Art of the Fail: Trumpcare vote cancelled

Wasn't just a failure it was a disaster

Scheming for eight years for when you would have complete control over the government....then the Trump miracle occurs

What do you do now?

Quit on repeal and replace after two months
They never expected to win. They expected Hillary to be POTUS and they expected to just go on spending taxpayer dollars in endless repeal votes that go nowhere.

They ARE the dog who caught the car.

Obama is laughing at conservatives today
As are all real Americans.
'You truly are an evil man': Rep. Ted Lieu scorches Trump for hoping Obamacare 'explodes' reported that in the wake of the humiliating failure of his first legislative push, Trump tweeted on Saturday morning, “ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!”

I hope that's not Trumps view o terrorist attacks. That he'll sit back while a terrorist bomb goes off, and use it to finally enact his muslim ban.
even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Dude I've forgotten more about the ACA already than you'll ever know.

"ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more."

They've NEVER been able to just willy nilly raise rates.
even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Tell me kid, why did Obama build in "risk corridors" to supposedly funnel back to insurers to help abrogate losses?
even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Dude I've forgotten more about the ACA already than you'll ever know.

"ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more."

They've NEVER been able to just willy nilly raise rates.
Again, for the retarded: show me the data which proves that rising rates are the fault of Obamacare.

I don't want to hear about individual state's insurance commissions. It's not what I'm asking you to prove and it's irrelevant.

Now get hopping, Skippy.
even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Tell me kid, why did Obama build in "risk corridors" to supposedly funnel back to insurers to help abrogate losses?
How retarded are you? A little? Do you drool?


Show me the data which proves that rising rates are the fault of Obamacare.
even though you see the damage from Obamacare and Insurance Companies hauling ass..........and premiums continuing to rise..........
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Dude I've forgotten more about the ACA already than you'll ever know.

"ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more."

They've NEVER been able to just willy nilly raise rates.
Again, for the retarded: show me the data which proves that rising rates are the fault of Obamacare.

I don't want to hear about individual state's insurance commissions. It's not what I'm asking you to prove and it's irrelevant.

Now get hopping, Skippy.

I don't have to prove anything to you skippy. You're ignorant and we both know it. Only someone who is willingly ignorant thinks that forcing an insurer to cover everyone AND mandates extended coverages would have no effect on Premiums. That shoe fits you son.
I don't have to prove anything to you skippy. You're ignorant and we both know it. Only someone who is willingly ignorant thinks that forcing an insurer to cover everyone AND mandates extended coverages would have no effect on Premiums. That shoe fits you son.

that's what happens when you have a crap health system....
I don't have to prove anything to you skippy.

Holy shit. I don't post on this site for months, come back for a day or two, and all the wingnuts have gotten actively dumber. It's the Trump Effect!

You'll never be able to debate me, fool. I'm way too smart for the likes of you. But thanks for the laughs.

Of course you did kid, just ask you ;) You don't have a clue about any of it, that's obvious to everyone.

You mean by "real Americans" the welfare queens getting the filthy ass Obamacare subsidies or do you mean the three million illegals that the asshole Obama allowed in and who voted for Crooked Hillary

You sure as hell don't mean the real Americans that had their premiums, co pay payments and deductibles sky rocket in order to pay for the subsidies for the greedy welfare queens getting the subsidies, do you?
When Obama passed ACA, he ignored the American people. Yesterday, Trump listened. How is that not a HUGE win for us and Trump?
I'm glad they didn't make a deal. Democrats own the failing obamacare scam. The midterms wont be good for you.

“I’ve been in this job eight years, and I’m wracking my brain to think of one thing our party has done that’s been something positive,
that’s been something other than stopping something else from happening. We need to start having victories as a party. And if we can’t, then it’s hard to justify why we should be back here.”

— Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL), quoted by The Atlantic.
I not happy with the gop, but the aren't democrats. That's the difference. Your party has lost it's mind. Y'all have proved it well since the election.

You're right. Better you stick with the weak ass losers. Your party is incapable of anything big. The perpetual party of no.

The GOP told us for eight years that they had a plan.

Turns out they've been lying to us. Including you.

I am sorry Moon Bat but it is not the fault of the Republicans that 193 shithead Democrats would not take the opportunity yesterday to fix what they broke in 2009. If only a dozen or so of them would have pulled their heads out of their Libtard asses and sided with the RINOs the fixes could have been made. Democrat never do the right thing, do they?

