Army Veteran Who Served 2 Tours In Afghanistan Has Been Deported, Thanks To Hate-Monger Donald Trump

This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.
Perez would never get treatment for PTSD or anything else. He doesn't get any benefit of military service. He was not honorably or medically discharged. He's just an ordinary illegal alien drug trafficker. He should get the death penalty. Deporting him is all he gets.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I can’t believe this BS, the guy is a drug dealer, he is making a profit by killing people, I understand he served, I understand his PTSD, however my father served in WWII in Germany, the second wave coming into Normandy, had a good friend blown up right next to him, saw several of his fellow countrymen killed. He received two Bronze Stars and a Medal of Honor, yet he returned home and worked hard and made an honest living.

I tire of the excuses, he was in the military, where you take responsibility for your actions. To politicize this is wrong, the guy made a living off killing his fellow man, he needs to pay the price. Sad story, but he made bad choices.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I can’t believe this BS, the guy is a drug dealer, he is making a profit by killing people, I understand he served, I understand his PTSD, however my father served in WWII in Germany, the second wave coming into Normandy, had a good friend blown up right next to him, saw several of his fellow countrymen killed. He received two Bronze Stars and a Medal of Honor, yet he returned home and worked hard and made an honest living.

I tire of the excuses, he was in the military, where you take responsibility for your actions. To politicize this is wrong, the guy made a living off killing his fellow man, he needs to pay the price. Sad story, but he made bad choices.

I know you can't believe this "BS". Because you're full of BS. You despise Perez more than you despise the draft-dodging traitor Trump. Go figure.
PTSD, dirt bag.

Not an excuse for drug trafficking.


Yes, I know. Trump gets a free pass for everything, but no one else does. Repug Rule #1.
Not does Trump not get a free pass, like Obama has, but the media is busy making up new shit to attack him on every day. Like Trump supposedly fucked a porn star once back 15years ago.....or how about the secret recording of Trump talking about pussy. Everything that happens on the planet is Trump's fault according to the left. They even tried to make up a story about Trump causing gun violence in schools.
So you and I both know Trump never gets a pass on anything.

Trump should get a free pass for cheating on his wife with a porn star??? Really, lightweight??

Why not, Clinton got a pass for rape and perjury.


As I recall, Clinton was impeached. Doesn't sound like a free pass to me, dimwit.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

Yep, just like guns accidently kill thousands of people a year. Dick Cheney almost accidently killed someone with a gun. Should he also go to jail?
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

Yep, just like guns accidently kill thousands of people a year. Dick Cheney almost accidently killed someone with a gun. Should he also go to jail?

So what are you saying, any kids that die as a result of him smuggling drugs should be considered an accident?
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

30 states, 2,623 of 3,007 counties, a BOOMING economy, jobs for everyone, a historically high stock market, a well compensated and appreciated military, tax cuts for those who matter, illegal wetbacks running scared shitless and you’re still pissing yourself daily. You indecent, illegitimate, lowlife pukes are getting shit on daily by good Americans...Just get you’re shit right pussy...stop whining.
The deportation follows an earlier decision by US authorities to deny Miguel Perez's citizenship application because of a felony drug conviction

From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

30 states, 2,623 of 3,007 counties, a BOOMING economy, jobs for everyone, a historically high stock market, a well compensated and appreciated military, tax cuts for those who matter, illegal wetbacks running scared shitless and you’re still pissing yourself daily. You indecent, illegitimate, lowlife pukes are getting shit on daily by good Americans...Just get you’re shit right pussy...stop whining.

Well, since your meme includes a traitor like Robert E. Lee, forgive me for not giving a flying fuck what your worthless Repug ass has to say about the traitor Trump.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Get back to us when Trump has a felony drug conviction.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico
Or... government authorities followed the law. Change the law if you can gather the votes. Democrats failed to do so under Obama.
This is the country that Donald Trump has created, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A draft-dodging traitor like Trump, who refuses to do anything to prevent Russia from interfering in the 2018 election and who praises a murderer like Vladimir Putin, has decided that a hero like Miguel Perez is not worthy of U.S. citizenship. This is the surreal reality we now live in.

