Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

If Rookie Trump packages his one trillion dollar infrastructure spending bill with the tax cut bill, that would put an end to him once and for all! Then, we can tell Carter that he is off the hook as this generation's worst president!

Actually W is the worst modern President

Trump may be worst of all time once he gets impeached
Nope Obama and his obamacare plan is failing, and I notice you loonies are trying to pass blame for it.
We proudly accept Obamacare

best nationwide healthcare system ever written
That's why it is failing. Still waiting on the $2500 savings.
Complain to your insurer.
Nope Obama promised insurance rates would go down $2500. He lied, but back then you didn't care about a lying president.
What's wrong with us, we get the ACA, we know it has flaws, the people we vote and pay for do nothing to fix it for 8 years, then put up Trump care a worse version of ACA there useless self serving bought and paid for hacks.
All of which has nothing to do with the fact that the GOP has been lying to us for 8 years. They never had a plan.

You want me to post the video again about the lies that Obama told the American people about Obamacare?
That's two (2) deflections now.

The deflection is you Moon Bats trying to blame the failure of Obamacare on the Republicans for not fixing yesterday what the Democrats broke in 2009.

That bill was not voted on yesterday because 193 filthy ass Democrats and and a handful of Freedom Caucus Republicans did not want the RINO plan, which would have fixed some of the things that may prevent the stupid program from failing later this year or next.

This is a failure of the Democrats, not the Republicans.
The GOP told us for eight years that they had a plan.

Turns out they've been lying to us. Including you.
In 2010 Eric Cantor told us the plan was "weeks away". Maybe he meant 10,000 weeks away?
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.

“I’ve been in this job eight years, and I’m wracking my brain to think of one thing our party has done that’s been something positive,
that’s been something other than stopping something else from happening. We need to start having victories as a party. And if we can’t, then it’s hard to justify why we should be back here.”

— Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL), quoted by The Atlantic.
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before
Trump absolutely depends on you tards having this level of ignorance.
Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you?
Who completely fucked up the health care system? Even retarded liberals know who.

It's been fucked up for as long as it has been for profit, and it's been utterly bipartisan, this trailing the rest of the advanced world.
Does any country anywhere manage to have a system that provides good healthcare to all its citizens without profit anywhere?
There seem to be plenty of single payer systems that have much better healthcare outcomes at far less cost to society.
I agree with that. I was confused about no "profit motive" anywhere. I'm sure there are plenty of people still profiting from healthcare in those countries. Otherwise, there would be a problem, like there apparently is in Cuba.

Well, one must always bear in mind that what we are "informed" on about other societies is always managed by our corporate state controlled media machine. We have toppled/disrupted/destablized plenty of South American and Cuban governments because we didn't want any "socialism" in the hemisphere.

There are plenty of single payer systems out there that do a better job than our does or has for over half a century. The captains of capital are dead set against it here because it would work better for "the people".

One example of how capitalism works in america. Canada's single payer system is able to negotiate downward the costs they will pay US pharma companies for prescription drugs. Not to be denied, US pharma companies jack up the rates amerians pay to offset the "shortfall".
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.
You Can’t Blame the Democrats
March 25, 2017

A Wall Street Journal editorial rips the Republican leadership:

“House Republicans pulled their health-care bill shortly before a vote on Friday, and for once the media dirge is right about a GOP defeat. This is a major blow to the Trump Presidency, the GOP majority in Congress, and especially to the cause of reforming and limiting government. The damage is all the more acute because it was self-inflicted. President Trump was right to say on Friday that Democrats provided no help, but Democrats were never going to vote to repeal President Obama’s most important legislation. And that’s no excuse. Republicans have campaigned for more than seven years on repealing and replacing Obamacare, and they finally have a President ready to sign it. In the clutch they choked.”
We know force is from the devil. Rape, murder, theft. The Antichrist spirit in Daniel of the Bible is described as worshipping a God of forces. Forced healthcare, in the name of "charity", through a Robin Hood situation is simply evil in sheep's clothing.

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"We know force is from the devil. Rape, murder, theft. The Antichrist spirit in Daniel of the Bible is described as worshipping a God of forces."

