Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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“Ohio’s heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception broader than just the life of the mother,” Mr. Yost said. “This young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her — it breaks my heart to think about it — she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.” — Iamwhaiseem

Yes she exists. Yes, this rape did happen. Yes the culprit was finally arrested after DNA tests were taken.

She had her abortion out of state because there are only a few abortion locations still open in the entire state of Ohio — and they are rapidly closing their doors!

Of the few still existing most have NOT been taking new patients since the Roe decision, which leaves this idiotic Ohio law in effect which BANS abortion for rape!

The Republican Ohio Attorney General’s word is worth sh*t. He is an enemy of women and an anti-Choice creep.

Should the poor mother and child have SUED to try to force the state or a state hospital to allow an abortion? Who exactly would they have sued or petitioned? What money had they to sue as the clock was ticking in the poor girl’s womb? How long would it have taken even if the mother knew who to contact, had money to make a legal claim, and finally won? Women (and children) who want to stop an unwanted pregnancy need quick and safe abortion assistance w/o state interference!

Fuck the hypocritical Ohio politicians for passing this cruel law that takes away even poor rape victim’s rights! If their own mistresses got knocked up, or their own daughters got pregnant by somebody from “the wrong side of the tracks,” most wouldn’t hesitate a second before urging them to get an abortion!

As it turned out, with NO help from the worthless Ohio Attorney General’s office the case was apparently properly reported by the social worker to local police and finally prosecuted by the bureaucracy after DNA evidence was gathered.

The brave woman doctor who performed the out of state abortion rightly refused to give out the child or mother’s name, even though she was threatened and defamed by the rightwing media and state politicians. The case had already been reported to the authorities.
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^^^ what an ass ^^^ rape is FUCKING RAPE & that's the focus here.

& <pssssst> know what else will be the CONtinuing focus all the way up to the election?

the overturning of roe v wade. count on it; ass.
no it isn't, it's about abortion.
Yes she exists. Yes, this rape did happen. Yes the culprit was finally arrested after DNA tests were taken.

She had her abortion out of state because there are only a few abortion locations still open in the entire state of Ohio!

Of the few still existing most have NOT been taking new patients since the Roe decision, which leaves the Ohio law in effect which BANS abortion for rape!

The Republican Ohio Attorney General’s word is worth sh*t. He is an enemy of women and an anti-Choice creep.

Should the poor mother and child have SUED to try to force the state or a state hospital to allow an abortion? Who exactly would they have sued or petitioned? What money had they to sue as the clock was ticking in the poor girl’s womb? How long would it have taken even if the mother knew who to contact, had money to make a legal claim, and finally won? Women (and children) who want to stop a pregnancy need quick and safe abortion assistance w/o state interference!

Fuck the hypocritical Ohio politicians for passing this cruel law that takes away even poor rape victim’s rights! If their own mistresses got knocked up, or their own daughters got pregnant by somebody from “the wrong side of the tracks,” most wouldn’t hesitate a second before urging them to get an abortion!

As it turned out, with NO help from the worthless Ohio Attorney General’s office the case was apparently properly reported by the social worker to police and finally prosecuted by the bureaucracy after DNA evidence was gathered.

The brave woman doctor who performed the out of state abortion rightly refused to give out the child or mother’s name, even though she was threatened and defamed by the rightwing media and state politicians.
fk off baby killer.
Who cares if it was in a red or blue state? Everuthing has to be about Dem versus GOP with you fuckers....

Why did the Da not know about the case?

Why did tbepolice 1st not know about it?

Wby did the police spring into action only after the story went viral?

Did anyone get the name of the location where the 10yo supposedly got tbemefical abortion?
- Was it confirmed?

You sure are eager to take the unconfirmed convenient reports from fake news media....
for quite some time obviously. Is this guy a patsy?

I need evidence he did it.
Yes she exists. Yes, this rape did happen. Yes the culprit was finally arrested after DNA tests were taken.

She had her abortion out of state because there are only a few abortion locations still open in the entire state of Ohio — and they are rapidly closing their doors!

Of the few still existing most have NOT been taking new patients since the Roe decision, which leaves this idiotic Ohio law in effect which BANS abortion for rape!

The Republican Ohio Attorney General’s word is worth sh*t. He is an enemy of women and an anti-Choice creep.

Should the poor mother and child have SUED to try to force the state or a state hospital to allow an abortion? Who exactly would they have sued or petitioned? What money had they to sue as the clock was ticking in the poor girl’s womb? How long would it have taken even if the mother knew who to contact, had money to make a legal claim, and finally won? Women (and children) who want to stop an unwanted pregnancy need quick and safe abortion assistance w/o state interference!

Fuck the hypocritical Ohio politicians for passing this cruel law that takes away even poor rape victim’s rights! If their own mistresses got knocked up, or their own daughters got pregnant by somebody from “the wrong side of the tracks,” most wouldn’t hesitate a second before urging them to get an abortion!

As it turned out, with NO help from the worthless Ohio Attorney General’s office the case was apparently properly reported by the social worker to police and finally prosecuted by the bureaucracy after DNA evidence was gathered.

