseen circumstances!


^^^ The ignorant, hateful, fact-free un-American Rightwinger on display, ladies and gentlemen! Give him a big hand! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I see you must be drinking STERNO tonight to get up your courage!...Why not have a nice cigar to go with it?

But to bitch slap you around a little, as you are actually the easiest subversive here to put down.... perhaps in your aromatic stupor you'll read this... but I take liberties thinking that you can read at all in your ever present condition!

Will Obama Be Tried For Murder When The Gitmo 5 Muslim Terrorists Kill Again? - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins
Perhaps if he didn't thank Allah, praise his sons Captors, in their language, and that SMUG HUG from the Manchurian muslim at the end of his surrender speech, many American's wouldn't view him as a piece of trash. Yes, we've heard the bullshit that he wanted to be able to converse with the terrorists, etc., etc. Many of us, who were veterans, and most who had served in that shithole, Afghanistan, perhaps losing a loved one, or having a relation come back disfigured for life, thought that it was a "LITTLE OVERBOARD" with the BOWING to the SUPERIOR MUSLIM cult....especially when they got 5 of the worst terrorists sent back to them, for this soldier, that by all indications (fuck what the brass lies about, UNDER ORDERS) was a deserter, at best, and a collaborator, at worst!

Karma's a bitch, and that piece of shit that everyone calls the CIC has absolutely no fucking idea of his unforeseen circumstances!


^^^ The ignorant, hateful, fact-free un-American Rightwinger on display, ladies and gentlemen! Give him a big hand! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I see you must be drinking STERNO tonight to get up your courage!...Why not have a nice cigar to go with it?

But to bitch slap you around a little, as you are actually the easiest subversive here to put down.... perhaps in your aromatic stupor you'll read this... but I take liberties thinking that you can read at all in your ever present condition!

Will Obama Be Tried For Murder When The Gitmo 5 Muslim Terrorists Kill Again? - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins

Some blogger from the fringe? :lol:

Should Bush be tried for murder for releasing ISIS commander Baghdadi?

He IS killing his way across Iraq right now. It's not some dumbass "what if".
^^^ The ignorant, hateful, fact-free un-American Rightwinger on display, ladies and gentlemen! Give him a big hand! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I see you must be drinking STERNO tonight to get up your courage!...Why not have a nice cigar to go with it?

But to bitch slap you around a little, as you are actually the easiest subversive here to put down.... perhaps in your aromatic stupor you'll read this... but I take liberties thinking that you can read at all in your ever present condition!

Will Obama Be Tried For Murder When The Gitmo 5 Muslim Terrorists Kill Again? - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins

Some blogger from the fringe? :lol:

Should Bush be tried for murder for releasing ISIS commander Baghdadi?

He IS killing his way across Iraq right now. It's not some dumbass "what if".

If there are circumstances where anyone released by Bush has gone back to the battlefield, and was recognized, as these 5 terrorist were, as being TOP LEADERS in the Taliban movement, and still let go, I believe then you would have cause, especially if Americans were killed by such a released prisoner, and that could be proved.
I care enough to let all the facts come out before I start a witch hunt on a returning POW
Turns out the Bergdahl family are Rightwing Social Conservatives who home-schooled their children.
That explains Bob's sympathy for the Taliban prisoners in Gitmo.

Oh, wait -- no, that's a leftist trait, isn't it? Why yes. Yes it is.

Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.
Turns out the Bergdahl family are Rightwing Social Conservatives who home-schooled their children.
That explains Bob's sympathy for the Taliban prisoners in Gitmo.

Oh, wait -- no, that's a leftist trait, isn't it? Why yes. Yes it is.

Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.

Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.
That explains Bob's sympathy for the Taliban prisoners in Gitmo.

Oh, wait -- no, that's a leftist trait, isn't it? Why yes. Yes it is.

Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.

Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.

Uh, really?

Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter

“Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,” Governor Palin said. “The capture of Private Bergdahl and the bombings in Jakarta prove that we have not defeated terrorism, and that radical extremists will stop at nothing to attack Westerners and our ideals.” Sarah Palin July, 2009

“Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.” Allen West December, 2013

“The mission to bring our missing soldiers home is one that will never end. It’s important that we make every effort to bring this captured soldier home to his family.” Sen. James Inohofe, June, 2013

“My prayers are with the family of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier seen on the Taliban abduction video released this weekend. The Jawa Report has the full clip. All Americans should hope and pray for his release from jihadi custody.” Michelle "Mail Order Bride from Hell" Malkin - July, 2009

There's more but you get the idea. They liked Bowe just fine when he was just another problem Obama hadn't solved.

The minute they got him out, though, man he was the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.
Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.

Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.

Uh, really?

Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter

“Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,” Governor Palin said. “The capture of Private Bergdahl and the bombings in Jakarta prove that we have not defeated terrorism, and that radical extremists will stop at nothing to attack Westerners and our ideals.” Sarah Palin July, 2009

“Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.” Allen West December, 2013

“The mission to bring our missing soldiers home is one that will never end. It’s important that we make every effort to bring this captured soldier home to his family.” Sen. James Inohofe, June, 2013

“My prayers are with the family of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier seen on the Taliban abduction video released this weekend. The Jawa Report has the full clip. All Americans should hope and pray for his release from jihadi custody.” Michelle "Mail Order Bride from Hell" Malkin - July, 2009

There's more but you get the idea. They liked Bowe just fine when he was just another problem Obama hadn't solved.

The minute they got him out, though, man he was the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.

Is it possible for someone who is paying attention to NOT know this? The fact that GOP faithful had been pressuring Obama to get that kid home is common knowledge. The Rabbi simply had to know this.

And [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].....what does HNIC mean?
Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.

Uh, really?

Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter

“Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,” Governor Palin said. “The capture of Private Bergdahl and the bombings in Jakarta prove that we have not defeated terrorism, and that radical extremists will stop at nothing to attack Westerners and our ideals.” Sarah Palin July, 2009

“Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.” Allen West December, 2013

“The mission to bring our missing soldiers home is one that will never end. It’s important that we make every effort to bring this captured soldier home to his family.” Sen. James Inohofe, June, 2013

“My prayers are with the family of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier seen on the Taliban abduction video released this weekend. The Jawa Report has the full clip. All Americans should hope and pray for his release from jihadi custody.” Michelle "Mail Order Bride from Hell" Malkin - July, 2009

There's more but you get the idea. They liked Bowe just fine when he was just another problem Obama hadn't solved.

The minute they got him out, though, man he was the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold.

Is it possible for someone who is paying attention to NOT know this? The fact that GOP faithful had been pressuring Obama to get that kid home is common knowledge. The Rabbi simply had to know this.

And [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].....what does HNIC mean?

Of course the Right knows that high placed Righties said this stuff, but now they all have: amnesia.
That explains Bob's sympathy for the Taliban prisoners in Gitmo.

Oh, wait -- no, that's a leftist trait, isn't it? Why yes. Yes it is.

Oh, Dave, you wingnuts were hugging Bob and his family until The BLack Guy got their kid out.

Then it was amazing how fast you all turned on them.

Link? No one was supporting Bergdahl, you clueless moron. You had never heard of him until the HNIC tried to use him to bolster his failing political fortunes.

The bolded: damn, that is racist to the core.

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