Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled


In 2010 Eric Cantor told us the plan was "weeks away". Maybe he meant 10,000 weeks away?

In 2009 that lying asshole Hussein Obama told us that if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor and that if we like our plan we could keep our plan and that it would save all of us $2500 a year and those were all lies.

Maybe he meant that we were fucked but was too cowardly to tell us that.

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We know force is from the devil. Rape, murder, theft. The Antichrist spirit in Daniel of the Bible is described as worshipping a God of forces. Forced healthcare, in the name of "charity", through a Robin Hood situation is simply evil in sheep's clothing.

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Don't forget to take your meds!
Not sensing a lot of shame from the GOP over this debacle yet.

Seven years of we are going to repeal Obamacare

They played their voters for suckers
Well shit, they've been dragging their base along for going on 5 decades over abortion and they still haven't outlawed that. The only consistency among the right is that they never learn.
Why is everyone saying this new bill is "dead in the water" now for "the foreseeable future?" Why? Is it because of the budget they need to pass? I don't understand why so many people are saying we're now stuck with Obamacare until it sinks.
Standard political knee-jerking. I'd guess that once things calm down a bit the party will come out with some kind of Plan B.

Seems to me that another issue is whether the Dems will be willing to play ball if (big "if" there) Trump and the GOP wise up and reach across the aisle. Right now it doesn't look like they would.
Is there some kind of rule that a bill can only be voted on once? Ryan pulled it before it could even be voted on. Why?

He didn't have the Votes to pass it. It can be revised and brought to the floor again but I wouldn't look for anything soon.
Republicans have had 7 years to craft comprehensive healthcare reform and they couldn't. You're blind to think they'll start now.
If the house could not repeal Oblotated care, dems will have to own it till it can be. They will drown with it round their necks.
Focus will be on other matters and the health care issue will be addresses when everyone will cooperate and work on bipartisan health care for the citizens and not their political agenda.
Link? LMAO, honey if you never heard him say all of that repeatedly I can't help you.
Translation "You got me there "

(smile) You run with that kid. I am very comfortable with yours and her ignorance. ;)

hey, dum dum.. i was asking for a link to where i ever said what you claimed.

Hey dum dum, I don't give a shit what you asked for, if you never heard him say it you are an idiot.

of course i heard him say that. i never said i didn't hear him say that. you made that up like fake news.

For Trump, no closing this deal -
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

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You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

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No you mooch off others, hence Obamacare's moocher subsidies. When those run out and you can no longer mooch you will be up a shit creek.
More bullshit. Unless you have also spent the las 30 years bitchimg about corporate su sidies, and calling CEOs "moochers" for taking advantage of such "incentives" to build their factories, and do business in states, and called corporate farmers "moochsrs" for taking subsidies to offset losses for not growing certain crops, then you aren't the least bit upset about "moochers" taking subsidies. You just don't like the poor, or working class.

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Why should I work overtime to pay your bills? I have no problem helping the truly handicapped, but I'm not going to work my ass off while able bodied moochers sit around on their giant fat ass goofing off or pay the bills of losers who chose to blow all their money on drugs and alcohol fuck that. You will just have to suffer the consequences.:eusa_boohoo:
If the house could not repeal Oblotated care, dems will have to own it till it can be. They will drown with it round their necks.
Focus will be on other matters and the health care issue will be addresses when everyone will cooperate and work on bipartisan health care for the citizens and not their political agenda.

Wrong, while Obama was president, and knowing he wouldn't sign a repeal bill, the house voted to repeal ACA over 50 times

With Trump promising to sign a repeal bill, they couldn't even make it through the house, which was supposed to be the easiest part.
Now that the GOP failed at cutting rich people's taxes, with their Fake Health Care reform they'll move on to an issue they're passionate about: cutting rich people's taxes.
Ryan to Trump:
WE do not have the vote majority we need to make our Bill into law

Trump To Ryan:
I did not have the Vote majority either can't we involve the Electoral College ?

The GOP told us for eight years that they had a plan.

Turns out they've been lying to us. Including you.

I am sorry Moon Bat but it is not the fault of the Republicans that 193 shithead Democrats would not take the opportunity yesterday to fix what they broke in 2009. If only a dozen or so of them would have pulled their heads out of their Libtard asses and sided with the RINOs the fixes could have been made. Democrat never do the right thing, do they?

The filthy Democrats had seven years to fix that disastrous Obamacare bill they passed without reading it and had lied about it to sell it and not only did they not do a damn thing but they passed on the opportunity yesterday to make the fixes that would have kept the stupid program from imploding.

Just another example of the piss poor government we get out of the filthy Democrats.
Nope. This failure is entirely on the Republicans.

It is their fault we have ObamaCare, and it is their fault we are stuck with ObamaCare.

They did NOTHING to stop rising health care costs for decades, even though the Democrats signaled what they would do if given the chance.

And they have had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a better plan than ObamaCare and sell it to the American people. Instead, they sold you idiots an empty promise. They performed theater for you rubes by passing 60 partial and total repeals of ObamaCare.

You dumb fucks never even asked to see the GOP plan that entire time! That's just how incredibly stupid you are. You sat there like fucking idiots and bleeved they had one! :lol:

Now you just sit there and take their utter FAILURE and make more excuses for them.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't have whined like you weakminded morons do today. He had a much smaller group of Republicans to work with and achieved great things.

Your excuses don't hold water, wimp. You've been hoaxed.
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

No you mooch off others, hence Obamacare's moocher subsidies. When those run out and you can no longer mooch you will be up a shit creek.
More bullshit. Unless you have also spent the las 30 years bitchimg about corporate su sidies, and calling CEOs "moochers" for taking advantage of such "incentives" to build their factories, and do business in states, and called corporate farmers "moochsrs" for taking subsidies to offset losses for not growing certain crops, then you aren't the least bit upset about "moochers" taking subsidies. You just don't like the poor, or working class.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

Why should I work overtime to pay your bills? I have no problem helping the truly handicapped, but I'm not going to work my ass off while able bodied moochers sit around on their giant fat ass goofing off or pay the bills of losers who chose to blow all their money on drugs and alcohol fuck that. You will just have to suffer the consequences.:eusa_boohoo:
But, apparently, working overtime to put money into the pockets of corporate CEOs is okay with you. Like I saud, you just hate the working class, and poor.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
If the house could not repeal Oblotated care, dems will have to own it till it can be. They will drown with it round their necks.
Focus will be on other matters and the health care issue will be addresses when everyone will cooperate and work on bipartisan health care for the citizens and not their political agenda.

Wrong, while Obama was president, and knowing he wouldn't sign a repeal bill, the house voted to repeal ACA over 50 times

With Trump promising to sign a repeal bill, they couldn't even make it through the house, which was supposed to be the easiest part.
"Opposing" Obamacare, and trashing it for all of its faults, while ignoring all of it's successes, is easy when you have nothing to lose.

Actually making it go away, when there would be real, demonstrable effects, both practical, and political? We'll, that's an entirely different issue.

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