Arrest made in David Dorn case.

In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.

If it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

No justice system is entirely fair and there's no way to make it that way. The only way to make a justice system fair (as you see it) would be to take away certain legal rights that everyone enjoys. Things such as habeus corpus or the bedrock principle of our justice system - innocent until proven guilty - becoming guilty until proven innocent.

If you take away these things then all you're doing is opening the door for the system itself to become corrupt. We would end up with kangaroo courts and drumhead-style justice being meted out with umpunity.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.

If it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

No justice system is entirely fair and there's no way to make it that way. The only way to make a justice system fair (as you see it) would be to take away certain legal rights that everyone enjoys. Things such as habeus corpus or the bedrock principle of our justice system - innocent until proven guilty - becoming guilty until proven innocent.

If you take away these things then all you're doing is opening the door for the system itself to become corrupt. We would end up with kangaroo courts and drumhead-style justice being meted out with umpunity.

You are wrong. James Clapper went before the entire country and lied under oath. It wasn't an inconsequential lie either. Lives have been ruined by his lies.

What was done? Nothing. I'm fine with a system that allows that to collapse.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.

If it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

No justice system is entirely fair and there's no way to make it that way. The only way to make a justice system fair (as you see it) would be to take away certain legal rights that everyone enjoys. Things such as habeus corpus or the bedrock principle of our justice system - innocent until proven guilty - becoming guilty until proven innocent.

If you take away these things then all you're doing is opening the door for the system itself to become corrupt. We would end up with kangaroo courts and drumhead-style justice being meted out with umpunity.

You are wrong. James Clapper went before the entire country and lied under oath. It wasn't an inconsequential lie either. Lives have been ruined by his lies.

I don't understand how that case proves me wrong. Wrong about what? And what lives were ruined by his testimony?

What was done? Nothing. I'm fine with a system that allows that to collapse.

Nope. You've been saying you're fine with the system itself collapsing. If the system itself collapses, believe me, you're going to have much bigger problems than a government official committing perjury over the collection of civilian phone data.

Your proposed solution is not practical. It's like killing the dog to get rid of the fleas.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.

If it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

No justice system is entirely fair and there's no way to make it that way. The only way to make a justice system fair (as you see it) would be to take away certain legal rights that everyone enjoys. Things such as habeus corpus or the bedrock principle of our justice system - innocent until proven guilty - becoming guilty until proven innocent.

If you take away these things then all you're doing is opening the door for the system itself to become corrupt. We would end up with kangaroo courts and drumhead-style justice being meted out with umpunity.

You are wrong. James Clapper went before the entire country and lied under oath. It wasn't an inconsequential lie either. Lives have been ruined by his lies.

I don't understand how that case proves me wrong. Wrong about what? And what lives were ruined by his testimony?

What was done? Nothing. I'm fine with a system that allows that to collapse.

Nope. You've been saying you're fine with the system itself collapsing. If the system itself collapses, believe me, you're going to have much bigger problems than a government official committing perjury over the collection of civilian phone data.

Your proposed solution is not practical. It's like killing the dog to get rid of the fleas.

The system collapsed in 1776. We did OK for awhile. They knew it wouldn't last though.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

So the answer is to destroy small businesses of innocent people who did NOT bilk people for billions?

If bankers can get away with it, all should be able to.

So your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Are we to have a fair and equal justice system or not? Are you saying we shouldn't? I'm saying we have to and there will be one, one way or the other. All get held accountable or we will get one where no one is.

Answer my question first. Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me?

Another question: If you have no qualms about making even more victims then why do you care about them at all? If you have no problem making a victim out of a small business owner then why do you give a shit for embezzlement victims?

I answered your questions. If some can get away with it, I support everyone getting away with it.

You responded to my question with another question. That's not an answer. So again: Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

If you want to take the side of law and order, I'll join you as long as those laws apply to everyone .

If the laws don't apply to everyone and you won't join me on the side of law and order for that reason then my taking the side of law and order is irrelevant. Ergo, the caveat "If you want to take the side of law and order..." is moot and pointless.

All you're doing is palming all the work of maintaining law and order off on myself and others. This suggests to me that you are not interested in law and order at all. Your interest is in hoping the rich become victims of lawlessness and you will make victims of the non-rich to see that happen.

