Army Veteran Who Served 2 Tours In Afghanistan Has Been Deported, Thanks To Hate-Monger Donald Trump

The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

PTSD, dirt bag.

PTSD makes someone sell cocaine?

It causes people to make bad choices. Like killing yourself. You reach a point where you don't really care about self-preservation anymore.

How come rape victims don't turn to dealing drugs?

How do you know they don't? I've read accounts of rape victims losing control of their lives. Becoming homeless, losing interest in life, etc.,
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I'm siding with Perez over the traitor Trump. What are you going to do about it?
That and a little money will get you a coffee at Mac Donalds.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

PTSD, dirt bag.

PTSD makes someone sell cocaine?

It causes people to make bad choices. Like killing yourself. You reach a point where you don't really care about self-preservation anymore.

How come rape victims don't turn to dealing drugs?

How do you know they don't? I've read accounts of rape victims losing control of their lives. Becoming homeless, losing interest in life, etc.,
Can you provide a link to a study showing PTSD turns people into drug dealers?
PTSD, dirt bag.

PTSD makes someone sell cocaine?

It causes people to make bad choices. Like killing yourself. You reach a point where you don't really care about self-preservation anymore.

How come rape victims don't turn to dealing drugs?

How do you know they don't? I've read accounts of rape victims losing control of their lives. Becoming homeless, losing interest in life, etc.,
Can you provide a link to a study showing PTSD turns people into drug dealers?

Selling drugs is a risk-taking behavior --

Drinking or doing drugs can also interfere with decision-making abilities and increase risk-taking behaviors, putting a person at a higher risk for being involved in an accident, being the victim of a crime or violence, or suffering trauma.

The Link between PTSD and Substance Abuse/Addiction
How many of those guns were brought in illegally by cartels willing to kill to protect their turf?


A very small percentage. Do you actually have a point, sir?

Yeah, drug dealers commit mass murder daily, criminals with guns, not even close, law abiding gun owners, not at all.


There are thousands of accidental gun deaths and serious injuries caused by "law abiding gun owners" each year. Your hero, former vice president Dick Cheney, being among them.

It sounds like you're advocating that guns be banned also, since law abiding gun owners do cause death and bodily injury.

The topic is mass murder troll and stop trying to put words in my mouth. Guns don't even make the top ten in causes of deaths.


Guns cause accidental deaths. Just like drugs. Guns are actually worse, because the person accidently getting killed usually ain't the one with the gun.

Yeah, about 600 vs 50,000, the 600 is definitely worse. LMFAO
We're done troll.

This individual put his life on the line for this country. He was also suffering from PTSD. This guy had problems and should have been helped. Also it was a undercover cop. It was never alleged he was a drug dealer.
PTSD makes someone sell cocaine?

It causes people to make bad choices. Like killing yourself. You reach a point where you don't really care about self-preservation anymore.

How come rape victims don't turn to dealing drugs?

How do you know they don't? I've read accounts of rape victims losing control of their lives. Becoming homeless, losing interest in life, etc.,
Can you provide a link to a study showing PTSD turns people into drug dealers?

Selling drugs is a risk-taking behavior --

Drinking or doing drugs can also interfere with decision-making abilities and increase risk-taking behaviors, putting a person at a higher risk for being involved in an accident, being the victim of a crime or violence, or suffering trauma.

The Link between PTSD and Substance Abuse/Addiction

He was convicted of being a mule, not an addict
This individual put his life on the line for this country. He was also suffering from PTSD. This guy had problems and should have been helped. Also it was a undercover cop. It was never alleged he was a drug dealer.

Why was he delivering two pounds of cocaine?
So, you think it’s ok he tried to distribute 20 lbs of coke?
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
Lol, Obama said he knew about it and did not do anything. So what you have to say now. Are you calling Obama anti American also?

In this case, yes.

No, I am saying deport him!
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
Lol, Obama said he knew about it and did not do anything. So what you have to say now. Are you calling Obama anti American also?

In this case, yes.

