Army Reservist Arrested For Capitol Riot Known As nazi Sympathizer: Prosecutors

Trump must have triggered the guy.


There are Russians in the military also. I know because when I was in we literally had a guy in from Russia. He was a cool dude and I played guitar with him a few times. Not to mention many Mexicans and Philippinos. Had some South Africans. For the most part the military is made up of people that care about the US and swear to defend the Constitution, Foreign and Domestic.

The military has really let me down recently not protecting the Constitution in the rigging of the election. And in reality mostly everyone in DC are traitors and criminals.

There are always a few rotten apples, good that this one flushed himself out.


Seeking the continued detention of Hale-Cusanelli, prosecutors cite interviews Naval Criminal Investigation Service agents conducted with 44 of his co-workers at the Naval Weapons Station Earle in Colts Neck, New Jersey, where he works as a contractor.

Thirty-four of those interviewed described Hale-Cusanelli as "having extremist or radical views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities and women," according to court documents filed Friday. A majority acknowledged he was a white supremacist and gave examples, "many of which were violent," prosecutors said.

One Navy seaman said he heard Hale-Cusanelli allegedly say, "Babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead," and that if he were a Nazi "he would kill all the Jews and eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and he wouldn't need to season them because the salt from their tears would make it flavorful enough," according to the documents.

An officer said Hale-Cusanelli "talked constantly" about Jewish people, allegedly saying, "Hitler should have finished the job." Another officer said Hale-Cusanelli allegedly referred to Black people as "s*** skinned minorities," according to the documents.

Several of those interviewed recalled that Hale-Cusanelli shaved his facial hair into a "Hitler mustache,” with a supervisor saying she had to "correct" him for sporting it to work, according to the documents.


A source told investigators that Hale-Cusanelli's "white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer ideology" is behind an alleged "desire for a Civil War," court documents stated.

In arguing for detention, prosecutors said there is a serious risk that, if released, Hale-Cusanelli will "threaten, injure, or intimidate, or attempt to threaten, injure, or intimidate, a prospective witness," and that his alleged desire for a civil war "makes him a danger to the community."

Prosecutors also expressed concerns that Hale-Cusanelli would obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice, noting that he deleted his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts and deleted videos of a show he hosted on YouTube prior to his arrest.

Hale-Cusanelli's attorney, Jonathan Zucker, had previously argued to place his client on conditional release pending trial, noting that he has no criminal convictions and that his charges are for non-violent offenses.

In a motion filed earlier this month, Zucker said that prosecutors are "inaccurately stating that he is an 'avowed white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer,'" and that there is no evidence he is a member of "any white supremacist organizations."

Hale-Cusanelli's arraignment and bond review hearing is currently scheduled for March 23.

ABC News has reached out to his lawyer for comment.

There are Russians in the military also. I know because when I was in we literally had a guy in from Russia. He was a cool dude and I played guitar with him a few times. Not to mention many Mexicans and Philippinos. Had some South Africans. For the most part the military is made up of people that care about the US and swear to defend the Constitution, Foreign and Domestic.

The military has really let me down recently not protecting the Constitution in the rigging of the election. And in reality mostly everyone in DC are traitors and criminals.

Maybe the military can read the Constitution.
So what ?

Being a nazi sympathizer is not good but it is not the worst thing either. In fact calling one a SYMPATHIZER is a little vague and subjective.

On the other hand it was only a few years ago that a die hatrd and avowed communist made it all the way through West Point and was commissioned.


Communism is absolutelhy and indisputably FAR more evil an ideology than naziism and commubnist openly call and fight for the overthrow of our government. In the case of CHAZ they briefly succeeded in doing so in more than one US city.

How exactly was this Army reservist a nazi sympatyhizer? Did he cast a vote for a member of the nazi party? Did he push the like button on a few videos made by nazis on you tube? Did he attend some sort of rally?

Sounds like some fear mongering from the left who ignorer the greater problem.

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