Arrest the NBC reporter!

Or... dead thug, live victim. Depends on the actual facts of the situation... not that facts get in your way.

17 year old kid vs. ex-bouncer, guy with gun, and all around thug.

Ummmm, nope.

Your boy is going to jail. Learn to deal.

If that is the outcome of a fair and rational trial, I'm fine with it. That is the difference between you and I.... I'm smart enough to recognize that I can't call guilt or innocence on the information to hand... you don't give a shit about guilt or innocence because you are driven by emotion and stupidity.

You work on the assumption that trials are a holy process, that is better than sensible people looking at the evidence...

It usually just turns out to be a contest of who has better lawyers. I thought OJ was guiltuy of murder and Michael Jackson really did molest that kid. The fact 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty were fooled by slick lawyers didn't change that opinion.

What I see is a fat, mean wannabe with impulse control problems going around his neighborhood with a gun looking for trouble, and he came across this kid. If he hadn't been out looking for trouble, if he had stood down when told to, this kid would be alive today.

He needs to spend a lot of time in prison. Sorry, he just does.
17 year old kid vs. ex-bouncer, guy with gun, and all around thug.

Ummmm, nope.

Your boy is going to jail. Learn to deal.

If that is the outcome of a fair and rational trial, I'm fine with it. That is the difference between you and I.... I'm smart enough to recognize that I can't call guilt or innocence on the information to hand... you don't give a shit about guilt or innocence because you are driven by emotion and stupidity.

You work on the assumption that trials are a holy process, that is better than sensible people looking at the evidence...

It usually just turns out to be a contest of who has better lawyers. I thought OJ was guiltuy of murder and Michael Jackson really did molest that kid. The fact 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty were fooled by slick lawyers didn't change that opinion.

What I see is a fat, mean wannabe with impulse control problems going around his neighborhood with a gun looking for trouble, and he came across this kid. If he hadn't been out looking for trouble, if he had stood down when told to, this kid would be alive today.

He needs to spend a lot of time in prison. Sorry, he just does.

What I see is that you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand a quite straight forward process. One waits for ALL the evidence before determining guilt or innocence. You seem to prefer to stick to discredited media reports to judge. I hope you never serve on a jury.
If that is the outcome of a fair and rational trial, I'm fine with it. That is the difference between you and I.... I'm smart enough to recognize that I can't call guilt or innocence on the information to hand... you don't give a shit about guilt or innocence because you are driven by emotion and stupidity.

You work on the assumption that trials are a holy process, that is better than sensible people looking at the evidence...

It usually just turns out to be a contest of who has better lawyers. I thought OJ was guiltuy of murder and Michael Jackson really did molest that kid. The fact 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty were fooled by slick lawyers didn't change that opinion.

What I see is a fat, mean wannabe with impulse control problems going around his neighborhood with a gun looking for trouble, and he came across this kid. If he hadn't been out looking for trouble, if he had stood down when told to, this kid would be alive today.

He needs to spend a lot of time in prison. Sorry, he just does.

What I see is that you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand a quite straight forward process. One waits for ALL the evidence before determining guilt or innocence. You seem to prefer to stick to discredited media reports to judge. I hope you never serve on a jury.

Only discredited in your mind...

I'm just not sure why you are so invested in this guy. The world would be a better place with him in prison than outside of it.

And to be totally cold and calculating, if something isn't done, we are going to have race riots.
[Looking to foment a Race War. Deliberate, Methodical, all according to plan. Done, of course, with input from Al "Twana Brawley" Sharpton, mediamatters David Brock, and the White House Office of Communications. With the the Obama Administration, the end always justifies the means and the more people they can get on their side today means fewer ballot boxes the Democrats have to stuff November 6th.]

"NBC continues to characterize its deceptive edit of George Zimmerman’s 911 call a “mistake.” The edited version, in which George Zimmerman says Trayvon Martin “looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black” appeared on the Today show and on NBC’s web properties. That edit put racial concerns front and center in a story that may not have been about race at all. But could the edit really be a mistake?