I agree. If Obama knew about this and did nothing, well then shame on him also.

But at least Obama is not a draft-dodging traitor like Trump.
Anyone who serves honorably in the US military – regardless his immigration status – should be afforded citizenship upon completion of that military service.

I tend to agree with this as well!
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I'm siding with Perez over the traitor Trump. What are you going to do about it?
/—-/ Laugh at you.
Anyone who serves honorably in the US military – regardless his immigration status – should be afforded citizenship upon completion of that military service.
I tend to agree with this as well!

Miguel did not receive a Honorable discharge from the military.
To be eligible for citizenship as the result of military service ... You have to receive a Honorable discharge.

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This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
Lol, Obama said he knew about it and did not do anything. So what you have to say now. Are you calling Obama anti American also?

In this case, yes.

I agree. If Obama knew about this and did nothing, well then shame on him also.

But at least Obama is not a draft-dodging traitor like Trump.
No, he is just an American hating asshole.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

PTSD, dirt bag.

Not an excuse for drug trafficking.


Yes, I know. Trump gets a free pass for everything, but no one else does. Repug Rule #1.
Not does Trump not get a free pass, like Obama has, but the media is busy making up new shit to attack him on every day. Like Trump supposedly fucked a porn star once back 15years ago.....or how about the secret recording of Trump talking about pussy. Everything that happens on the planet is Trump's fault according to the left. They even tried to make up a story about Trump causing gun violence in schools.
So you and I both know Trump never gets a pass on anything.
If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I'm siding with Perez over the traitor Trump. What are you going to do about it?

Trump has nothing to do with this idiot. Dem's in the state of Illinois arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned this guy ruining his changes of citizenship. We notice you have no comment on that, shocker. Are you trolling? I mean I have seen trolling before that this is what it looks like.

Trump has EVERYTHING to do with this. He has created this sickening environment of intolerance and hate, which includes worthless Repug fucks like you.

If Obama was in office, this wouldn't be happening. If Sen Duckworth pleaded with Obama not to deport someone, then Obama wouldn't do it.

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.

So Trump created the environment of intolerance and hate. Right. It was Trump and his supporters who threw a hissy fit when Ivanka went to a Salon in Iowa. It was Trump and his supporters who call women who voted for Trump traitors, enemies of feminism, and all that. It’s Trump and his supporters who call minorities some of the most vile names when they do not denounce Trump.

I voted for Trump. Because I knew the history of Hillary. I knew she would be bad, I hoped that Trump would be less bad. So far, he has. Not great, but not nearly as bad as the alternative. It’s like driving a car. You see a school bus spin out in front of you, and you can’t stop in time. You can hit the bus, and risk harming the children, or you can swerve for the ditch, and take the chance that you might flip the car, or worse, go airborne. You choose the least worst option, you go for the ditch. As bad as that will be, it would be worse to injure or kill a bunch of kids wouldn’t it? Voting for Hillary was standing on the gas, and aiming for the kids.

Yes, Trump has created this toxic environment. Look at what he said about Charlottesville, you idiot. White supremacists are decent people?

Trump is colluding with Vladimir Putin and he refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election. Plus, he has created chaos in the White House by constantly firing everybody. And Hillary is worse than this??? Got it, you unsophisticated, dishonest dipshit.

You made a huge mistake voting for Trump. Man up and admit it.

It must take an extraordinary amount of work to maintain that level of ignorance. Some were White Supremicists, some were not. This by the way, was covered extensively by many media outlets. Probably none of the ones on your mailing list. But many of them including Washington Post. Analysis | Don't assume the militias at the Charlottesville rally were white supremacists. This is what they believe now.

I won’t waste time arguing with you about how many, suffice to say most of them admitted the truth eventually. Many of the people there were merely attending to protest the removal of Civil War Statues. Arguing that the effort to do so was rewriting history, and all that sort of thing. I won’t bother listing the arguments, or debating the issue with a moron who works so hard at being ignorant.

