Arrested for drinking iced tea?

[ame=]Xstrav - Court Date (Guy arrested for Ice Tea) - YouTube[/ame]
What a bunch of bullshit! And I'm a 60-year-old white woman, and I think this is absolute bullshit.

I don't want to live in an environment where law enforcement behaves like a bunch of fucking Nazis. Seriously. It goes against everything this country stands for.
I watched the first video, but not the second.

I'm guessing it was college level acting and video because it appears to be slightly better than high school level work.
Really? Do the police just let somebody pick up the canned drink after the supposed take down of a falsely accused man, then let the person place the canned drink down again? Next to the the supposed criminal?

First video is staged material.
No need for me to watch the second video.
Obviously nothing but an agenda being presented here.

Edit to add
Look at 2:35 when the supposed criminal carefully places the can down as he is being "wrestled" to the ground.
Look at 2:48 and some person picks up the can then holds it in front of the camera.
Yeah, right, not believable to me.
He just pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car. He was about to go into the store and get something. Your brilliant.
I watched the first video, but not the second.

I'm guessing it was college level acting and video because it appears to be slightly better than high school level work.
Really? Do the police just let somebody pick up the canned drink after the supposed take down of a falsely accused man, then let the person place the canned drink down again? Next to the the supposed criminal?

First video is staged material.
No need for me to watch the second video.
Obviously nothing but an agenda being presented here.

Edit to add
Look at 2:35 when the supposed criminal carefully places the can down as he is being "wrestled" to the ground.
Look at 2:48 and some person picks up the can then holds it in front of the camera.
Yeah, right, not believable to me.

He is going to trial June 6th. Your brilliant. Keep up the good work. LOL.
Looks like a fake video. Just happened to have a camera rolling right before the "cop" showed up. I don't buy it.
Looks like a fake video. Just happened to have a camera rolling right before the "cop" showed up. I don't buy it.

Doesn't seem to be stages as there is an article covering the story in the Fayetteville Observer.

Viral video of man's arrest outside Fayetteville liquor store stirs controversy
Maybe it's legit, it just seemed like something you might see on Reno 911. Looked like an amateur attempt at a making a movie. The cop wasn't convincing either, and most cops don't approach several guys like that without backup. I'm just sayin'.
The guy in question is definitely a cop, he's been identified as such by the police department:

An undercover cop, identified by Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Enforcement Thursday afternoon as Rick Libero, approaches the man in the parking lot.
I thought it might be fake at first. Until the second vid shows a squad car pull up and a uniformed officer got out.
I normally side with the police on these things. But not in this case.
And the reason they had video running is because they were filming a rap vid.

And if you'll notice,the cops left the can of tea sitting on the ground and didnt try and pick it up for evidence.
So first it was drinking in public,then it turned into trespassing after the cop realized the drinking in public wasnt going to pan out.

And who exactly told the officer to remove the guy from the property?

This is pure bullshit. And I believe that will be displayed in court.
He just pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car. He was about to go into the store and get something.
Thank you Captain Obvious, we'll let you know when that refutes the fact he was arrested for trespassing, not holding a can of iced tea.

Your brilliant.
Irony... you're not.

Bottom line this is like a lot of videos posted on here, someone who could easily take actions to resolve their situation but instead choose to be difficult/belligerent then become star of a video that the "omg police state" retards start masturbating over.

Cop wants to hold the can to read the label, dude refuses to let him do so. Cop tells him over and over to leave the parking lot, dude refuses to leave.

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