Arrest warrant issued for Tea Party U.S. Senate candidate

Does this mean you CAN'T answer the question, or you WON'T answer the question?

It means that I am calling out you fucking Liberal Hacks that are demeaning an honest group of citizens that are fed up with the BULLSHIT you and your likes are dishing out.

So, your current definition of "honest group of citizens" is people who call our members of Congress "*******" and "faggots" and then spit on them. OK, Got it.

The only people I've heard using the term "******" are liberals.
And Barney Frank is a faggot.
Does this mean you CAN'T answer the question, or you WON'T answer the question?

It means that I am calling out you fucking Liberal Hacks that are demeaning an honest group of citizens that are fed up with the BULLSHIT you and your likes are dishing out.

So, your current definition of "honest group of citizens" is people who call our members of Congress "*******" and "faggots" and then spit on them. OK, Got it.

LOL, there is that Broad Brush again that the liberals-commies like to paint a WHOLE group of people with.

you are a good little goosestepping soldier for the Progressive party.
Geez. she'd be the ultimate traitor if she had supported the tea party candidate.

Who is she going to need in the long run? Gramps or the Tea Baggers? THAT is the question...

why did mccain need palin's endorsement for that senate seat?

He was pretending he was a conservative again. He paid Palin off to endorse him because she is viewed by the right wing as being MOST conservative.
Actually, it doesn't. Read further My Dear.

I read the article sweetie. Do you mean because he doesn't have to withdraw his candidacy? Or because he was marginal anyway?
Either way, you got the picture now hunnee!

Still waiting for you to rep me for my most excellent use of "extrude" earlier! :rofl:

i get it. but i still think it changes the equation. how much is another issue. *wink*
this has already been debunked he is NOT a member of THE tea party.

it's a splinter group to make the Tea party look bad.

but don't let that stop you all from spreading more lies.

The teabaggers don't need any help looking bad.
this has already been debunked he is NOT a member of THE tea party.

it's a splinter group to make the Tea party look bad.

but don't let that stop you all from spreading more lies.

The teabaggers don't need any help looking bad.

It doesn't matter what they look like, it's how they will vote that makes people like you uncomfortable. Wait until Nov, and just see how big a voting block they are. :lol:
this has already been debunked he is NOT a member of THE tea party.

it's a splinter group to make the Tea party look bad.

but don't let that stop you all from spreading more lies.

The teabaggers don't need any help looking bad.

It doesn't matter what they look like, it's how they will vote that makes people like you uncomfortable. Wait until Nov, and just see how big a voting block they are. :lol:

yep and it has them running scared Shitless.:lol:
Tea baggers get wackier and wackier every day.

You know alot of teabaggers I assume. You don't strike me as the kind of person who hangs out with guys who like to drop their nutsacks on other people's faces...but then again, nothing surprises me anymore
this has already been debunked he is NOT a member of THE tea party.

it's a splinter group to make the Tea party look bad.

but don't let that stop you all from spreading more lies.

To anyone who might know for sure!

How well organized is the Tea Party insofar as offering candidates for office? Can anyone plop down the filing fee and say I'm running as the Tea Party candidate and be placed on the ballot as such? If so, how can anyone tell who really is affiliated with the Tea Party from any pretenders that may be out there?
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this has already been debunked he is NOT a member of THE tea party.

it's a splinter group to make the Tea party look bad.

but don't let that stop you all from spreading more lies.

Surely the RAT Reid planted this washed-up felon. He probably paid him in scratch tickets...Theres no end to the deception the democrats will employ to win, to them its win at ANY cost.
Shameful and as far away from Goodness as you can get.
In the end, or eventually the conservatives will rise. Such unethical and corrupt of a people that the democrats are, will not hold power. America is far too advanced in our wealth of knowledge of history and freedom to fall to a group of socialists.
We will prevail, We have our forfathers, the constitution, and our wits within to fail.
We just have to MAKE_UP for the masses of ignorant people that believe in the democrats lies...We have to work harder because of them, but we cannot lose to them, they are far to stupid to win...If majority is the rule and half the country follow obama, we just have to work hard enough to be 51% of the country!
The Tea Party is a movement moreso than an organization. But you will never convince liberal idiots of this fact. I've been to numerous tea party events and I have talked to republicans, independents and democrats. For the most part these people are freedom loving Americans that believe in the constitution and demand limited government. They see this healthcare ruse for what it is.

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