Army Veteran Killed By Palestinian Attacker in Israel

US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

Go and find a kindergarten site to play on as you certainly don't have a clue as to what is happening in Palestine.

How many settlements is your country building on their own land ?

No Palestinians are being executed, they are being killed in self defence

No the attackas for the last 4 months have been because the P.A. has told the Palestinians to KILL THE JEWS
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

Afro-****, you belong in Egypt or wherever you Hebrews came from. Get out of Palestine and get out of America. Palestinians are now giving you a minuscule fraction of what you've inflicted on them, savages. Hezbollah should arm them in the West Bank.

Yes please, and then Israel can wipe out not only hezbolloks but hamas and fatah as well

By the way the Jews came from Palestine, the muslims came from arabia
Hey, guy, when you genocide people, they have a bad habit of fighting back.

Don't want to be killed by a Palestinian, don't live in Palestine!

The only proven genocide is the one by the Palestinians on the Christians. This is why 90% have disappeared pf the face of the earth
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.
What a freak. People like this poster deserve a bullet.
Palestine doesn't exist...Why are you happy that an American hero is dead? killed by the islamofacist scum...He wasn't a Jew

An awful lot of you people are being killed by people who don't exist.

Are they being killed by Leprechauns? Amelikites? Oh, no, wait, they are being killed by PALESTINIANS. Because they were in PALESTINE. That makes sense.

No they are being murdered by islamonazi terrorists and now they are being taken out in greater numbers. Keep it up and the UN will sanction another invasion and reprisals
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

Afro-****, you belong in Egypt or wherever you Hebrews came from. Get out of Palestine and get out of America. Palestinians are now giving you a minuscule fraction of what you've inflicted on them, savages. Hezbollah should arm them in the West Bank.

Palestine doesn't exist...Why are you happy that an American hero is dead? killed by the islamofacist scum...He wasn't a Jew

Why are you happy the white race is dying out thanks to your Jewish policies? Why didn't his Jewish friends protect him? Did any of his friends get injured? He's a poor guy that was caught in violence. Israel should be off limits for Americans. These acts of vengeance by Palestinians aren't inspired by Islam, kid. Europeans who pay attention to the past, know what Palestinians are dealing with. Now Americans are realizing it with the Jewish war on Trump. I heard Palestinians liquidated 3 Israeli soldiers in the WB today? Ha Ha Ha. Good going Pali's, I wish them the best of luck in liberating their territory from you savages.

I'm a European and I paid attention to the past, which is why I know a Nazi when I see one and you are a Nazi. The Jews are no longer push overs and are fighting back against the islamonazi terrorists and scum like you.
Don't want to be raped by a muslim? don't be a female----or, for that matter----
don't be a human

I wasn't aware that rape was exclusive to Muslims. Every side has raped in war time. Read up some time about how the allies - yes, even the Americans - raped the shit out of German women at the end of WWII.

Where is the war in the UK when over 1 million young girls have been raped by muslims . It is a command in the koran for muslims to rape their enemies making them the worst offenders in the world. Try looking at the facts for once
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

Did the ignorant antisemetic moron say Israel "executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank"? Where is your proof, Abdul?
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

Afro-****, you belong in Egypt or wherever you Hebrews came from. Get out of Palestine and get out of America. Palestinians are now giving you a minuscule fraction of what you've inflicted on them, savages. Hezbollah should arm them in the West Bank.

Palestine doesn't exist...Why are you happy that an American hero is dead? killed by the islamofacist scum...He wasn't a Jew

Why are you happy the white race is dying out thanks to your Jewish policies? Why didn't his Jewish friends protect him? Did any of his friends get injured? He's a poor guy that was caught in violence. Israel should be off limits for Americans. These acts of vengeance by Palestinians aren't inspired by Islam, kid. Europeans who pay attention to the past, know what Palestinians are dealing with. Now Americans are realizing it with the Jewish war on Trump. I heard Palestinians liquidated 3 Israeli soldiers in the WB today? Ha Ha Ha. Good going Pali's, I wish them the best of luck in liberating their territory from you savages.

