Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

The system can be fixed but not with politicians who take their own self interest over that of the country. They have been getting political funds from lobbyist and donors for far too long..............and that controls their agenda..........even when it is not in the best interest of the country.
Mine is 304 per month with an 8000 deductable for just me. The insurance is crap, and like someone else said, I just make a donation. The only people laughing right now must have insurance through their work. Evil crap shoved down our throats.

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Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
What a lie

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Sorry, no. The lie is all of these people who claim they are in perfect health, are paying these ridiculous premiums, and have these outrageous deductibles.

One of those three things cannot be true. I don't have perfect health, and my rates are reasonable, and my deductibles manageable. So, either I'm the luckiest guy in America, or these other claims are bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

Or they're simply too dumb to do better for themselves.
aka he is with a company that is not small and offers higher co pays by the employer...............Small companies have no bargaining power and their rates are through the roof.................

Not everyone can work at a fortune 500 company in this country, or work only for those companies that offer better deals...........that is just a statement of I got mine and screw you..................

It's just an observation. The ones who bitch the most also seem to be the ones who understand it the least.
Why is everyone saying this new bill is "dead in the water" now for "the foreseeable future?" Why? Is it because of the budget they need to pass? I don't understand why so many people are saying we're now stuck with Obamacare until it sinks.
Standard political knee-jerking. I'd guess that once things calm down a bit the party will come out with some kind of Plan B.

Seems to me that another issue is whether the Dems will be willing to play ball if (big "if" there) Trump and the GOP wise up and reach across the aisle. Right now it doesn't look like they would.
Is there some kind of rule that a bill can only be voted on once? Ryan pulled it before it could even be voted on. Why?
Well, they evidently calculated that (a) they were gonna lose the vote and (b) that pulling the vote would look less terrible than losing it.

I'm not so sure that was a great idea.
That's two (2) deflections now.

The deflection is you Moon Bats trying to blame the failure of Obamacare on the Republicans for not fixing yesterday what the Democrats broke in 2009.

That bill was not voted on yesterday because 193 filthy ass Democrats and and a handful of Freedom Caucus Republicans did not want the RINO plan, which would have fixed some of the things that may prevent the stupid program from failing later this year or next.

This is a failure of the Democrats, not the Republicans.
It's both, Flash. I'm not letting our elected Democrats off the hook for this. I didn't like Trumpcare as a plan, but it would at least have eased up the situation for small businesses and people caught working part-time because of the mandate to cover full-time employees. That would have actually been very beneficial in our area.
I'm guessing the public is giving Trump and the GOP the raspberry over this debacle, but there's no way of knowing how long that will last.

The question to me is whether the GOP decides to (try to) do this themselves or give in some and work with the Dems to "fix" the ACA.
Why is everyone saying this new bill is "dead in the water" now for "the foreseeable future?" Why? Is it because of the budget they need to pass? I don't understand why so many people are saying we're now stuck with Obamacare until it sinks.
I think Republucans realize the nature of the beast

They are incapable of EVER agreeing on healthcare
Despite their victories in 2016, and despite the amazing amount of power they hold nationally, the fact remains the GOP is still a terribly divided party.

And even Trump couldn't pull it together, even on a critical vote like this. The libertarians knew this would kill the momentum, and they didn't care.
Rep. Paul Ryan: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Representative Career | OpenSecrets

Ryan's biggest donors.
Well, this is your lucky day! Here is where you can get competitive health insurance quotes!

Individual Health Insurance Quotes – View Plans and Apply Online at

Why, if you don't smoke, and have not been treated for any illness in the last 5 years, you may be eligible for a policy for as little as $75 per month!
What a lie

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Sorry, no. The lie is all of these people who claim they are in perfect health, are paying these ridiculous premiums, and have these outrageous deductibles.

One of those three things cannot be true. I don't have perfect health, and my rates are reasonable, and my deductibles manageable. So, either I'm the luckiest guy in America, or these other claims are bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

Or they're simply too dumb to do better for themselves.
aka he is with a company that is not small and offers higher co pays by the employer...............Small companies have no bargaining power and their rates are through the roof.................

Not everyone can work at a fortune 500 company in this country, or work only for those companies that offer better deals...........that is just a statement of I got mine and screw you..................

It's just an observation. The ones who bitch the most also seem to be the ones who understand it the least.
What is their to understand when you see your rates go up $500 a month after passage of Obamacare..............Which happened............

What did I miss...........huh
The question now is whether the GOP will stay stalled on this for the next 2 years or whether they will instead forget about it and move on, to tax reform ??

I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.
Should fully collapse right around midterms. Dems will never win again!! Time to move on to taxes.

