Arrest the NBC reporter!

How does that prove Zimmermann is guilty? How does that justify convicting the man without a tiral and offering a million dollar bounty to kill him?

I'm beginning to think you're one of the biggest morons in this forum. You're definitely up there in the top 5 with TruthMatters and rdean.

If we eleminate every invitation for idiots to act stupid, you wouldn't be allowed to post on this forum.

Only guy I see acting stupid are all you jokers who are rushing to Zimmerman's defense.

He shot a kid.

In the middle of the street.

After the 911 operator told him to stand down.

Plus apparently he got fired from being a bouncer and likes to slap his girlfriend around.

You have a habit of lying.... I'm not sure if you even realize you do it. The 911 operator didn't 'tell him' to 'stand down', the 911 operator advised him 'we don't need you to do that', in response to Zimmerman confirming that he was following Martin.

No, it's a matter of facts. The 911 operator told him NOT to follow the kid. He did it anyway. A few minutes later, that kid is dead with a hole in his chest Zimmerman put there.

Not sure why your so in love with this guy.
Guy, your boy is going down... learn to deal.

You don't think the fact he used excessive force on his job isn't going to be introduced as evidence, you've got a hole in your head.

He isn't my boy, and all you did with that comment is prove my point. The fact that he got fired from his bouncer job is inadmissable in court. You have convicted him without a trial. You even endorsed the NBPP offering to pay money to have Zimmerman killed. That's a felony punishable by many years in prison. You are the kind of animal who doesn't belong among civilized people.

All you're doing is confirming the fact that you're a moron.
You implied he wasn't guilty. The competence of the prosecution isn't under debate here.

You're a moron.

No, you inferred that. I didn't say that.

I said he got a fair trial, despite the media circus. I blame more the incompetence of Clark and Darden than anything else.

As someone once said, "It's better a hundred guilty men go free than an innocent person go to prison."

You said the result of the trial was fair, not the trial itself, i.e., you implied OJ was innocent.

He wasn't convicted by the media. They simply reported the facts, and those facts indicated he was guilty as hell. The only reason he got off was because of some racist black jurors who weren't going to return a guilty verdict no matter what the evidence showed. Some of them even admitted it.

Didn't say the results were fair or unfair. I'm saying he got a fair trial. The prosecution got to put on their case, and he got to put on his.

The reason he got off was because the prosecution tried to wallpaper over the fact that Fuhrman was a racist. And pretty much like anything, you lie to me about that, what else you lying to me about.

For the record, I think OJ was guilty. Too bad the prosecution didn't do its job.
Guy, your boy is going down... learn to deal.

You don't think the fact he used excessive force on his job isn't going to be introduced as evidence, you've got a hole in your head.

He isn't my boy, and all you did with that comment is prove my point. The fact that he got fired from his bouncer job is inadmissable in court. You have convicted him without a trial. You even endorsed the NBPP offering to pay money to have Zimmerman killed. That's a felony punishable by many years in prison. You are the kind of animal who doesn't belong among civilized people.

All you're doing is confirming the fact that you're a moron.

Where did I endorse that? Seriously, man, you're sputtering at this point.

Hey, you know what, Obama didn't literally mean Trayvon was his son. You can stop looking for the birth certificate.

Incidently, I'm not sure if the bouncer thing would be admissable or not, but it should be, because it shows a pattern of conduct.
Conspiracy to commit murder.... soliciting murder is illegal. You do know that, right?

Who told you that these people offered to pay someone to murder Zimmerman?

10k dead or alive


I haven't see the actual statement from these idiots actually offering 10,000, or a million as the other poster said,

for the killing of Zimmerman.

Wouldn't that be simple enough to post. Christ, I bombard you guys with valid links,

show a little reciprocal courtesy.
Conspiracy to commit murder.... soliciting murder is illegal. You do know that, right?

Who told you that these people offered to pay someone to murder Zimmerman?

The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.
Who told you that these people offered to pay someone to murder Zimmerman?

The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

I didn't claim it was a million. As far as I know it was $10k. The poster has already been produced on here.... I don't intend to keep linking the same shit for lazy asses... but it's there. The press conference given by the NBP is on you tube.... with the 'dead or alive' poster.
Who told you that these people offered to pay someone to murder Zimmerman?