The filthy Democrats had seven years to fix that disastrous Obamacare bill they passed without reading it and had lied about it to sell it and not only did they not do a damn thing but they passed on the opportunity yesterday to make the fixes that would have kept the stupid program from imploding.

Just another example of the piss poor government we get out of the filthy Democrats.
Nope. This failure is entirely on the Republicans.

It is their fault we have ObamaCare, and it is their fault we are stuck with ObamaCare.

They did NOTHING to stop rising health care costs for decades, even though the Democrats signaled what they would do if given the chance.

And they have had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a better plan than ObamaCare and sell it to the American people. Instead, they sold you idiots an empty promise. They performed theater for you rubes by passing 60 partial and total repeals of ObamaCare.

You dumb fucks never even asked to see the GOP plan that entire time! That's just how incredibly stupid you are. You sat there like fucking idiots and bleeved they had one! :lol:

Now you just sit there and take their utter FAILURE and make more excuses for them.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't have whined like you weakminded morons do today. He had a much smaller group of Republicans to work with and achieved great things.

Your excuses don't hold water, wimp. You've been hoaxed.

You are very confused Moon Bat.

I am not a Republican nor did I vote for Trump so you can take your Mindless Moon Bat partisan hate and shove it up your ass.

The Democrats passed Obamacare along strict party lines when it was a disaster and then lied about what was in it so that you stupid uneducated low information dimwits that Jonathan Gruber labeled as "stupid Americans" would accept it.

It is now failing big time after tremendously running up the cost of health care in this country. It is on a path of collapse either this year or next.

The RINO plan did not do what Trump said it was going to do, repeal Obamacare and he needs to take a hit for that. However, the RINO plan did correct several of the major flaws in Obamacare and the stupid pieces of shit 193 Democrat members of Congress stopped it. If only a couple of dozen of them would have pulled their heads out of their asses then there would have been some fixes to Obamacare. The same kind of fixes that should have been there in 2009 if the nitwits had bother to read what they were voting on.

This health care failure is owned by the filthy stupid shithead Democrats, lock, stock and barrel and you little cowardly Moon Bat assholes can't blame it on somebody else like you have tried to do with all of the Kenyan Catastrophe's failures.

Stop being a coward and take responsibility for being in the party of dumbshit extreme Left Wingers that never gets anything right and for electing the worst President this country ever had.

The Democrats have been a disaster for this country.
I am not a Republican nor did I vote for Trump so you can take your Mindless Moon Bat partisan hate and shove it up your ass.

You certainly put out quite a bit of moonbat partisan hate for an independent.
The dumbshit Democrats fucked up health care big time and now the cowardly assholes are claiming that the Republicans are somehow to blame for not fixing what the Democrats broke.

The Moon Bats elected the wort President this country ever had, that failed at everything, and then try to blame his failures on somebody else. It was Bush for years and now it is Trump. "Ma Baby didndu ntutin!"

Typical Liberal cowardice and refusal to take responsibility. We see it every day.

The only people who thought it was broke were you neocon loons. Now the ball is in your court with majorities everywhere, and yet you still blame the left for your incompetence. Couldn't make this shit up...

...well The Orange Buffoon could. He is, after all, the King of Fake News
That has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's the insurance companies raising premiums.

Yes they do and ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more.
Show where the rate increases are due to Obamacare. Use data/facts. I'm not interested in your uneducated rube noises.

Dude I've forgotten more about the ACA already than you'll ever know.

"ALL increases must be approved by the State if it's under 9% and by HHS if it's 10% or more."

They've NEVER been able to just willy nilly raise rates.
Again, for the retarded: show me the data which proves that rising rates are the fault of Obamacare.

I don't want to hear about individual state's insurance commissions. It's not what I'm asking you to prove and it's irrelevant.

Now get hopping, Skippy.

I don't have to prove anything to you skippy. You're ignorant and we both know it. Only someone who is willingly ignorant thinks that forcing an insurer to cover everyone AND mandates extended coverages would have no effect on Premiums. That shoe fits you son.

Perhaps the the part of Obamacare you've forgotten. :laugh:

Dude I've forgotten more about the ACA already than you'll ever know.

You mean by "real Americans" the welfare queens getting the filthy ass Obamacare subsidies or do you mean the three million illegals that the asshole Obama allowed in and who voted for Crooked Hillary

You sure as hell don't mean the real Americans that had their premiums, co pay payments and deductibles sky rocket in order to pay for the subsidies for the greedy welfare queens getting the subsidies, do you?

^ Not a Republican. Non partisan independent. :laugh2:

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