It is a cheap, lazy and unprincipled position to take and smacks of animus and spite.

There is no law and order when there are some who can get away with breaking our laws while others can not.

If there are SOME who do not get away with it then that means there is SOME law and order. Your solution to SOME law and order is NO law and order. Do you honestly think this will solve anything?

Saying you are for "law and order" is meaningless.

You just told me that if I'm for law and order then you will join me (albeit, only if everyone else is).

Here is a good example. There are thousands hiring people illegally. How get arrested?

How does that compare to getting arrested for being here illegally?

Charge them all or none.

Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim? I'll just bet that you would change your tune real quick if someone you love was killed by a drunk driver. Let's see if you continue to stick up for illegal aliens with one of your own on a morgue table.

How many employers of illegal aliens have been arrested? If they aren't, I support not arresting the illegal aliens also.

Are we talking about illegal aliens or law and order? Illegal aliens is but one small aspect of law and order whereas law and order encompasses all crime.

And you still have not answered any questions.

1.) Your answer to criminal behavior is more criminal behavior perpetrated on even more victims. Is that what you're telling me? Yes or no?

2.) Do you envision a fantasy world that is completely lawless but where you and everyone you care about would never be a victim?

And a third question:

3.) If your answer to #2 is no and you know that it's possible that you or someone you care about could be killed and the person not brought to justice, how do you justify your position?

I've answered your question over and over. I support a system where all are held accountable. Not just some. If we refuse that I support anarchy.

No, you have not answered my question. All you're telling me is that you want total law and order or anarchy. This does not answer the question as to whether or not you think more crime and crime victims is a solution to the problem. In other words, I want to know if you think total lawlessness is the solution to some lawlessness. Do you?



But I don't understand why anyone would support the idea of laws not applying equally to everyone.

Who said I didn't?

You don't really count do you? (Nor do I)

Count what?

The country doesn't practice blind justice. With that being the case I support a collapse of that system.

Do you support the killer of your loved one getting off scott free?

Do you have the faintest idea of the ramifications and consequences of what you propose? You are aware that a collapse of the justice system - even for a little while - would result in countless deaths, yes?

It would be easy to fix and honestly, we have seen some small movement in addressing police officers but in the end, they are just disposable like the rest of us to those not held accountable.

How the fuck do you hope to rein in wanton lawlessness once you open that Pandora's box? It would be virtually impossible without martial law which people like you detest anyway.

How old are you anyway? You speak like a teenager or someone in his early twenties who has no clue how the real world works. In the real world, there will NEVER be total law and order and justice. There will always be people who can buy their way out of trouble and even if you manage to quash it, it will come right back again like a weed.

Your vision is a fantasy and completely ungrounded in anything resembling reality.

Have you missed the rioting and looting? If you can dismiss lawlessness, so can I.

Who said I dismissed anything?

You did. You said certain people will always get away with criminal activity.

How do you interpret that as a dismissal? It is a fact: there will always be people who get away with criminal activity. It is a reality I can accept. I don't like it and I don't agree with it, but I can accept it. It is the world we live in and it will always be this way. But I am most certainly not amenable to suspending law and order entirely because I know that won't solve anything and will accomplish nothing more than causing more death and suffering.

Why would you care if I dismiss it or not anyway, given that you're willing to allow and dismiss everyone getting away with it?

We have two choices here:

1.) Prosecute those we can and mete out justice where we are able and accept the fact that a relative few will get away with it. Or,

2.) Suspend all law and order, have no justice at all and face the fact that more will die; blacks, Hispanics and other minorities will experience a rise in racial discrimination; more teenagers will be killed from drinking and texting while driving; gang warfare will ramp up and even more innocent black children will die in drive-bys; more women will be raped; more children molested and killed; more carjackings; more child abuse; more drug overdoses; more...need I go on?

I don't accept that.

Accept it or not, it's still going to happen. How did you manage to reach the age of fifty eight without your head exploding?

My head isn't exploding. I'm OK with things falling apart.

You just said you don't accept some people getting away with criminal activity. Given that it happens every day and has since the dawn of man and will continue until we're gone, I would think you'd have a hard time dealing with it.