Last I checked Europeans have their hands full with enemy within Muslims like you they so foolishly allowed to migrate in large numbers.
Hey, guy, when you genocide people, they have a bad habit of fighting back.

Don't want to be killed by a Palestinian, don't live in Palestine!
So the Jews have a right to defend themselves against genocidal IslamoNazis who want to slaughter Jews in their own holy land.
actually----that was mostly the Russians-------I had read volumes by the time
you were born. A rape by American soldiers in occupied Germany was a
crime-----in fact I served in the Military whilst AMERICA STILL OCCUPIED---
sorta------ Rape of a non muslim by a muslim is LEGAL in Islamic law------
I have relatives who survived shariah

I'm sure you did a lot of things in your deranged memory... but they have medications for that now.

But from real historians who studied this shit.

Postwar Rape: Were Americans As Bad as the Soviets? - SPIEGEL ONLINE
So the Jews have a right to defend themselves against genocidal IslamoNazis who want to slaughter Jews in their own holy land.

well, if they are stupid enough to live in the middle of millions of people who want to kill them, that's Darwinism in action, baby.

Oddly, I've never lived anywhere where my neighbors wanted to kill me. If they did, I'd go live somewhere else.
Don't want to be raped by a muslim? don't be a female----or, for that matter----
don't be a human

I wasn't aware that rape was exclusive to Muslims. Every side has raped in war time. Read up some time about how the allies - yes, even the Americans - raped the shit out of German women at the end of WWII.

actually----that was mostly the Russians-------I had read volumes by the time
you were born. A rape by American soldiers in occupied Germany was a
crime-----in fact I served in the Military whilst AMERICA STILL OCCUPIED---
sorta------ Rape of a non muslim by a muslim is LEGAL in Islamic law------
I have relatives who survived shariah

Maybe Joe would like to help out some of these people who are looking for their Russian father.

The Occupation and its Offspring: Lost Red Army Children Search for Fathers - SPIEGEL ONLINE
ok... You were peeling potatoes somewhere whats the difference? The point is you're a Jew hater. Some Jew must have taken you're job, because you're sickly and cost the company too much in medical costs

Uh, guy you realize no one has peeled potatoes in the army since WWII< right?

I'm not upset that a Jew took my job. I'm upset you Jews are fucking up my country.

Forget your hatred of the Jews for a moment. Anyone reading your posts realizes that you hate them. This thread is about the Army veteran killed in Israel. It surely appears that he was one heck of a great guy, and probably held no hatred for anyone.

American murdered by terrorist remembered as great man who left a legacy of service?
His country never existed..He's a sick man, psychically and mentally.

Yet living in you head, rent free, Booby....

Don't flatter yourself sickly boy, your easy fodder. The Jews are everywhere running things behind the scenes:eusa_shhh:..I believe you suffer from paranoia:cuckoo:

noun para·noia
  1. a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations

  2. a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others
So the Jews have a right to defend themselves against genocidal IslamoNazis who want to slaughter Jews in their own holy land.

well, if they are stupid enough to live in the middle of millions of people who want to kill them, that's Darwinism in action, baby.

Oddly, I've never lived anywhere where my neighbors wanted to kill me. If they did, I'd go live somewhere else.

The Jews are back in their religious, ancestral, and cultural homeland. They aren't going anywhere, and in fact have done a brilliant job not only defending themselves against millions of IslamoNazi savages, but maintaining a strong, advanced democracy. Deal with it, Joehammad.
No they are being murdered by islamonazi terrorists and now they are being taken out in greater numbers. Keep it up and the UN will sanction another invasion and reprisals

Or the world will just shrug. It's not the Zionists who are seen as the good guys in most of the world.

Oh sorry, genocidal Islamic terrorist savages, and their supporters like you are the good guys. Ha ha ha.

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