The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

[ame=]New Black Panthers offer reward for capture of George Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]

Looks like they did say $1m. I was wrong.
The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

I didn't claim it was a million. As far as I know it was $10k. The poster has already been produced on here.... I don't intend to keep linking the same shit for lazy asses... but it's there. The press conference given by the NBP is on you tube.... with the 'dead or alive' poster.

Why is it every time I ask for a link people like you say it was posted somewhere else?
The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

[ame=]New Black Panthers offer reward for capture of George Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]

Looks like they did say $1m. I was wrong.

A reward for the 'capture', or arrest of Zimmerman, is a solicitation of murder?
I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

[ame=]New Black Panthers offer reward for capture of George Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]

Looks like they did say $1m. I was wrong.

A reward for the 'capture', or arrest of Zimmerman, is a solicitation of murder?

They issued a poster - again there is already several images of that on this forum with Wanted Dead or Alive... during their press conference one of the NBP says 'Zimmerman should be afraid for his life'.... those are both very clear threats, and the money makes it solicitation.

Every single member at that conference should be arrested and charged. Inciting others to commit murder for profit is illegal... as far as I am aware.

Minister Mikhail Muhummud led the press conference, calling for the firing of Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee, the arrest of George Zimmerman and some involvement from President Obama. Muhummud stated he is the southern regional director for the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense located in Jacksonville, Florida. While Minister Muhummud fired off a list of demands and expressed outrage over the handling of the shooting and subsequent investigation, a member of the group passed flyers to about 100 people who showed up for the press conference. Muhummud told the group he was not concerned with rumors of death threats to George Zimmerman, “He should be afraid for his life…” (SEE
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The NBPs told me. They held a press conference to announce it. 'Wanted, Dead or Alive". Nice bunch of racists you support.

I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

I didn't claim it was a million. As far as I know it was $10k. The poster has already been produced on here.... I don't intend to keep linking the same shit for lazy asses... but it's there. The press conference given by the NBP is on you tube.... with the 'dead or alive' poster.

They never accept anything without a link. And they won't look it up.
I don't support them.

Just show me actual offer of a million dollars for the murder of Zimmerman.

I didn't claim it was a million. As far as I know it was $10k. The poster has already been produced on here.... I don't intend to keep linking the same shit for lazy asses... but it's there. The press conference given by the NBP is on you tube.... with the 'dead or alive' poster.

They never accept anything without a link. And they won't look it up.

Yea.... and when you provide them with the links etc.... 10 minutes later they're demanding the same thing again.

I have such a low tolerance level for stupid. My bad.
I didn't claim it was a million. As far as I know it was $10k. The poster has already been produced on here.... I don't intend to keep linking the same shit for lazy asses... but it's there. The press conference given by the NBP is on you tube.... with the 'dead or alive' poster.

They never accept anything without a link. And they won't look it up.

Yea.... and when you provide them with the links etc.... 10 minutes later they're demanding the same thing again.

I have such a low tolerance level for stupid. My bad.
I had to chill and just read the stuff here once in awhile for the past week. I'd get ready to post a reply, type it out and then decide not to because it wouldn't be worth it. I'm trying to get back in the groove.
This douche can't be arrested. And that's for various reasons. But one main reason is that he works for GE/NBC. And everyone knows they're the President's biggest Boot-Lickers in the MSM. I mean, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is his 'Jobs Czar' for God's sake. So the little douche has a kind of immunity. NBC is a disgrace at this point. They should never be trusted.
And yet another conservative, in this case the OP, is exposed as a liar.

Needless to say, had the tape been edited to benefit Zimmerman, we’d not hear a peep from the right.

But that didnt happen now did it? The asshole edited the tape to cause more racial tensions and you're ok with this?
I dont care what side you fall on this. That is just sick.
And yet another conservative, in this case the OP, is exposed as a liar.

Needless to say, had the tape been edited to benefit Zimmerman, we’d not hear a peep from the right.

But that didnt happen now did it? The asshole edited the tape to cause more racial tensions and you're ok with this?
I dont care what side you fall on this. That is just sick.

GE/NBC blows. They can no longer be trusted.
10k dead or alive


I'll say. I mean, you should offer real money for that sort of thing.

Hopefully, when they put Zimmerman in prison, they'll put him in protective custody.

Why because he put down one of your brethren for assault.

You guys got froggy and paid the price. Tsk tsk tsk

Quite right. You murder someone in cold blood, you pay the price.

I mean, I'm being nice, wanting to put him in PC when he's in prison, but I won't shed a tear if they shank him the shower...

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