Is it possible for such an internal edit that substantially alters the nature of Zimmerman’s call with the 911 dispatcher to happen by chance? As an audio and video editor for going on 20 years, in my opinion it is highly implausible and close to impossible for that edit to have occurred by chance. Watch this video and you’ll see why."

The PJ Tatler » PJTV Exclusive: How NBC Editors Made the Zimmerman 911 Call Sound Racist
[Looking to foment a Race War. Deliberate, Methodical, all according to plan. Done, of course, with input from Al "Twana Brawley" Sharpton, mediamatters David Brock, and the White House Office of Communications. With the the Obama Administration, the end always justifies the means and the more people they can get on their side today means fewer ballot boxes the Democrats have to stuff November 6th.]

"NBC continues to characterize its deceptive edit of George Zimmerman’s 911 call a “mistake.” The edited version, in which George Zimmerman says Trayvon Martin “looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black” appeared on the Today show and on NBC’s web properties. That edit put racial concerns front and center in a story that may not have been about race at all. But could the edit really be a mistake?

Is it possible for such an internal edit that substantially alters the nature of Zimmerman’s call with the 911 dispatcher to happen by chance? As an audio and video editor for going on 20 years, in my opinion it is highly implausible and close to impossible for that edit to have occurred by chance. Watch this video and you’ll see why."

The PJ Tatler » PJTV Exclusive: How NBC Editors Made the Zimmerman 911 Call Sound Racist

No. Anybody who knows anything about how media and news stories get out there knows that the edit was no mistake. It was intentional, deliberate, and for specific purposes. And it worked too. JobB here, for instance, is STILL quoting the edited versions that got out there, and of course that was why they did it. And now they can say, "Oops, mistake" and that is supposed to absolve them of any responsibility. The race baiters will use the ammunition they were given and don't give a sh*t whether it is right or wrong. It fits the politically correct version and that's all they need.

At least CNN along with Fox News and maybe one or two other mainstream sources are doing their damndest to get it right. Honorable people should want them to get it right instead of perpetuating a lie they desperate want to be true. The race baiters don't care whether Zimmerman is gulty or innocent or whether it is just or unjust that he and his family now live in fear for their very lives. They want him guilty. Therefore he is.
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
Ever wonder why Fox News can lie?

[ame=]Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us - YouTube[/ame]
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
So you don't understand the difference between commercial speech and the press.

Not surprising, considering the fact that you find a worthwhile source.
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
So you don't understand the difference between commercial speech and the press.

Not surprising, considering the fact that you find a worthwhile source.

No I don't. Please explain.
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
So you don't understand the difference between commercial speech and the press.

Not surprising, considering the fact that you find a worthwhile source.

The attorneys for Fox successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.

Appellate Court Rules Media Can Legally Lie.

On February 14, 2003 a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.
The attorneys for Fox argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.

And they won.
For altering the Trayvon audio tape. He intentionally omitted the 9-11 operator asking Zimmerman what race Trayvon was to make it sound like Zimmerman is a racist. This is the equivalent of yelling fire in a theatre in my opinion. The leftist dominated media have absolutely no shame or morals, they tried and convicted Zimmerman on the airwaves. Of course now we realize there is much more to the story, not that it wasn't obvious from the beginning.

Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
So you don't understand the difference between commercial speech and the press.

Not surprising, considering the fact that you find a worthwhile source.

Maybe you are using the technicality that Fox isn't really "news"? I would agree. Its propoganda.

The Media Can Legally Lie
And after all the noise and fury, SIGNIFYING NOTHING, we have a dead UNARMED black teenager and his stalking murderer walking free.

it's simple people.
If the races were reversed, would you people have such a problem with it?

