Arrest the NBC reporter!

I think the hoodie wannabe thug that got shot fighting a Hispanic man with a gun was an idiot.

I also think the Hispanic Barney Fife that is a registered Democrat was stupid carrying a gun if he couldn't prevent a black male from trying to use it on him.

They are both fine examples of Democrats, but one won't be able to vote and the other might have the same fate if Democrats have their way throwing him in the slammer. I could care either way, but don't want blacks to use this bullshit as an excuse to riot.

The shithead that altered the tape knew what he was doing, he is trying to rile up blacks for a riot.

Nothing better to unite blacks behind Holder and Obamination than to pit them against "whitey" in Florida.....a battleground state.

Thank God for a sensible post. For a second there I was afraid all the Zimmer-groupies were going to play a game of race baiting.
And now even some of the most well known Race-Baiters in the Liberal Press are beginning to come clean. This is from CNN...

Zimmerman's 911 call: Audio enhanced again - YouTube

You know, I've thought about this long and hard. At first, I was very sure that he said "coons." Then, after the audio enhancement I questioned that and thought that, at the very least, there was such a good chance that he had actually said "cold" that it was clearly necessary to drop the accusation altogether. But then I was reminded from reading another article that Zimmerman's lawyer has been maintaining that he actually said "punks." Now, based on nothing more than listening to the audio, both the original and the enhanced, it could be believable that he said "coons," or "cold," or "coup," or "Kools," or "kook," or even on a bit of a stretch "coozie." But there is absolutely no way that I can believe in a million years that what Zimmerman said is "punks," after listening to the audio dozens of times now.

So that raises the question: Since the lawyer's claim is so obviously false, how did this false claim arise? There are only two possibilities, either the lawyer is lying on his client's behalf, or Zimmerman lied to his lawyer. I find the former to be a most troubling and implausible explanation. Which leaves the latter. And if Zimmerman is lying about what that word was that he said, then what is he trying to hide? Of all those possibilities that could be anticipated from listening to the tapes, there is only one word that is significant enough to be worth lying to hide. And that word is "coons."

And unless you hear Zimmerman's lawyer yourself, why would you put trust in an article saying that he said that Zimmerman said that?
And unless you hear Zimmerman's lawyer yourself, why would you put trust in an article saying that he said that Zimmerman said that?

-_- Really? So multiple reputable news outlets are all fabricating the whole thing? Zimmerman's lawyer never said that?
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And unless you hear Zimmerman's lawyer yourself, why would you put trust in an article saying that he said that Zimmerman said that?

-_- Really? So multiple reputable news outlets are all fabricating the whole thing? Zimmerman's lawyer never said that?

I don't know. I know that so far the media reporting hasn't been too accurate or non biased. I haven't heard Zimmerman's lawyer say that and I don't have too much confidence that most of the media is interested in staying impartial or being accurate in this matter. So who knows for sure what Zimmerman's lawyer said?
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Man you are a whiny fucking bitch.
Only guy I see acting stupid are all you jokers who are rushing to Zimmerman's defense.

He shot a kid.

In the middle of the street.

After the 911 operator told him to stand down.

Plus apparently he got fired from being a bouncer and likes to slap his girlfriend around.

You have a habit of lying.... I'm not sure if you even realize you do it. The 911 operator didn't 'tell him' to 'stand down', the 911 operator advised him 'we don't need you to do that', in response to Zimmerman confirming that he was following Martin.

No, it's a matter of facts. The 911 operator told him NOT to follow the kid. He did it anyway. A few minutes later, that kid is dead with a hole in his chest Zimmerman put there.

Not sure why your so in love with this guy.

I'm not 'in love' with him... but I do support due process. Clearly, you do not. That's fine. You're welcome to your opinion, however asinine it is.

The 911 tape (the unedited one, not the NBC one) is very clear... and the fact is that the words the operator spoke were "we do not need you to do that". That's not 'telling' him not to, it is advising him that he need not do it.

After that, we have no real evidence.... we have the explanation of Zimmerman from his lawyer and various others... and that explanation appears to be supported by independent eye witness accounts.

We further know that Zimmerman sustained injuries. Because we have police statements supporting that.

Since you are on record as stating that you "want him in prison, regardless"... I figure you lost whatever credibility you may have had.
You have a habit of lying.... I'm not sure if you even realize you do it. The 911 operator didn't 'tell him' to 'stand down', the 911 operator advised him 'we don't need you to do that', in response to Zimmerman confirming that he was following Martin.

No, it's a matter of facts. The 911 operator told him NOT to follow the kid. He did it anyway. A few minutes later, that kid is dead with a hole in his chest Zimmerman put there.

Not sure why your so in love with this guy.

I'm not 'in love' with him... but I do support due process. Clearly, you do not. That's fine. You're welcome to your opinion, however asinine it is.