Yup, Don failed. Nieto's check show up the The Wall yet?
Donald did not write a bill. He wanted this to fail and he knew it would. Now he is free to move on to taxes.

Sorry, some of us remember Don's campaign promises.
Do you remember Closing Gitmo? LOL

Sure, see some of us understand the problem is the system, not just "one" of the two feckless political parties. That's why Goldman Sachs is always in the white house regardless, why the wars of occupation are endless bleeding the empire at home, and why Wall Street gets bailed out by whoever is in office at the moment. Only fools cling to partisanshit at this juncture.
I unfortunately have Obamacare.
I pay $413 a month, just for myself, with a $7000 deductible. I don't have insurance, I make a donation!
This needs fixed!!
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before.............your statement is horse hockey

Obamacare pledged to lower our rates........Utter BS as they climb even higher............

It was an entitlement law and nothing more.
Yes, unless the republicans was going to do the right thing and get government out of healthcare. They did the right thing!

I'm sure they will insist upon the american health"care" system trailing the rest of the advanced post industrial world's healthcare systems for much more cost to society.
Obamacare has added to the expense.

Yes of course.

I don't see the promised $2500 in savings.

You won't ever see "the people" matter son, regardless of who you vote for, because in this society human beings are commodities to be exploited.
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before.............your statement is horse hockey

Obamacare pledged to lower our rates........Utter BS as they climb even higher............

It was an entitlement law and nothing more.
Sure. Except the actual, demonstrable data says that your anecdotal "this happened to me" story is a lie. So, since my anecdotal "this happened to me" story actually aligns with the demonstrable, actual data, you'll forgive me if I believe the actual, demonstrable data.
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before.............your statement is horse hockey

Obamacare pledged to lower our rates........Utter BS as they climb even higher............

It was an entitlement law and nothing more.
Sure. Except the actual, demonstrable data says that your anecdotal "this happened to me" story is a lie. So, since my anecdotal "this happened to me" story actually aligns with the demonstrable, actual data, you'll forgive me if I believe the actual, demonstrable data.
Whatever.I got the cost via my employer not you. So you are not revelent in that regards.
Yes, unless the republicans was going to do the right thing and get government out of healthcare. They did the right thing!

I'm sure they will insist upon the american health"care" system trailing the rest of the advanced post industrial world's healthcare systems for much more cost to society.

And some of us remember BO's promise - lower cost, more choice, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. Great, now we all know all politicians lie.

Your entire system is a lie.
oh well, kawoosh goes the toilet

The GOP just couldn't get much lamer holy cow

Dems going to get a kick to the nut sack..

Now the 12 states who loose all of their insures in March of next year and the 9 million people who will loose everything at that time, will get to wear the implosion around their necks during an election year.. CONGRATULATIONS MORONS...

Corporations always win over "the people" in america.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Republicans, this is on you and nobody else.

You had the votes if you could have reconciled your differences.

And now the big lie starts....
The GOP had the votes and failed. That is the truth, and 2aguy lies about it.

They never had the votes in the first place. They failed because this bill was not the promise they gave to the voters who put them in, and enough of the Republican Party recognized that and stopped the bill.

I love how the left is trying to speak for the right on this. I see this as a win. We'll see if Ryan and trump decide to go home take their ball with them, if anyone else decides to put up newer and better legislation. If The overgrown smurf and oompa lumpa decide to do that, that will be a big mistake for both of them.
Well now, the GOP has given up on Trumpcare for the time being. What a black eye, delivered by the GOP itself. LOL What a bunch of feckless dumb asses.
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
Well, the replacement they came up with was so bad that probably EVERYONE is relieved, so that should take some pressure off the Republicans.
The Democraps screwed it up 7 years ago. Let them sumbitches fix it.

Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
There seem to be plenty of single payer systems that have much better healthcare outcomes at far less cost to society.
Why is everyone saying this new bill is "dead in the water" now for "the foreseeable future?" Why? Is it because of the budget they need to pass? I don't understand why so many people are saying we're now stuck with Obamacare until it sinks.
Standard political knee-jerking. I'd guess that once things calm down a bit the party will come out with some kind of Plan B.

Seems to me that another issue is whether the Dems will be willing to play ball if (big "if" there) Trump and the GOP wise up and reach across the aisle. Right now it doesn't look like they would.
Is there some kind of rule that a bill can only be voted on once? Ryan pulled it before it could even be voted on. Why?

He didn't have the Votes to pass it. It can be revised and brought to the floor again but I wouldn't look for anything soon.
Maybe sometime around the election of 2018, Republicans will pretend they are working to repeal Obamacare

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