I don't think your ideas have anything to do with law and order and justice per se. I think you just want to see the rich suffer. All you're doing is making a statement. It's safe and easy to talk about it because you know full well that a complete lack of law and order will never happen. You also know that if it did happen you and yours will suffer right along with the rich. It's why you evade my questions and avoid acknowledging it.

You know as well as I do that it is a stupid, inane wish. You also know as well as I do that everything I mentioned would happen. So if you know that it would be catastrophic, you're an amoral monster. If you don't know that it would be catastrophic then you're a fucking idiot.

Making the laws also apply to the rich is making them suffer? If so, why does that not apply to the rest?

Nice try at misdirection. You want to dismantle all law and order to punish the rich.

Here's the difference between you and me: Whereas I would like to punish all the rich who break the law, you would dissolve all law and order to punish all the rich, regardless of the fact that not all the rich break the law.

I understand your thinking here because your posts are quite transparent in this regard. The main villains in your mind are the rich. You don't really care about law and order, you only care that sometimes the rich get away with it.

It never even occurs to you that literally millions of illegal aliens get away with being here illegally and what's more, the rich help them do it.

Odd that you think a fair society is not something we should want.

Odd that you think this is what I believe merely because I say that dissolving all law and order is a bad idea.

It is a bad idea. It's going to be the end result of an unfair justice system. It's inevitable.

If it hasn't happened by now, it never will.

No justice system is entirely fair and there's no way to make it that way. The only way to make a justice system fair (as you see it) would be to take away certain legal rights that everyone enjoys. Things such as habeus corpus or the bedrock principle of our justice system - innocent until proven guilty - becoming guilty until proven innocent.

If you take away these things then all you're doing is opening the door for the system itself to become corrupt. We would end up with kangaroo courts and drumhead-style justice being meted out with umpunity.

You are wrong. James Clapper went before the entire country and lied under oath. It wasn't an inconsequential lie either. Lives have been ruined by his lies.

I don't understand how that case proves me wrong. Wrong about what? And what lives were ruined by his testimony?

What was done? Nothing. I'm fine with a system that allows that to collapse.

Nope. You've been saying you're fine with the system itself collapsing. If the system itself collapses, believe me, you're going to have much bigger problems than a government official committing perjury over the collection of civilian phone data.

Your proposed solution is not practical. It's like killing the dog to get rid of the fleas.

The system collapsed in 1776. We did OK for awhile. They knew it wouldn't last though.

What do you mean it "collapsed"? I'm sure there was a transitioning period between the previous system and the colonial system but to say it collapsed is a bit of a stretch. You're going to have to provide me with historic citations to back this up.

Also, you can't compare the collapse of a judicial system in 1776 where the population was .05% of what it is today. Are you so stupid and oblivious as to believe it would be as painless today?

Finally, don't preach to me about lives being ruined when you know that this is exactly what will happen with a collapse of the judicial system. This is hypocritical in the extreme. You don't give two shits about lives being ruined. You just don't like the rich doing it.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

What others? You think if I was passing fake bills, that they wouldn't arrest me, or send me to prison?

You think if I was fighting the officers, they wouldn't pin me to the ground?

What others? You show me the guy with the same long violent criminal history, that did the same actions, and the police gave him a warning and sent him on his way.

Where is that guy? You show me that guy.

The store said people are never arrested in cases like this. That the police ask questions as to where the bill came from. I don't really need to address your made up scenario's either.

Yeah than.... the people arrested for passing fake dollars.

Other than all those people arrested for passing fake bills, you are right, they just ask questions and leave.
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

What others? You think if I was passing fake bills, that they wouldn't arrest me, or send me to prison?

You think if I was fighting the officers, they wouldn't pin me to the ground?

What others? You show me the guy with the same long violent criminal history, that did the same actions, and the police gave him a warning and sent him on his way.

Where is that guy? You show me that guy.

The store said people are never arrested in cases like this. That the police ask questions as to where the bill came from. I don't really need to address your made up scenario's either.

Yeah than.... the people arrested for passing fake dollars.

Other than all those people arrested for passing fake bills, you are right, they just ask questions and leave.

Sheesh. The police arrest people in Maine for using fake bills in Minnesota?
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

What others? You think if I was passing fake bills, that they wouldn't arrest me, or send me to prison?

You think if I was fighting the officers, they wouldn't pin me to the ground?

