Army Veteran Killed By Palestinian Attacker in Israel

Calling Israel an apartheid state doesn't make it so, dipshit.

Only Islamic assholes refer to Israel as an "the Zionist entity".

Actually Joehammad, Jews are leaving Europe because of enemy within Muslims Neanderthals like you.

Sorry, dude, I'm an atheist. I have no use for anyone who believes an imaginary sky pixie gives them the right to act like an asshole.
Right. A Muslim born "atheist" non the less. You know what they do to declared atheists in Muslim shitholes like the one where you come from, Joehammad?
Calling Israel an apartheid state doesn't make it so, dipshit.

Only Islamic assholes refer to Israel as an "the Zionist entity".

Actually Joehammad, Jews are leaving Europe because of enemy within Muslims Neanderthals like you.

Sorry, dude, I'm an atheist. I have no use for anyone who believes an imaginary sky pixie gives them the right to act like an asshole.

So why do you defend and support the islamonazis who do everything because their sky pixie allegedly gave them the right. The typical retort of the looney left when backed into a corner and they need to deflect away from their inaccuracies. Guess joe blob has to wait for the paint to dry now.
Say, folks, has anyone ever seen Mr. Rodent mention any of the rapes his Muslim friends are committing all over Europe. I know I haven't so maybe he gives his Muslim friends a pass when they are the rapists.

I don't have to, you all do it for me:

Now when the talk was about Gaddafi, I don't believe that Mr. Rodent ever said a word about him. Was it because Ghaddafi was a Muslim and not a Jew?

Colonel Gaddafi 'Kidnapped and Raped Hundreds of Girls and Boys'

See what I mean? :)
Joe, regardless of people being religious or not, there has been much slaughtering of people on both sides. I believe those who were involved in "The Killing Fields" of Cambodia were atheists. Mao had no problem killing all those people in China even though he was an atheist. As I once told my Muslim neighbor, I don't care what religion someone is as long as they are not out to kill me. If someone wants to worship the man in the moon, that is their prerogative.

If the following is possibly true (and the DNA of chimps is close to humans), perhaps Joe should tell them to stop this particular practice. Too bad Cheetah has passed on or else Joe would have the opportunity to discuss this with him.

I think you miss the point. Yes, humans have a pretty shitty record of treating each other in general.

But I guess I see fighting over land and resources as a bit more understandable than fighting over what an imaginary fairy in the sky wants.

The thing was, the PLO used to be pretty secular. They were a national liberation movement working against colonialism - and yes, Zionism started as a colonial movement.

Then the Mossad thought it would be brilliant to encourage the Islamic radicals like Hamas as a foil to the secularists in Fatah. About the same time Ronnie Ray-gun decided that arming Jihadists was a great idea because those dirty stinkin' commies might teach girls how to read in Afghanistan.

That's why I find it funny when peices of shit like Jew-Roids and Roudy get on here and scream about "Islamo-Nazis" like those two words even go together, because people like them were the ones who created the problem to start with.
So why do you defend and support the islamonazis who do everything because their sky pixie allegedly gave them the right. The typical retort of the looney left when backed into a corner and they need to deflect away from their inaccuracies. Guess joe blob has to wait for the paint to dry now.

As I said in the previous post- before the Zionists and Reagan started fucking with the region, most of the oppossition to the Zionist entity was secular, not religious.

Arafat, Saddam, Assad, Nassir, even Khadafy - these guys were all socialist secularists who talked in terms of nationalism, not religion.

Then the Mossad and the CIA decided to encourage the Jihadists. Shit, they are STILL doing it in Syria until we found out what a bunch of shitheads ISIS were.

So when I hear one of you nuts scream about "Islamo-Nazis", like that's a real thing, I have to shake my head and laugh.
Right. A Muslim born "atheist" non the less. You know what they do to declared atheists in Muslim shitholes like the one where you come from, Joehammad?

Chicago is a Muslim Shithole?

Anyway, I kind of don't care. That's on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

If the Jihadists round up all the Zionists and do Holocaust 2, Electric Boogaloo, it is SO NOT MY PROBLEM.

Frankly, if you move next to people who have declared their intention to kill you, and they actually kill you , you really, really, really have no one to blame but yourself.
Joe, regardless of people being religious or not, there has been much slaughtering of people on both sides. I believe those who were involved in "The Killing Fields" of Cambodia were atheists. Mao had no problem killing all those people in China even though he was an atheist. As I once told my Muslim neighbor, I don't care what religion someone is as long as they are not out to kill me. If someone wants to worship the man in the moon, that is their prerogative.

If the following is possibly true (and the DNA of chimps is close to humans), perhaps Joe should tell them to stop this particular practice. Too bad Cheetah has passed on or else Joe would have the opportunity to discuss this with him.