The 911 tape (the unedited one, not the NBC one) is very clear... and the fact is that the words the operator spoke were "we do not need you to do that". That's not 'telling' him not to, it is advising him that he need not do it.

After that, we have no real evidence.... we have the explanation of Zimmerman from his lawyer and various others... and that explanation appears to be supported by independent eye witness accounts.

We further know that Zimmerman sustained injuries. Because we have police statements supporting that.

Since you are on record as stating that you "want him in prison, regardless"... I figure you lost whatever credibility you may have had.

But what we are seeing of course is the peculiar phenomenon that seems to infest situations like this. It doesn't matter who or how much a few media sources are working to get the story straight or how much they enhance the tapes so that experts can show us exactly what was said, or more importantly what was not said. The looney left doesn't care.

They keep repeating the edited tapes, the biased reporting, the intentional race baiting rhetoric. They want Zimmerman convicted whether or not he is innocent. That's the way it is supposed to be in America now. If it's black on white or even black on white Hispanic, white has to be wrong.

And those who still believe in justice instead of race baiting still wonder. If Zimmerman is innocent, how does he get his life back?
No, it's a matter of facts. The 911 operator told him NOT to follow the kid. He did it anyway. A few minutes later, that kid is dead with a hole in his chest Zimmerman put there.

Not sure why your so in love with this guy.

I'm not 'in love' with him... but I do support due process. Clearly, you do not. That's fine. You're welcome to your opinion, however asinine it is.

The 911 tape (the unedited one, not the NBC one) is very clear... and the fact is that the words the operator spoke were "we do not need you to do that". That's not 'telling' him not to, it is advising him that he need not do it.

After that, we have no real evidence.... we have the explanation of Zimmerman from his lawyer and various others... and that explanation appears to be supported by independent eye witness accounts.

We further know that Zimmerman sustained injuries. Because we have police statements supporting that.

Since you are on record as stating that you "want him in prison, regardless"... I figure you lost whatever credibility you may have had.

But what we are seeing of course is the peculiar phenomenon that seems to infest situations like this. It doesn't matter who or how much a few media sources are working to get the story straight or how much they enhance the tapes so that experts can show us exactly what was said, or more importantly what was not said. The looney left doesn't care.

They keep repeating the edited tapes, the biased reporting, the intentional race baiting rhetoric. They want Zimmerman convicted whether or not he is innocent. That's the way it is supposed to be in America now. If it's black on white or even black on white Hispanic, white has to be wrong.

And those who still believe in justice instead of race baiting still wonder. If Zimmerman is innocent, how does he get his life back?

It concerns me that so many people appear to be so averse to applying critical thought to a given situation. Particularly when it has become very clear that the media have, from the outset, thrown any vague standard of professional journalism out the window.

I think, assuming he's innocent, he will eventually get a life - probably not the one he had before though. Once all the facts are known, there will be some kind of conclusion. If the state decides that no charges will be brought, I hope she has the courage to lay out the rationale, and the facts of the case. That might settle it for those who care about justice.. the ranting hordes will move on to the next tragedy to exploit.
Zimmerman is gonna be one rich Hispanic.

He will have to prove that it was done to intentionally harm him and that he was in fact materially harmed.

The NBPP has put out a bounty on his life, so the fact that he was materially harmed is quite obvious. NBC already fired the producer of the segment, so their culpability is also obvious.

It's an open-and-shut case.
The shithead that altered the tape knew what he was doing, he is trying to rile up blacks for a riot.

Nothing better to unite blacks behind Holder and Obamination than to pit them against "whitey" in Florida.....a battleground state.

I think the fact that Zimmerman called this kid a "coon" and then, oh, MURDERED HIM, is probably more than enough to get black folks upset..
The shithead that altered the tape knew what he was doing, he is trying to rile up blacks for a riot.

Nothing better to unite blacks behind Holder and Obamination than to pit them against "whitey" in Florida.....a battleground state.

I think the fact that Zimmerman called this kid a "coon" and then, oh, MURDERED HIM, is probably more than enough to get black folks upset..

You are aware that the whole 'coon' thing is now in dispute also, right? The tape was not the original. Or does the truth not matter to you?

Oh, and... there remains no evidence that anyone was MURDERED.... hysteria is no replacement for logic... pity you never learned that.
I'm not 'in love' with him... but I do support due process. Clearly, you do not. That's fine. You're welcome to your opinion, however asinine it is.

The 911 tape (the unedited one, not the NBC one) is very clear... and the fact is that the words the operator spoke were "we do not need you to do that". That's not 'telling' him not to, it is advising him that he need not do it.

You're splitting hairs. He was told not to follow, he followed anyway. Trayvon confronted him (which, sorry, any kid might if threatened by a total stranger who followed him in a vehicle and then on foot).

After that, we have no real evidence....