Zimmerman acted against the police dispatchers orders.
But apparently, disobeying police officers isn't enough of a hint about his character for you guys. Oh no.
Yes, here was a completely innnocent armed man, following a teen armed with the double deadly weapons of Skittles and Iced tea.

Zimmerman's actions directly led to the kid being killed. No matter what. Had Zimmerman not been an asshole, Trayvon would be alive.
That's at LEAST a manslaughter charge EVERYWHERE in the United States.
17 year old kid vs. ex-bouncer, guy with gun, and all around thug.

Ummmm, nope.

Your boy is going to jail. Learn to deal.

If that is the outcome of a fair and rational trial, I'm fine with it. That is the difference between you and I.... I'm smart enough to recognize that I can't call guilt or innocence on the information to hand... you don't give a shit about guilt or innocence because you are driven by emotion and stupidity.

You work on the assumption that trials are a holy process, that is better than
sensible people looking at the evidence...

It usually just turns out to be a contest of who has better lawyers. I thought OJ was guiltuy of murder and Michael Jackson really did molest that kid. The fact 12 knobs too stupid to get out of jury duty were fooled by slick lawyers didn't change that opinion.

What I see is a fat, mean wannabe with impulse control problems going around his neighborhood with a gun looking for trouble, and he came across
this kid. If he hadn't been out looking for trouble, if he had stood down when told to, this kid would be alive today.

He needs to spend a lot of time in prison. Sorry, he just does.

This kid was 17 and 6'3. The "kid" monicker is false. People can join the Army and go to Basic at 17. I'd say a member of the Armed Forces that graduated Basic is an adult. So the "kid" stuff doesn't work for me.

What I see is a guy fed up with crime in his gated community. There had bren a recent spree of break ins. He sees a suspicious person standing in the rain who appears to be casing a house. Based on the size, he gathered he was a young ADULT. He then contacted 911. While the police were enroute, he wanted to keep an eye on the guy so he could tell police where he was in the event the person actually did commit a crime. The suspect then walked into an alley back behind a house.

Zimmerman, being an awesome neighbor, thought he'd get out of his comfortable dry car to keep an eye on the suspicious person to make sure that if he broke into his neighbors house, he would witness it and let police know where he was and get a good description of the criminal.

He bravely exited his car and walked up the dark alley.

"You have a problem?" Trayvon asked.

"No," Zimmerman replied.

"You do now."

At which point the suspicious character punched Zimmerman in the nose and jumped on top of him pounding his head into the ground. Zimmerman frantically yelled for help while being mercilessly beaten. No one came to help. Fearing for his life, he resorted to his weapon.

Do you think every non-Black person who kills a Black person in self defense should be charged?
And after all the noise and fury, SIGNIFYING NOTHING, we have a dead UNARMED black teenager and his stalking murderer walking free.

it's simple people.
If the races were reversed, would you people have such a problem with it?

Zimmerman acted against the police dispatchers orders.
But apparently, disobeying police officers isn't enough of a hint about his character for you guys. Oh no.
Yes, here was a completely innnocent armed man, following a teen armed with the double deadly weapons of Skittles and Iced tea.

Zimmerman's actions directly led to the kid being killed. No matter what. Had Zimmerman not been an asshole, Trayvon would be alive.
That's at LEAST a manslaughter charge EVERYWHERE in the United States.

We have an innocent man walking free because he shot the punk that assaulted him.

You could show his arrest to prove me wrong.

But you cant, the facts with your weak mind wont allow it.
Unfortunately for all of us, Corporations faught for and won the right to lie. Thank Fox News and Nike for this.

Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie"
So you don't understand the difference between commercial speech and the press.

Not surprising, considering the fact that you find a worthwhile source.

No I don't. Please explain.
Lovell v. City of Griffin said:
The press, in its historic connotation, comprehends every sort of publication which affords a vehicle of information and opinion.
Commercial speech:
Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Human Relations Comm'n said:
... speech which does no more than propose a commercial transaction.

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