Arnold Schwarzenegger plans on suing oil companies for committing murder.

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

The only thing they do, and I mean the ONLY thing they do is virtue signal. Not one of them stand for a thing.

I could be wrong. The only thing they are united in is finding any all ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a white right wing Christian male. That is all. That is it.

Other than that, they do not care about THE global warming, or else they would attack Gore relentlessly for his enormous carbon footprint. They don't, cause they do not care.

If one of them actually cared about the refugees, they would welcome them into their own homes. They don't.

Actually, I lied there. Lily Allen allowed illegal refugees to live in of her apartment. She found out the hard way the price you pay.

That, is hilarious.

It really does seem like that. Either that or they are just incredibly ignorant. I can't figure out which one it is yet.

Their biggest nightmare is ever being linked in any way to believing like a right winger. Most of them are far more concerned about being ostracized by their friends or peers. They spend almost ALL of their time in ECHO CHAMBERS, better known as SAFE SPACES.

Hate speech to them is TRUTH. They despise that. When you listen to them or look at them I swear they are possessed by a demon. Not kidding. You ever just sit back and listen to them or look at their gazed over blank expressions?

Watch that, and you will see what I am talking about. You probably know exactly what I am talking about.
It has been an interesting read but if/when he actually files we can laugh then.

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

Gotta love how irrelevant your opinion is.

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.

Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

The only thing they do, and I mean the ONLY thing they do is virtue signal. Not one of them stand for a thing.

I could be wrong. The only thing they are united in is finding any all ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a white right wing Christian male. That is all. That is it.

Other than that, they do not care about THE global warming, or else they would attack Gore relentlessly for his enormous carbon footprint. They don't, cause they do not care.

If one of them actually cared about the refugees, they would welcome them into their own homes. They don't.

Actually, I lied there. Lily Allen allowed illegal refugees to live in of her apartment. She found out the hard way the price you pay.

That, is hilarious.

It really does seem like that. Either that or they are just incredibly ignorant. I can't figure out which one it is yet.

Their biggest nightmare is ever being linked in any way to believing like a right winger. Most of them are far more concerned about being ostracized by their friends or peers. They spend almost ALL of their time in ECHO CHAMBERS, better known as SAFE SPACES.

Hate speech to them is TRUTH. They despise that. When you listen to them or look at them I swear they are possessed by a demon. Not kidding. You ever just sit back and listen to them or look at their gazed over blank expressions?

Watch that, and you will see what I am talking about. You probably know exactly what I am talking about.

You've got to be joking, there's no way you actually think like this.

There isn't that much koolaide in the whole world.
I don't have any of "my own." I am my own person with my own views. If I disagree with someone on their view, it doesn't matter what "party" they belong to. Here we can see the pure partisanship coming through when people use the phrase "your own." Lol. MOST people are able to think independently of what other people might be thinking, except oddly enough that doesn't seem to apply to leftists. It seems as though they would follow their party off a cliff! :cuckoo:

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

Gotta love how irrelevant your opinion is.

Important enough for you to read and comment on right?

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.

Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!


Tell us, what is the company line? Boys are boys and girls are girls? That company line? The fact that you do nothing for the planet and yet you claim you do? That company line? The fact that you never call out Gore for his carbon footprint? That company line? The fact that you are for gay rights, and yet you attack the only country in the Middle East that does not execute gays for being gay? That company line?

You stand for nothing. You a gasbag that spews lies and believes in lies. You are nothing but a hypocritical virtue signaler and that is it. That is all.

It is you, that toes the company line. You bloated hypocrite.

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

The only thing they do, and I mean the ONLY thing they do is virtue signal. Not one of them stand for a thing.

I could be wrong. The only thing they are united in is finding any all ways to stick a thumb in the eye of a white right wing Christian male. That is all. That is it.

Other than that, they do not care about THE global warming, or else they would attack Gore relentlessly for his enormous carbon footprint. They don't, cause they do not care.

If one of them actually cared about the refugees, they would welcome them into their own homes. They don't.

Actually, I lied there. Lily Allen allowed illegal refugees to live in of her apartment. She found out the hard way the price you pay.

That, is hilarious.

It really does seem like that. Either that or they are just incredibly ignorant. I can't figure out which one it is yet.

Their biggest nightmare is ever being linked in any way to believing like a right winger. Most of them are far more concerned about being ostracized by their friends or peers. They spend almost ALL of their time in ECHO CHAMBERS, better known as SAFE SPACES.

Hate speech to them is TRUTH. They despise that. When you listen to them or look at them I swear they are possessed by a demon. Not kidding. You ever just sit back and listen to them or look at their gazed over blank expressions?

Watch that, and you will see what I am talking about. You probably know exactly what I am talking about.

Holy shit. I got 2 minutes into that video, and I was like holy shit, the stupidity is overwhelming already. :omg: Holy shit!

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

Gotta love how irrelevant your opinion is.

Important enough for you to read and comment on right?

Read & mock
The video above is a good example of the "dumbing down" of Americans. You know, it is much easier to brainwash dummies who can't think for themselves and who cannot use any logic whatsoever. Makes it much easier to convince us that men are women and women are men, that race is a "social construct" (even though that is certainly not true at a genetic level), and all kinds of baloney! :D

Liberals and more of their virtue signaling. All liberals support this, all liberals are against people burning and using fossil fuels and all liberals use fossil fuels, especially oil.

In fact that fucking roid rich white Austrian liberal burns more oil than everyone on this site combined.

Oh, but he is not talking about that. He is talking about that evil white middle class that uses icky oil. Not his pathetic Hollywood bretheren.


You know he's a republican right?

Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker

Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.

Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
You know he's a republican right?
Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker
Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is toeing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
Last edited:
You know he's a republican right?
Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker
Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
"Toed". And in most things he has. But let him (or anyone else for that matter) deviate from the platform and boom! They're a RINO or a democratic shill.
Liberal ideology does not adhere to a moniker
Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is towing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
"Toeing" and who's talking about tRump? This is about that conservative icon and hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Gotta love how fast you kids turn on your own.

That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is towing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
"Toeing" and who's talking about tRump? This is about that conservative icon and hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Yeah, damn auto correct. Got it. Anyway, you calling Arnold a conservative is that stupid.
That usually happens when "our own" turn on us first.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is towing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
"Toeing" and who's talking about tRump? This is about that conservative icon and hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Yeah, damn auto correct. Got it. Anyway, you calling Arnold a conservative is that stupid.
Arnold calls Arnold a conservative.
Yes yes, we know. Toe the party line or be punished!

When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is towing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
"Toeing" and who's talking about tRump? This is about that conservative icon and hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Yeah, damn auto correct. Got it. Anyway, you calling Arnold a conservative is that stupid.
Arnold calls Arnold a conservative.
Yeah, I have told myself that I won the Masters. Doesn't make it true.
When has he ever towed the party line? You can put lipstick on a pig..................
Isnt it fucking ironic? They claim Trump is towing the "company line." That is so classic. That is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS NOT DOING, and they are pissed about it. All while claiming that is what we are doing by voting Trump.
"Toeing" and who's talking about tRump? This is about that conservative icon and hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Yeah, damn auto correct. Got it. Anyway, you calling Arnold a conservative is that stupid.
Arnold calls Arnold a conservative.
Yeah, I have told myself that I won the Masters. Doesn't make it true.
But with something as nebulous as political affiliation self identification does mean something.
So . . . how far do you think old sagging Arnold is going to get with this "lawsuit?" :coffee: Keep in mind, he is a movie star, and only CERTAIN types of people become movie stars. I have a feeling he is trying to get himself some attention with all of this. ;)

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