What others? You show me the guy with the same long violent criminal history, that did the same actions, and the police gave him a warning and sent him on his way.

Where is that guy? You show me that guy.

The store said people are never arrested in cases like this. That the police ask questions as to where the bill came from. I don't really need to address your made up scenario's either.

Yeah than.... the people arrested for passing fake dollars.

Other than all those people arrested for passing fake bills, you are right, they just ask questions and leave.

Sheesh. The police arrest people in Maine for using fake bills in Minnesota?

You are saying that in one state, no one is arrested, but in the rest of the country they are? Are you a moron?
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

What others? You think if I was passing fake bills, that they wouldn't arrest me, or send me to prison?

You think if I was fighting the officers, they wouldn't pin me to the ground?

What others? You show me the guy with the same long violent criminal history, that did the same actions, and the police gave him a warning and sent him on his way.

Where is that guy? You show me that guy.

The store said people are never arrested in cases like this. That the police ask questions as to where the bill came from. I don't really need to address your made up scenario's either.

Yeah than.... the people arrested for passing fake dollars.

Other than all those people arrested for passing fake bills, you are right, they just ask questions and leave.

Sheesh. The police arrest people in Maine for using fake bills in Minnesota?

You are saying that in one state, no one is arrested, but in the rest of the country they are? Are you a moron?

I quoted the store owner. Please comprehend
In the thread I started a few days ago I said that these protests are no longer about Floyd and probably never were. This is class warfare, pure and simple. Capitalists and capitalism are their real enemy and have been from the beginning. If you asked them today about Floyd they would say "Who?"

Floyd gets taken down and killed for maybe using a fake $20. Angelo Mozilo retires a millionaire after causing taxpayers to lose billions.


Class does play a role in the protests. People are tired of getting beat down for a fraction of what others get away with.

What others? You think if I was passing fake bills, that they wouldn't arrest me, or send me to prison?

You think if I was fighting the officers, they wouldn't pin me to the ground?

What others? You show me the guy with the same long violent criminal history, that did the same actions, and the police gave him a warning and sent him on his way.

Where is that guy? You show me that guy.

The store said people are never arrested in cases like this. That the police ask questions as to where the bill came from. I don't really need to address your made up scenario's either.

Yeah than.... the people arrested for passing fake dollars.

Other than all those people arrested for passing fake bills, you are right, they just ask questions and leave.

Sheesh. The police arrest people in Maine for using fake bills in Minnesota?

You are saying that in one state, no one is arrested, but in the rest of the country they are? Are you a moron?

I quoted the store owner. Please comprehend

Don't care. You think the store owner is following police around all day, and knows "hey, they never arrest anyone for passing fake bills!".

No, of course not. You google arrests for fake bills, and the list of stories of people arrested for fake bills, is endless.

Sorry, but opinion doesn't trump facts.
For every black killed by a cop, 270 blacks are killed by other blacks. That was a stat given by Bob Woodson, a black man who wrote the book 1776.


When a black kills another no one says "he was just doing his job".
Doesn’t make it any less tragic.

He isnt going to support a God that doesn't show him.proper respect.
God doesn't have to show anyone respect.
Thank you law enforcement! Hopefully more arrests will be forthcoming.

bout time the police were good for something.
Very disrespectful. 99% of the time the police are great. Media doesn’t cover it. They concentrate on the “bad cops”. Better ratings and sheep like you follow along.
I'll respect them more when they deserve more respect.

Get over it.
Better to respect the police than the thugs committing crimes in the street. BLM is shit.
Thank you law enforcement! Hopefully more arrests will be forthcoming.

bout time the police were good for something.
Very disrespectful. 99% of the time the police are great. Media doesn’t cover it. They concentrate on the “bad cops”. Better ratings and sheep like you follow along.

3000 people enter a bank and complete a transaction on a single given day. One goes in and robs it. What is the media going to cover?
False conflation. Police save lives daily and arrest brutal criminals. Cover that.

They do. It's has to be pretty rare when a "brutal criminal" is arrested and it's not covered.
Not like this. That college kid that went on a killing spree and was caught...that barely got any air time. Meanwhile they refuse to give the backstory of George Floyd’s past and portray him as a saint.

His past is irrelevant. All you are wanting is to try and justify what the cops did.

Floyd justified the cops behavior by resisting and acting like a thug.

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