Yep, Repugs "support the troops". What a joke.

US Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan has been deported to Mexico

Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Get back to us when Trump has a felony drug conviction.

Ah, the old "you're only bad if you've been convicted of drugs".

I didn't say Trump did drugs, did I? He probably doesn't, he doesn't drink.

That doesn't mean he hasn't broken the law.

Remember "pay to play"?
Yes, that's ridiculous. When he made his ban for certain countries and prevented people who risked their lives for the US going to the US too.

But since when has he cared about other people? He fucked some other women when his son was 4 months old. He doesn't even care about his own family, let alone anyone else.

Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Get back to us when Trump has a felony drug conviction.

Ah, the old "you're only bad if you've been convicted of drugs".

I didn't say Trump did drugs, did I? He probably doesn't, he doesn't drink.

That doesn't mean he hasn't broken the law.

Remember "pay to play"?

So now you want to say breaking any law is the same as smuggling drugs?
Bingo. These Repugs have no shortage of criticism for Perez, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country. But these dishonest Repug fucks can't say one bad thing about the draft-dodging traitor Donald Trump.

Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Get back to us when Trump has a felony drug conviction.

Ah, the old "you're only bad if you've been convicted of drugs".

I didn't say Trump did drugs, did I? He probably doesn't, he doesn't drink.

That doesn't mean he hasn't broken the law.

Remember "pay to play"?

So now you want to say breaking any law is the same as smuggling drugs?

No! Where the fuck are you making this shit up from?
From the article:

Perez, his family and supporters, who include Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, had argued that his wartime service to the country had earned him the right to stay in the US and to receive mental health treatment for the PTSD and substance abuse.
Your fucking stupidity has been exposed. You are fucking owned, in your own fucking thread.

You stupid ass. Go the fuck home, and leave the ball loser.

Your stupidity was exposed a long time for a traitor like Trump.

If you side with some douchebag who manufactures and distributes drugs to kids, you will get your ass beat.

I can’t believe this BS, the guy is a drug dealer, he is making a profit by killing people, I understand he served, I understand his PTSD, however my father served in WWII in Germany, the second wave coming into Normandy, had a good friend blown up right next to him, saw several of his fellow countrymen killed. He received two Bronze Stars and a Medal of Honor, yet he returned home and worked hard and made an honest living.

I tire of the excuses, he was in the military, where you take responsibility for your actions. To politicize this is wrong, the guy made a living off killing his fellow man, he needs to pay the price. Sad story, but he made bad choices.

I know you can't believe this "BS". Because you're full of BS. You despise Perez more than you despise the draft-dodging traitor Trump. Go figure.

I’m no fan of Trump. This guy knowingly broke the law, he knew what the penalty would be. He served this country, yes, however his choice was to be deported or sent to prison for 10-15 years, so you’d rather have the guy sit in prison?
Yup, an imperfect man with PTSD who risked his life serving his country...who happens to have a felony drug conviction, caught with 2 pounds of cocaine that could have killed 100's if not 1000's of kids.

And what about Trump? Oh, he doesn't get convicted of things, he has enough money to pay lawyers to make sure that doesn't happen.

Get back to us when Trump has a felony drug conviction.

Ah, the old "you're only bad if you've been convicted of drugs".

I didn't say Trump did drugs, did I? He probably doesn't, he doesn't drink.

That doesn't mean he hasn't broken the law.

Remember "pay to play"?

So now you want to say breaking any law is the same as smuggling drugs?

No! Where the fuck are you making this shit up from?

I'm talking about the guy that's getting deported for smuggling're talking about Trump probably broke the law doing something. Yup, I sure can't make this shit up.

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