We're discussing national healthcare in the 21st century, not the "discovery" and "settling" of the continent.
Funny. I only pay $125/mo with a $1500 deductible. I am on numerous meds because of a heart condition, and have a $0 (yes, that's zero) co-pay for my meds. That is thanks to a policy through the Affordable Care Act. I'm rather glad Trumpcare failed.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
My insurance went through the my wife on insurance for $480 a month............$6250 deductible on coverage at work $1500 a month..................LOL

Now I pay the fine and have no insurance..............paying your subsidy bud............through the fines.

I understand, Eagle. What you are saying is that, according to insurance industry standards, you are uninsurable, and since ACA doesn't give it to you for free, it is unfair to you.:itsok:
That's a load of BS. The rates went up $500 a month for family after the ACA was passed you freaking tool. Thanks Dems for WHAT. Fcking me over.......Don't think so.
What absolute bullshit. Rates have always increased annually for insurance. However, the annual rater increasesw have been demonstrably lower with ACA than they were without it:


So, if you "suffered" a $500 rate increase, last year, with the ACA, it is a guarantee that, without it, that increase would have been higher.

It never raised that damned much in a single year before.............your statement is horse hockey
You really need to stop speaking out of your ass about a topic you clearly know nothing about.


Rate of Increase in Health Care Costs in 2015 to Remain Low
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.

“I’ve been in this job eight years, and I’m wracking my brain to think of one thing our party has done that’s been something positive,
that’s been something other than stopping something else from happening. We need to start having victories as a party. And if we can’t, then it’s hard to justify why we should be back here.”

— Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL), quoted by The Atlantic.
I not happy with the gop, but the aren't democrats. That's the difference. Your party has lost it's mind. Y'all have proved it well since the election.
Actually W is the worst modern President

Trump may be worst of all time once he gets impeached
Nope Obama and his obamacare plan is failing, and I notice you loonies are trying to pass blame for it.
We proudly accept Obamacare

best nationwide healthcare system ever written
That's why it is failing. Still waiting on the $2500 savings.
Complain to your insurer.
Nope Obama promised insurance rates would go down $2500. He lied, but back then you didn't care about a lying president.
That's what was worked out. Insurance companies went back on it. But you have zero blame for them.

The GOP told us for eight years that they had a plan.

Turns out they've been lying to us. Including you.

I am sorry Moon Bat but it is not the fault of the Republicans that 193 shithead Democrats would not take the opportunity yesterday to fix what they broke in 2009. If only a dozen or so of them would have pulled their heads out of their Libtard asses and sided with the RINOs the fixes could have been made. Democrat never do the right thing, do they?

The filthy Democrats had seven years to fix that disastrous Obamacare bill they passed without reading it and had lied about it to sell it and not only did they not do a damn thing but they passed on the opportunity yesterday to make the fixes that would have kept the stupid program from imploding.

Just another example of the piss poor government we get out of the filthy Democrats.
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.
You Can’t Blame the Democrats
March 25, 2017

A Wall Street Journal editorial rips the Republican leadership:

“House Republicans pulled their health-care bill shortly before a vote on Friday, and for once the media dirge is right about a GOP defeat. This is a major blow to the Trump Presidency, the GOP majority in Congress, and especially to the cause of reforming and limiting government. The damage is all the more acute because it was self-inflicted. President Trump was right to say on Friday that Democrats provided no help, but Democrats were never going to vote to repeal President Obama’s most important legislation. And that’s no excuse. Republicans have campaigned for more than seven years on repealing and replacing Obamacare, and they finally have a President ready to sign it. In the clutch they choked.”
Obama care was crafted by liberals and not one republican voted for obamacare. Quit trying to pass a failure made by democrats off on republicans.
Nope Obama and his obamacare plan is failing, and I notice you loonies are trying to pass blame for it.
We proudly accept Obamacare

best nationwide healthcare system ever written
That's why it is failing. Still waiting on the $2500 savings.
Complain to your insurer.
Nope Obama promised insurance rates would go down $2500. He lied, but back then you didn't care about a lying president.
That's what was worked out. Insurance companies went back on it. But you have zero blame for them.
Oh my still covering for Obama's lies. Don't worry there are several lies Obama told about obamacare. One won lie of the year. You make Gruber proud.

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