So your argument that they were all white Supremicists is obviously flawed. The reporters who actually researched it proved it, but you stand steadfastly of the opinion that anyone who disagrees with you, is a racist. Pfui.

Moving on to the next argument. Those who merely wished to preserve historical monuments may well have been fine and decent people. Arguing that none of them were because they believe something you don’t is the literal definition of totalitarian thought. If you were in charge, anyone who disagreed with you would be re-educated, or eliminated wouldn’t they?

As for me, I firmly believe in your First Amendment rights. I would argue to the limit of my ability that you have every right to spout your nonsense. It’s why I joined the ACLU years ago. To protect your Civil Rights, and while doing so, I also defend my own.

Even if I think you are an ignorant jackass, and I do, I would argue that you have the right to speak your mind, as closed and ill informed as it is.

You should realize how asinine you appear to everyone. You rush out to protest the deportation of a Veteran, who was convicted of possession with intent to distribute two pounds, a Kilo of Cocaine. Now, I may think the laws are stupid, and if on the Jury I may well try and get the guy found not guilty. But unless you can show any proof that the drugs are planted, or the cops lied, which in Illinois is highly probable, then I have to go with the Conviction. I may hate the laws, but my power to affect them is somewhat limited.

Lies of omission, are still lies. You could have found another poster child. A guy who worked hard, paid taxes, had a family who was being deported. That would pull on the heart strings a bit better than what you did. Instead, like most of the idiots out there, you ranted and raved and screamed while frothing at the mouth.

I was in the Army for nine years. Does that mean that you arguing with me makes you an unpatriotic hate America first moron? Nope. It makes you the same ill informed lying jackass you already were. Because from here, you have to realize there are only two options. A, you are intentionally lying about everything to try and show how much you hate Trump, and those who voted for him. That makes you look pretty bad. The other alternative, in spite of the evidence, you believe all this nonsense you are spouting. That makes you look like an ignorant moron who has trouble walking by a window without licking it.

Truth matters. Facts matter. They are the coin of the process known as debate. That by the way is the entire purpose of any forum like this. The free exchange of ideals. Even ideals so woefully ignorant as yours are free to be exchanged.

Tell the Doctor you need to up your Xanax. If it isn’t doing the job of relieving your stress, tell the Doctor to try Thorazine. And calm down before the Nurse takes away your computer privileges.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
Lol, Obama said he knew about it and did not do anything. So what you have to say now. Are you calling Obama anti American also?

In this case, yes.

I agree. If Obama knew about this and did nothing, well then shame on him also.

But at least Obama is not a draft-dodging traitor like Trump.
No, he is just an American hating asshole.

Nah...that would be Trump. Which is why he is a draft-dodging traitor helping Putin undermine our elections.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

PTSD, dirt bag.

Not an excuse for drug trafficking.


Yes, I know. Trump gets a free pass for everything, but no one else does. Repug Rule #1.
Not does Trump not get a free pass, like Obama has, but the media is busy making up new shit to attack him on every day. Like Trump supposedly fucked a porn star once back 15years ago.....or how about the secret recording of Trump talking about pussy. Everything that happens on the planet is Trump's fault according to the left. They even tried to make up a story about Trump causing gun violence in schools.
So you and I both know Trump never gets a pass on anything.

Trump should get a free pass for cheating on his wife with a porn star??? Really, lightweight??
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

PTSD, dirt bag.

Not an excuse for drug trafficking.


Yes, I know. Trump gets a free pass for everything, but no one else does. Repug Rule #1.
Not does Trump not get a free pass, like Obama has, but the media is busy making up new shit to attack him on every day. Like Trump supposedly fucked a porn star once back 15years ago.....or how about the secret recording of Trump talking about pussy. Everything that happens on the planet is Trump's fault according to the left. They even tried to make up a story about Trump causing gun violence in schools.
So you and I both know Trump never gets a pass on anything.

Trump should get a free pass for cheating on his wife with a porn star??? Really, lightweight??

Why not, Clinton got a pass for rape and perjury.


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