Arne Duncan Threatens Oklahoma Because State Backed Out Of Common Core


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

Thursday marked a high point for opponents of Common Core, as Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed legislation making her state the third to ditch the national educational standards.

In a press briefing at the White House on Monday, though, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan struck back by vaguely suggesting that the federal government may now punish Oklahoma.

Duncan had ominous words for states that buck the Common Core trend.

“We partner with states whether they’re in Common Core or have their own high standards. But where we will challenge status quo is when states dummy down standards,” he warned.

Governor of Oklahoma Fallin said...

“Unfortunately, federal overreach has tainted Common Core,” Fallin said in a statement. “President [Barack] Obama and Washington bureaucrats have usurped Common Core in an attempt to influence state education standards. The results are predictable. What should have been a bipartisan policy is now widely regarded as the president’s plan to establish federal control of curricula, testing and teaching strategies.”

Read more: Arne Duncan Threatens Oklahoma Over Leaving Common Core | The Daily Caller

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