You mean other than a dead kid with a hole blown in him?

we have the explanation of Zimmerman from his lawyer and various others... and that explanation appears to be supported by independent eye witness accounts.

Not really. Some of the eyewitnesses said that Zimmerman was killing that kid, and we can hear Trayvon screaming for help on the tape...

We further know that Zimmerman sustained injuries. Because we have police statements supporting that.

Yet, oddly invisible to a tape he appeared in less than an hour later.

Since you are on record as stating that you "want him in prison, regardless"... I figure you lost whatever credibility you may have had.

Damn straight. He killed someone. Last time I checked, that was against the law.
The shithead that altered the tape knew what he was doing, he is trying to rile up blacks for a riot.

Nothing better to unite blacks behind Holder and Obamination than to pit them against "whitey" in Florida.....a battleground state.

I think the fact that Zimmerman called this kid a "coon" and then, oh, MURDERED HIM, is probably more than enough to get black folks upset..

You are aware that the whole 'coon' thing is now in dispute also, right? The tape was not the original. Or does the truth not matter to you?

Oh, and... there remains no evidence that anyone was MURDERED.... hysteria is no replacement for logic... pity you never learned that.

Snookums, Republicans will put your boy Zimmerman in prison, and you'll still vote for them.
I think the fact that Zimmerman called this kid a "coon" and then, oh, MURDERED HIM, is probably more than enough to get black folks upset..

You are aware that the whole 'coon' thing is now in dispute also, right? The tape was not the original. Or does the truth not matter to you?

Oh, and... there remains no evidence that anyone was MURDERED.... hysteria is no replacement for logic... pity you never learned that.

Snookums, Republicans will put your boy Zimmerman in prison, and you'll still vote for them.

Sweetie, you're the registered Republican, not me.... and no one is my 'boy'... Unlike you, I don't make judgments without having ALL the facts... I know that's gonna float gently over your head... but there is nothing I can do to fix your stupid.
You are aware that the whole 'coon' thing is now in dispute also, right? The tape was not the original. Or does the truth not matter to you?

Oh, and... there remains no evidence that anyone was MURDERED.... hysteria is no replacement for logic... pity you never learned that.

Snookums, Republicans will put your boy Zimmerman in prison, and you'll still vote for them.

Sweetie, you're the registered Republican, not me.... and no one is my 'boy'... Unlike you, I don't make judgments without having ALL the facts... I know that's gonna float gently over your head... but there is nothing I can do to fix your stupid.

Only one fact that matters. Dead kid who was innocent of anything other than being black.

The rest is filler and bullshit.
I'm not 'in love' with him... but I do support due process. Clearly, you do not. That's fine. You're welcome to your opinion, however asinine it is.

The 911 tape (the unedited one, not the NBC one) is very clear... and the fact is that the words the operator spoke were "we do not need you to do that". That's not 'telling' him not to, it is advising him that he need not do it.

You're splitting hairs. He was told not to follow, he followed anyway. Trayvon confronted him (which, sorry, any kid might if threatened by a total stranger who followed him in a vehicle and then on foot).

After that, we have no real evidence....

You mean other than a dead kid with a hole blown in him?

Not really. Some of the eyewitnesses said that Zimmerman was killing that kid, and we can hear Trayvon screaming for help on the tape...

We further know that Zimmerman sustained injuries. Because we have police statements supporting that.

Yet, oddly invisible to a tape he appeared in less than an hour later.

Since you are on record as stating that you "want him in prison, regardless"... I figure you lost whatever credibility you may have had.

Damn straight. He killed someone. Last time I checked, that was against the law.

Oh lord... do you suffer from Tourettes or something?

There is no evidence that Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after the dispatcher advised him that there was no need to do that.

We have a dead teenager... and a live man with injuries consistent with having been in an physical altercation. According to police reports: injury to face, injury to back of head, and the back of his jacket was wet and grass stained. We have witnesses placing Martin on top of Zimmerman. That's likely to support a 'self defense' claim.... self defense is not 'murder'.

The 'screaming' is disputable.... Zimmerman claims, and witnesses back him up, that he was calling for help. Others claim it was Martin... I'm not one to 'guess' about facts but... if I were... I'd probably say that both of them shouted at some point. So, I'll wait for some kind of official information on that... but, again, that is because I tend to favor official information, and fact over hysterical babbling. I leave the hysterical babbling to twits like you.
Dead kid. Live thug. Not much more to say, really.

Or... dead thug, live victim. Depends on the actual facts of the situation... not that facts get in your way.

17 year old kid vs. ex-bouncer, guy with gun, and all around thug.

Ummmm, nope.

Your boy is going to jail. Learn to deal.

If that is the outcome of a fair and rational trial, I'm fine with it. That is the difference between you and I.... I'm smart enough to recognize that I can't call guilt or innocence on the information to hand... you don't give a shit about guilt or innocence because you are driven by emotion and stupidity.

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