I think you miss the point. Yes, humans have a pretty shitty record of treating each other in general.

But I guess I see fighting over land and resources as a bit more understandable than fighting over what an imaginary fairy in the sky wants.

The thing was, the PLO used to be pretty secular. They were a national liberation movement working against colonialism - and yes, Zionism started as a colonial movement.

Then the Mossad thought it would be brilliant to encourage the Islamic radicals like Hamas as a foil to the secularists in Fatah. About the same time Ronnie Ray-gun decided that arming Jihadists was a great idea because those dirty stinkin' commies might teach girls how to read in Afghanistan.

That's why I find it funny when peices of shit like Jew-Roids and Roudy get on here and scream about "Islamo-Nazis" like those two words even go together, because people like them were the ones who created the problem to start with.

The PLO started as a left wing Islamic terror group that was financed by the Russians in part. As was Egypt and Jordan in the 1960's. Zionism started as a political movement to regain a homeland for the Jews in Palestine where they had roots and had never fully left. The whole of Judaism has a saying that is trotted out every year during one of their festivals " Next year in Jerusalem "

Why do you blame the Jews for everything when the only evidence you have is that of islamonazi propagandists. And yed the two words do go together as they are the same thing seeing as Nazism ( not to be confused with National Socialism) is based on the Islamic dhimmi laws and Pact of Umar.

So why do you defend and support the islamonazis who do everything because their sky pixie allegedly gave them the right. The typical retort of the looney left when backed into a corner and they need to deflect away from their inaccuracies. Guess joe blob has to wait for the paint to dry now.

As I said in the previous post- before the Zionists and Reagan started fucking with the region, most of the oppossition to the Zionist entity was secular, not religious.

Arafat, Saddam, Assad, Nassir, even Khadafy - these guys were all socialist secularists who talked in terms of nationalism, not religion.

Then the Mossad and the CIA decided to encourage the Jihadists. Shit, they are STILL doing it in Syria until we found out what a bunch of shitheads ISIS were.

So when I hear one of you nuts scream about "Islamo-Nazis", like that's a real thing, I have to shake my head and laugh.

BULLSHIT if it was secular then it would not have originated in the commands in the koran and hadiths that tell the muslims to "KILL THE JEWS "

They talked in terms of mass murder and world domination in the cause of allah and islam, and wanted to start with the Jews and then the Christians.

LINK and not your usual wild conspiracy sites either

Islam is the founder of Nazism ( not national socialism ) and so only brain dead morons would laugh at the mixing of the two groups. Just look at what the mufti did to cement the relationship. And Hitler is now up there in many Islamic nations as a hero.
Right. A Muslim born "atheist" non the less. You know what they do to declared atheists in Muslim shitholes like the one where you come from, Joehammad?

Chicago is a Muslim Shithole?

Anyway, I kind of don't care. That's on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

If the Jihadists round up all the Zionists and do Holocaust 2, Electric Boogaloo, it is SO NOT MY PROBLEM.

Frankly, if you move next to people who have declared their intention to kill you, and they actually kill you , you really, really, really have no one to blame but yourself.

Until the authorities arrest you and charge you with incitement to violence, incitement to racism and incitement to religious persecution.

I have you to blame because you have supported and encouraged the genocide and mass murder of everyone but the muslims
Right. A Muslim born "atheist" non the less. You know what they do to declared atheists in Muslim shitholes like the one where you come from, Joehammad?

Chicago is a Muslim Shithole?

Anyway, I kind of don't care. That's on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

If the Jihadists round up all the Zionists and do Holocaust 2, Electric Boogaloo, it is SO NOT MY PROBLEM.

Frankly, if you move next to people who have declared their intention to kill you, and they actually kill you , you really, really, really have no one to blame but yourself.

Joehammad, you keep saying that but you seem really pissed off that your beloved Islamonazi brethren are getting their butts kicked by a small number of Jews. Perhaps if they stopped trying to commit genocide the ass kicking would stop? :rofl:

Arab Muslim scum just killed a US army veteran and they will pay for it.
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Right. A Muslim born "atheist" non the less. You know what they do to declared atheists in Muslim shitholes like the one where you come from, Joehammad?

Chicago is a Muslim Shithole?

Anyway, I kind of don't care. That's on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

If the Jihadists round up all the Zionists and do Holocaust 2, Electric Boogaloo, it is SO NOT MY PROBLEM.

Frankly, if you move next to people who have declared their intention to kill you, and they actually kill you , you really, really, really have no one to blame but yourself.

Until the authorities arrest you and charge you with incitement to violence, incitement to racism and incitement to religious persecution.

I have you to blame because you have supported and encouraged the genocide and mass murder of everyone but the muslims

Yes, Chicago is home to Nation of Islime enemy of state Islamic terrorist dirtbags.