The brave woman doctor who performed the out of state abortion rightly refused to give out the child or mother’s name, even though she was threatened and defamed by the rightwing media and state politicians. The case had already been reported to the authorities.
As news spread on Wednesday that a man had been charged in the rape of a 10-year-old girl who had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to undergo an abortion, critics soon took aim at Republicans and media outlets that were skeptical of the sourcing of a story that captured international attention.

Among the outlets that cast doubt on the story were the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. (The Post’s Fact Checker column pointed out that the story lacked details and thus was difficult to verify.)
Some of Fox’s most high-profile hosts — Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham — suggested this week that the account of the 10-year-old rape victim was a “hoax” and “politically timed disinformation,” and claimed that the Biden administration was “lying” about the case after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Naturally, right wing media sites took the opportunity to lie their asses off. You know, in keeping with their usual programming. Now that their duplicity has been'll never guess..........they are shifting the focus on the rapist..........not the ludicrous law or their deceit.
As news spread on Wednesday that a man had been charged in the rape of a 10-year-old girl who had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to undergo an abortion, critics soon took aim at Republicans and media outlets that were skeptical of the sourcing of a story that captured international attention.

Among the outlets that cast doubt on the story were the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. (The Post’s Fact Checker column pointed out that the story lacked details and thus was difficult to verify.)
Some of Fox’s most high-profile hosts — Tucker Carlson, Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham — suggested this week that the account of the 10-year-old rape victim was a “hoax” and “politically timed disinformation,” and claimed that the Biden administration was “lying” about the case after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Naturally, right wing media sites took the opportunity to lie their asses off. You know, in keeping with their usual programming. Now that their duplicity has been'll never guess..........they are shifting the focus on the rapist..........not the ludicrous law or their deceit.
it was misinformation. prove that dude did anything. you can't can you?
Maybe because the doctors in Ohio would have to ask too many questions.
Bad enough to be raped, but then to feel like being raped again by having to repeat what happened in order to qualify for an exception.

A 10 year old can't consent, so it's assumed they were raped if they are pregnant. So you can quit making up stories.

Maybe because the doctors in Ohio would have to ask too many questions.
Bad enough to be raped, but then to feel like being raped again by having to repeat what happened in order to qualify for an exception.

Stating to the 10 year old girl is pregnant is already something the doctor is going to have to know......

The exception is she was pregnant at 10....simply explaining that gets her the abortion, you twit............
The GOP hate machine won't apologize. They do everthing they can to sluff it off onto somebody else.
The Ohio AG is going after the doctor.

Why did Joe Biden allow an illegal immigrant to rape a 10 year old girl? Maybe because according to Joe's own daughter, he sexually molested her as a teenager in the shower every night. Why does Hunter Biden call Joe, Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater?

Why does the left seemingly only care about children when they can either groom them for the Alphabet Pedo Lobby or exterminate them at Planned Parenthood?
Nice try but fail.

The fact that you fuckers first claimed it was a hoax says everything

People NEED to see the results of GOP policies and you fuckers want to hide them.
There’s still a lot that doesn’t add up here. Of course, being the ignorant oaf you are, you refuse to see truth or facts.
Yea...the family of the victim wants to "protect the rapist". Sure

You're SCUM

Abortion in Ohio for that 10 year old rape victim was not an option. It was OUTLAWED
Shut up scumbag. The Ohio AG says you’re a fucking lying scumbag. There was no need to go to another state. Period. End of argument crybaby.
LOL, Do you even read what you write? Talk about convoluted thinking!

This didn't happen in a blue state. It happened in the red state of Ohio. The DA claimed the case did not exist.

And yet... listen up, this is important... the same Ohio state police not only proved the story to be true, but they also have a perp in custody. And, the same DA who claimed it did not happen? Now rejoices a rapist is in custody!!!!

Where does the Dems fit in this story? Are you saying that the Dems paid off the DA and the police to change their story? You idiot!

The real issue here is why the DA not check his facts before mouthing off? Repubs are incompetent and this nut-job of a DA is the prime example!!

Next time, read over what you write before hitting the post button. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:
No you stupid fucktard. He stated he had received NOTHING from police or doctors. And he had not. No report, no DNA, not one clinic in the state was ever contacted, the list debunking your bullshit is long. Truth hurts your little disgusting pea brain liar. Stay under the bridge, you won’t embarrass yourself quite as much then....
You're the one who could not respond with anything original and had to quote / parrot me dumbass, proving all you know how to do is parrot your liberal masters' talking points...

And you would know what retards usually do - you demonstrate it for us all the time.
Poor retard. Don't like my response? Tough.

Same response as before:

In other words, you couldn't respond? Don't feel too bad. Retards never can. :itsok:
No you stupid fucktard. He stated he had received NOTHING from police or doctors. And he had not. No report, no DNA, not one clinic in the state was ever contacted, the list debunking your bullshit is long. Truth hurts your little disgusting pea brain liar. Stay under the bridge, you won’t embarrass yourself quite as much then....
So, how is that a Dem problem?

A red state DA is not up to date with the cases at his state and mouths off, thereby embarrassing himself and the state and that is a Dem problem?

This is what you get, you fucking retards. Keep electing Repubs and suffer humiliation. We libs living in the better states will laugh at you. Deal?
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