Army Veteran Who Served 2 Tours In Afghanistan Has Been Deported, Thanks To Hate-Monger Donald Trump

This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
No this is the country that the last 60 years of fascists have built. Trump is trying to fix it by deporting criminals like the one you praise in your lie-fest OP.

The traitor Trump should start with deporting himself. He should move to Russia and continue to suck Putin's cock, this time in person.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
just like all liberals --you love criminals --why?? why does the left love criminals so much??
you keep proving your immaturity in all your posts--not just one or two
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
No this is the country that the last 60 years of fascists have built. Trump is trying to fix it by deporting criminals like the one you praise in your lie-fest OP.

The traitor Trump should start with deporting himself. He should move to Russia and continue to suck Putin's cock, this time in person.
American citizens cannot be deported. Next troll.
Nothing earns the right to be a druggy, you stupid Moon Bat.

So, according to you, when if I get arrested for illegally having a non NFA registered M-16 I can claim my service in Vietnam earned me the right to disobey the law?

If you suffer from PTSD like Perez, which clouds people's judgement, you most certainly can.

There are many veterans in prison for breaking the law. Military service does not trump the law. So why should a non citizen, who left the service with a general discharge for smoking dope, get better treatment than other veterans who broke the law?

He shouldn't be a non-citizen. If Trump hadn't created this toxic environment, I doubt Perez would be getting deported, either. Especially not with a U.S. Senator like Tammy Duckworth standing up for Perez.

I don't believe he should do more jail time, but if he does, then it should be as a U.S. citizen. I don't believe anyone should do jail time for drugs unless they are committing violence against someone.

About 50,000 people a year DIE from drug overdoses, it that enough violence for ya?


That's their free choice. On the other hand, how many people have their right to life violated each year by accidental gun deaths? Are you suddenly advocating gun restrictions, in addition to drug restrictions?

How many of those guns were brought in illegally by cartels willing to kill to protect their turf?

This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
just like all liberals --you love criminals --why?? why does the left love criminals so much??
They cannot achieve their goals without them.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
just like all liberals --you love criminals --why?? why does the left love criminals so much??

I disagree. I don't love the criminal traitor Trump. I'm afraid you misspoke.
If you suffer from PTSD like Perez, which clouds people's judgement, you most certainly can.

There are many veterans in prison for breaking the law. Military service does not trump the law. So why should a non citizen, who left the service with a general discharge for smoking dope, get better treatment than other veterans who broke the law?

He shouldn't be a non-citizen. If Trump hadn't created this toxic environment, I doubt Perez would be getting deported, either. Especially not with a U.S. Senator like Tammy Duckworth standing up for Perez.

I don't believe he should do more jail time, but if he does, then it should be as a U.S. citizen. I don't believe anyone should do jail time for drugs unless they are committing violence against someone.

About 50,000 people a year DIE from drug overdoses, it that enough violence for ya?


That's their free choice. On the other hand, how many people have their right to life violated each year by accidental gun deaths? Are you suddenly advocating gun restrictions, in addition to drug restrictions?

How many of those guns were brought in illegally by cartels willing to kill to protect their turf?


A very small percentage. Do you actually have a point, sir?
There are many veterans in prison for breaking the law. Military service does not trump the law. So why should a non citizen, who left the service with a general discharge for smoking dope, get better treatment than other veterans who broke the law?

He shouldn't be a non-citizen. If Trump hadn't created this toxic environment, I doubt Perez would be getting deported, either. Especially not with a U.S. Senator like Tammy Duckworth standing up for Perez.

I don't believe he should do more jail time, but if he does, then it should be as a U.S. citizen. I don't believe anyone should do jail time for drugs unless they are committing violence against someone.

About 50,000 people a year DIE from drug overdoses, it that enough violence for ya?


That's their free choice. On the other hand, how many people have their right to life violated each year by accidental gun deaths? Are you suddenly advocating gun restrictions, in addition to drug restrictions?

How many of those guns were brought in illegally by cartels willing to kill to protect their turf?


A very small percentage. Do you actually have a point, sir?

Yeah, drug dealers commit mass murder daily, criminals with guns, not even close, law abiding gun owners, not at all.

I agree with your point, but he did more than just smoke dope. Like attempt to distribute 20 lbs of cocaine.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.

Nothing earns the right to be a druggy, you stupid Moon Bat.

So, according to you, when if I get arrested for illegally having a non NFA registered M-16 I can claim my service in Vietnam earned me the right to disobey the law?

If you suffer from PTSD like Perez, which clouds people's judgement, you most certainly can.

