Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
There seem to be plenty of single payer systems that have much better healthcare outcomes at far less cost to society.
Israel actually does a pretty good job. As do most of the scandanavian nations.

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Rep. Paul Ryan: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Representative Career | OpenSecrets

Ryan's biggest donors.
What a lie

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Sorry, no. The lie is all of these people who claim they are in perfect health, are paying these ridiculous premiums, and have these outrageous deductibles.

One of those three things cannot be true. I don't have perfect health, and my rates are reasonable, and my deductibles manageable. So, either I'm the luckiest guy in America, or these other claims are bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

Or they're simply too dumb to do better for themselves.
aka he is with a company that is not small and offers higher co pays by the employer...............Small companies have no bargaining power and their rates are through the roof.................

Not everyone can work at a fortune 500 company in this country, or work only for those companies that offer better deals...........that is just a statement of I got mine and screw you..................

It's just an observation. The ones who bitch the most also seem to be the ones who understand it the least.
What is their to understand when you see your rates go up $500 a month after passage of Obamacare..............Which happened............

What did I miss...........huh

Good question that I can't answer for you.
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
There seem to be plenty of single payer systems that have much better healthcare outcomes at far less cost to society.
Israel actually does a pretty good job. As do most of the scandanavian nations.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
We're just not that into a healthcare system that does a good job, never have been.
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before.............your statement is horse hockey

Obamacare pledged to lower our rates........Utter BS as they climb even higher............

It was an entitlement law and nothing more.
Sure. Except the actual, demonstrable data says that your anecdotal "this happened to me" story is a lie. So, since my anecdotal "this happened to me" story actually aligns with the demonstrable, actual data, you'll forgive me if I believe the actual, demonstrable data.
Whatever.I got the cost via my employer not you. So you are not revelent in that regards.

Is your employer based plan even Obama care? There were no employer mandates for years.
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
You questioned the grand american illusion.
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.

Eagle, if you are in good health, you don't have to buy ACA. if you can pass underwriting, you qualify for a good, old fashioned individual health policy. They are all over the internet. If you can't pass underwriting, stop your whining. If it wasn't for ACA, you would not have any option at all.
Why is everyone saying this new bill is "dead in the water" now for "the foreseeable future?" Why? Is it because of the budget they need to pass? I don't understand why so many people are saying we're now stuck with Obamacare until it sinks.
Standard political knee-jerking. I'd guess that once things calm down a bit the party will come out with some kind of Plan B.

Seems to me that another issue is whether the Dems will be willing to play ball if (big "if" there) Trump and the GOP wise up and reach across the aisle. Right now it doesn't look like they would.
Is there some kind of rule that a bill can only be voted on once? Ryan pulled it before it could even be voted on. Why?

He didn't have the Votes to pass it. It can be revised and brought to the floor again but I wouldn't look for anything soon.
Maybe sometime around the election of 2018, Republicans will pretend they are working to repeal Obamacare
And overturn Roe v. Wade.
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

No you mooch off others, hence Obamacare's moocher subsidies. When those run out and you can no longer mooch you will be up a shit creek.
All the moaning and wringing of hands I see on these threads are done by people who are either uninsurable, and outraged that they have to pay a price that actuaries say that insurers need to stay solvent, or people who get their alternative facts from those people. Before ACA, if you were uninsurable, you were SOL. I have three friends with a history of cancer who would NEVER have been able to buy insurance before ACA. After ACA, you still have an option other than just dieing. Either live with it, or get on board for expanding Medicare to everybody.
We know force is from the devil. Rape, murder, theft. The Antichrist spirit in Daniel of the Bible is described as worshipping a God of forces. Forced healthcare, in the name of "charity", through a Robin Hood situation is simply evil in sheep's clothing.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

No you mooch off others, hence Obamacare's moocher subsidies. When those run out and you can no longer mooch you will be up a shit creek.
More bullshit. Unless you have also spent the las 30 years bitchimg about corporate su sidies, and calling CEOs "moochers" for taking advantage of such "incentives" to build their factories, and do business in states, and called corporate farmers "moochsrs" for taking subsidies to offset losses for not growing certain crops, then you aren't the least bit upset about "moochers" taking subsidies. You just don't like the poor, or working class.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
If Rookie Trump packages his one trillion dollar infrastructure spending bill with the tax cut bill, that would put an end to him once and for all! Then, we can tell Carter that he is off the hook as this generation's worst president!

