Arnold Schwarzenegger plans on suing oil companies for committing murder.

So . . . how far do you think old sagging Arnold is going to get with this "lawsuit?" :coffee: Keep in mind, he is a movie star, and only CERTAIN types of people become movie stars. I have a feeling he is trying to get himself some attention with all of this. ;)

I think that's all he wants. He's yesterday's news and knows it. But he's entitled to waste all the money he desires. It's his money after all.

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


On behalf of military personnel who were sent to fight in any of Barry's un-Constitutional wars that were NOT authorized by Congress, and came home in a body bag, on behalf of their wives, kids, and families who lost loved ones in Barry's private wars to help terrorists, I am going to file a law suit against Barry, former Sect of State Clinton who f*ed up foreign policy so badly that US military personnel were forced to fight on the side of terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, sue the Democrats in Congress who KNEW Barry was committing an Impeachable offense by dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional wars yet did not act to stop him....

I am also going to follow in Ah-nold's footsteps by suing Al Gore for starting this whole scam while flying around in his fossil fuel-guzzling private jet while the electricity that runs his home is more than some small towns I know....
So . . . how far do you think old sagging Arnold is going to get with this "lawsuit?" :coffee: Keep in mind, he is a movie star, and only CERTAIN types of people become movie stars. I have a feeling he is trying to get himself some attention with all of this. ;)

Let's say he actually does sue and does get some amount of money....what is he going to do with it? Since he is suing on behalf of some of my family members do we get any of the money? Or is he going to do like Jesse Jackson and his 'Rainbow Coalition' - use the money he collects to pay off women who have had his illegitimate babies? :p
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