There are many veterans in prison for breaking the law. Military service does not trump the law. So why should a non citizen, who left the service with a general discharge for smoking dope, get better treatment than other veterans who broke the law?
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

A pack of lies. Trump did not "dodge" the draft. He is doing a great deal to try to prevent Russian meddling in the 2018 election. Whatever diplomatic niceties that you're interpreting as "praise" for Putin has been offset by his very blunt condemnation of Russian conduct in Syria and elsewhere. And you forgot to mention that Perez is being deported because he has a felony drug conviction. (Let me guess: You believe Perez's claim that his PTSD made him commit the felony drug crime. The court that convicted him did not buy his claim.)
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
just like all liberals --you love criminals --why?? why does the left love criminals so much??

I disagree. I don't love the criminal traitor Trump. I'm afraid you misspoke.
hahahah not only are you sticking up for the criminal, you are trying to deny it!!
you can't deny it--everybody can see your posts!!
so you are lying also
From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.

It doesn't matter what they argued.
To be applicable for citizenship through military service ... You have to receive an Honorable discharge.

Miguel Perez didn't receive an Honorable discharge.

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.

It doesn't matter what they argued.
To be applicable for citizenship through military service ... You have to receive an Honorable discharge.

Miguel Perez didn't receive an Honorable discharge.

Let's also keep in mind that Perez got in trouble *twice* for drugs. The first time was when he was in the military, and that's why he did not get an honorable discharge. The second time was when he was caught trying to *sell* drugs as a civilian. Both his governor and the 7th U.S. Court of Appeals rejected his appeal for clemency. But, predictably, liberal news outlets are trying to turn him into a victim of Trump's "oppression."
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

When I first read about this elsewhere I was ready to be angry yet again at Donald. But it seems to me this guy got deported due to a persistent pattern of drug use. No sympathy.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

When I first read about this elsewhere I was ready to be angry yet again at Donald. But it seems to me this guy got deported due to a persistent pattern of drug use. No sympathy.

Not just drug use, but trying to sell a large quantity of drugs. He did not get an honorable discharge from the Army because of his drug involvement. Then, as a civilian, he got caught trying to sell a sizable quantity of drugs, hence the felony drug conviction. But, incredibly, liberals are trying to turn him into a victim.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

I could care less if the dude has a felony drug conviction. Cocaine should be legal, anyway. I stand by everything I say. This guy put his life on the line in Afghanistan for his country, he earned the right to stay here. He's more of an American than Trump will ever be.

You don't make the laws here, chump. Deport the bastard.
Yes, Trump has created this toxic environment. Look at what he said about Charlottesville, you idiot. White supremacists are decent people?

Trump is colluding with Vladimir Putin and he refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election. Plus, he has created chaos in the White House by constantly firing everybody. And Hillary is worse than this??? Got it, you unsophisticated, dishonest dipshit.

You made a huge mistake voting for Trump. Man up and admit it.

I did not make a mistake. The reply you ignored explained it. I do not regret it.

Now, let’s give you a lesson you won’t read either. White Supremicists just like everyone else, have first amendment rights. If they want to get up and spout their nonsense, they are free to do so. The principles of this go back beyond Voltaire, even though he was most noted for it.

Second lesson. If you hate me for voting Trump, and swing at me. When I beat your ass you can’t complain that I started it. I responded. The ANTIFA idiots started the violence, and the cops encouraged it. This is all proven beyond a doubt for anyone who reads any news. Any other time there are protests, and counter protests, the cops set up a no pass zone between them to keep the two groups seperated.

Every creature on earth, and possibly through the universe, has the God given right of self defense. A rabbit will kick and scream to try and escape the Coyote. A mouse will fight if cornered by the cat. Even the jackass White Supreme morons have that right when attacked. No one is prevented from self defense in this world.

I know, you didn’t bother reading this either. You will proudly announce your ignorance and just label anyone who disagrees with your asinine assertions as whatever you choose. Of course, it shows that you never learned the art of debate in school. Your ignorance is not my fault, it’s yours.

White supremacists have first amendment rights. It doesn't make them "decent people". They killed someone in Charlottesville. Trump is a bigot and you most likely are one as well.

Funny how you give white supremacists the benefit of the doubt, but not a veteran like Perez. Why is that? Could it be that you are a hypocritical Repug piece of shit and a racist yourself?

The only people you fucking Libtards care about are Negroes, Mexicans, Queers and Muslims. Nobody else need apply.

Well, that's OK. The only people you Repugs care about are white supremacist racists such as yourself. Which is why most of you unsophisticated fucking Repug retards think Obama is a Muslim, for fuck's sake.

I am sorry Moon Bat but I am not a Republican so you can take you mindless hate and shove it up your Libtard ass.

Good to hear that, Flash. The GOP can do without skinheads. They're bad for business.

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