Actually W is the worst modern President

Trump may be worst of all time once he gets impeached
Nope Obama and his obamacare plan is failing, and I notice you loonies are trying to pass blame for it.
We proudly accept Obamacare

best nationwide healthcare system ever written
That's why it is failing. Still waiting on the $2500 savings.
Complain to your insurer.
Ahahaha congratulations Dem's you still own Obamacare [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
And thank the gods for that! I still have insurance I can afford, and I can still get my heart meds without having to decide which is more important - my meds, or my rent.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

You depend on hand outs from others, what happens when you can no longer mooch off others?
Perhaps you missed the part where I pay for my insurance. So, feel free to fuck off with that "mooch" bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

No you mooch off others, hence Obamacare's moocher subsidies. When those run out and you can no longer mooch you will be up a shit creek.

Everyone who has insurance is a socialist, they choose to be, you too pard. Your problem is that your system protects capital and property, not humanity; human beings are commodities to be exploited. Your health"care" system has been fucked up long before 2008 and it trails the rest of the advance post industrial world. Was ours cured in 2008? Of course not. But pharma and insurance industry lobbyists helped “craft” legislation. It was never going to be about “the people”, that’s just how your political/economic system “works”. No remediation will occur until the public, or at least some critical mass of the public, is prepared to take to the streets and create a perturbation the system cannot ignore or incarcerate its way out of. I’m afraid posting on chat boards won’t alter anything.

Exhibit 2
Total Health Expenditure per Capita and GDP per Capita, US and Selected Countries, 2008


Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2010), “OECD Health Data”, OECD Health Statistics (database). doi: 10.1787/data-00350-en (Accessed on 14 February 2011).
Notes: Data from Australia and Japan are 2007 data. Figures for Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, are OECD estimates.

Exhibit 3
Growth in Total Health Expenditure Per Capita, U.S. and Selected Countries, 1970-2008

Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2010), “OECD Health Data”, OECD Health Statistics (database). doi: 10.1787/data-00350-en (Accessed on 14 February 2011).
Notes: Data from Australia and Japan are 2007 data. Figures for Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, are OECD estimates. Numbers are PPP adjusted. Break in series: CAN(1995); SWE(1993, 2001); SWI(1995); UK (1997). Numbers are PPP adjusted. Estimates for Canada and Switzerland in 2008.
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
Ignorance suits you!
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
There seem to be plenty of single payer systems that have much better healthcare outcomes at far less cost to society.
I agree with that. I was confused about no "profit motive" anywhere. I'm sure there are plenty of people still profiting from healthcare in those countries. Otherwise, there would be a problem, like there apparently is in Cuba.
The shame is from the 193 filthy ass Democrats whose party predecessors passed a disastrous bill in 2009 that was a failure that none of them even bothered to read and they had lie about it and then declared yesterday that they were going to vote against it.

The Democrats are responsible for the failure of Obamacare lock, stock and barrel.

When it implodes shortly America will wonder why the hell these bastards didn't support the RINO plan that would have fixed many of the things about it.

Dumbass Democrats. They always do the wrong thing. They are the scum of this country.
All of which has nothing to do with the fact that the GOP has been lying to us for 8 years. They never had a plan.

You want me to post the video again about the lies that Obama told the American people about Obamacare?
That's two (2) deflections now.

The deflection is you Moon Bats trying to blame the failure of Obamacare on the Republicans for not fixing yesterday what the Democrats broke in 2009.

That bill was not voted on yesterday because 193 filthy ass Democrats and and a handful of Freedom Caucus Republicans did not want the RINO plan, which would have fixed some of the things that may prevent the stupid program from failing later this year or next.

This is a failure of the Democrats, not the Republicans.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a plan.

Turns out they've been lying to us. Including you.
In 2010 Eric Cantor told us the plan was "weeks away". Maybe he meant 10,000 weeks away?

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