The group should be outlawed, and Louis Farakhan should be put in Federal prison for committing treason.

Contact - The Nation of Islam Official Website
BULLSHIT if it was secular then it would not have originated in the commands in the koran and hadiths that tell the muslims to "KILL THE JEWS "

They talked in terms of mass murder and world domination in the cause of allah and islam, and wanted to start with the Jews and then the Christians.

LINK and not your usual wild conspiracy sites either

Islam is the founder of Nazism ( not national socialism ) and so only brain dead morons would laugh at the mixing of the two groups. Just look at what the mufti did to cement the relationship. And Hitler is now up there in many Islamic nations as a hero.

Yawn, guy, quite trying to claim your imaginary sky fairy is better than THEIR imaginary sky fairy. Because it's all the same imaginary Sky Fairy as far as I'm concerned.

Point is, before the Zionist Entity stole their land, the Islamic World was pretty welcoming to the Jews that got driven out of Spain in the Inquisition. So if there really are these supposed commands in the Koran (Probably next to the part about 76 Virgins, which aren't in the Koran, either.)

Quit trying to paint your fight over an apartheid land grab as a struggle of civilizations or religions. No one is buying the bullshit anymore.
Yes, Chicago is home to Nation of Islime enemy of state Islamic terrorist dirtbags.

The group should be outlawed, and Louis Farakhan should be put in Federal prison for committing treason.

Well, thankfully, America is still a free country where we don't torture people for worshipping the wrong sky pixie like the Zionist Entity does.
Joehammad, you keep saying that but you seem really pissed off that your beloved Islamonazi brethren are getting their butts kicked by a small number of Jews. Perhaps if they stopped trying to commit genocide the ass kicking would stop?

Yes, I do get upset when people murder women and children and pretend to be brave.
BULLSHIT if it was secular then it would not have originated in the commands in the koran and hadiths that tell the muslims to "KILL THE JEWS "

They talked in terms of mass murder and world domination in the cause of allah and islam, and wanted to start with the Jews and then the Christians.

LINK and not your usual wild conspiracy sites either

Islam is the founder of Nazism ( not national socialism ) and so only brain dead morons would laugh at the mixing of the two groups. Just look at what the mufti did to cement the relationship. And Hitler is now up there in many Islamic nations as a hero.

Yawn, guy, quite trying to claim your imaginary sky fairy is better than THEIR imaginary sky fairy. Because it's all the same imaginary Sky Fairy as far as I'm concerned.

Point is, before the Zionist Entity stole their land, the Islamic World was pretty welcoming to the Jews that got driven out of Spain in the Inquisition. So if there really are these supposed commands in the Koran (Probably next to the part about 76 Virgins, which aren't in the Koran, either.)

Quit trying to paint your fight over an apartheid land grab as a struggle of civilizations or religions. No one is buying the bullshit anymore.


Shows that you are clutching at straws by making false claims about what other are writing, when their words are right there. So do you want to apologise for LYING or do you want to be ridiculed every time you post from now on.

Now when did it become arab muslim land as I cant find any mention of any treaty handing the land to them from the Ottomans or LoN. So how did it become their land

Both are in the koran and are verified in the hadiths as the meaning of the verses in the koran. By no one you mean you and your fellow islamonazi propagandists that are paid to incite violence against the Jews.
Yes, Chicago is home to Nation of Islime enemy of state Islamic terrorist dirtbags.

The group should be outlawed, and Louis Farakhan should be put in Federal prison for committing treason.

Well, thankfully, America is still a free country where we don't torture people for worshipping the wrong sky pixie like the Zionist Entity does.

Joehammad, you keep saying that but you seem really pissed off that your beloved Islamonazi brethren are getting their butts kicked by a small number of Jews. Perhaps if they stopped trying to commit genocide the ass kicking would stop?

Yes, I do get upset when people murder women and children and pretend to be brave.

That is why they die in their thousands when Israel retaliates
Yes, Chicago is home to Nation of Islime enemy of state Islamic terrorist dirtbags.

The group should be outlawed, and Louis Farakhan should be put in Federal prison for committing treason.

Well, thankfully, America is still a free country where we don't torture people for worshipping the wrong sky pixie like the Zionist Entity does.
I find it funny that you complain about people being tortured and killed due to their faith, when your brethern Muslim Neanderthals have the market cornered on that.
Joehammad, you keep saying that but you seem really pissed off that your beloved Islamonazi brethren are getting their butts kicked by a small number of Jews. Perhaps if they stopped trying to commit genocide the ass kicking would stop?

Yes, I do get upset when people murder women and children and pretend to be brave.
Then you should be especially upset at what your fellow Muslim Arabs are doing then.

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