Article 45.1

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Originally posted by eric
Collateral damage; comes with war, just a fact of life. Just be glad our bombs are more accurate than in WWII. My family was in Germany at the time, and many civilians were killed. Funny they never felt the way you do about America, guess they have a shred of intelligence.

The inevitable slaughter of innocents that occurs when you drop bombs on populated areas is not a fact of life, it is a fact of war. You apparently believe life is war, which may shed some light on why folks like you love war so much.

And thank you for pointing out that it is well known that "collateral damage" comes with war. That is why when you willfully decide to invade a country and drop bombs where people live, you are responsible for the "collateral damage."

What's the difference between WW II and the Invasion of Iraq? Let's see now, the Japs and the Germans started WWII, and we started the war in Iraq? Of course, minor differences like that seem to fly right over the heads of warmongers.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I've already laid out the fact, but I'll do it again because you apparenly have to be told twice.

Civilians live in cities.

Bombs destroy things and kill people

We dropped lots and lots of bombs on cities on purpose.

Therefore, we killed civilians on purpose.

Can you connect the dots now, or do I need to hold your hand?

Here's your logic. Guys from Lousiana are mass murderers. You are from LA. Therefore your a massmurderer. Lets put you in jail now.
Originally posted by OCA
Not gonna happen Jethro. I'm a scumbag, I LOOOOOVE to belittle people with name calling all the while asking them to prove something that doesn't exist like this little diddy: where is that irrefurable evidence showing we intentionally targeted civilians?

OK Rambo, I'll go over it again one more time.

Civilians live in cities.

Bombs kill civilians

We dropped bombs on cities - on purpose.

Any questions?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Illogical bullshit, not proof!

So its your positions that dropping bombs on cities does not kill people? Or that we didn't drop bombs on cities? Or that people don't live in cities?
Originally posted by dilloduck
late for me too but my understanding is that these detainees are terrorists. There is no formal declaration of war and terrorists will not be offered the "status" of POW.

And what part of 45.1 requires that there be a formal declaration of war? Would you mind pointing that out to me, because I don't see it.

How do you know the people in Guantanamo Bay are terrorists? They've released quite a few of them by now, you don't have a problem with them releasing terrorists?
Originally posted by eric
What about the military target that were intentionally placed in the city, like command and control centers ?

Like the Iraqi TV station? Wow, what a horrible thing for Saddam to do, put a TV station in the city.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
You now have convinced me that you have no friggin clue about anything! You are defintely a lib way too far out there!

Well? Which is it? Why do you refuse to answer? Do you believe a) we didn't bomb Baghdad or b) intentionally dropping bombs with the known result of killng innocents is not the same as intentionally killing innocents.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Once again, you and Sir Evil and missing the point.

The President is in blatant violation of international law.

The Congress has the authority and the duty to impeach any President guilty of breaking the law of the land.

The 6th Article of the Constitution makes clear that the Constitution and all treaties entered into by the US are the supreme law of the land.

Is it gelling in your head yet? Or do you just not want to admit you don't care if you President is not only a liar and a moron, but a criminal?

Sighs. im tired of people trying to site international law. They just go to show you they dont understand it. International law isnt binding at all. thats part of the problem with it. So it doesnt really matter if we violate "international law" Because all we have to do to make it void is not want to follow it to begin with.
i might add that international law isnt the law of the land. The Law of the Land Ends with Federal law.
Originally posted by OCA
Idiot Sadaam had all his major war operations in urban areas, were we not supposed to go after them? No, committing acts to take out legitimate targets in urban areas is not intentionally killing civilians, are you wasted mentally? You obviously have no real understanding of war and i'm beginning to think that LSU is an academically shitty school if you are represenative of an education there. Do you believe that we are war criminals for bombing war munition factories in German urban areas in WWII which resulted in civilian deaths?

Collateral damage, commit that phrase to memory.

So intentionally committing acts with the known result of killing civilians is not intentionally killing civilians? That's what you believe? Well Rambo, that pretty much tells me all I need to know, thanks. I hope your future brainwashing sessions aren't painful.

And Rambo, if you'll respectfully speak to what I've said instead of what you think I said, you would know I never suggested we are war criminals for bombing legitimate targets that result in the deaths of civilians. I'm merely suggesting that intentionally comitting acts which are known to result in the death of civilians is intentionally killing civilians, and to pretend otherwise is foolish. You apparenly disagree.

The reason Bush is a war criminal isn't because we are killing civilians, but because he has violated international law by refusing to grant temporary POW status to the "detainees" pending a tribunal.
Originally posted by OCA
Moron you have serious problems, seek help. Also seek help in the comeback dept., you're going to have to do much better against me, i'm the absolute shit around here when it comes to dishing out insults. Well Jimmy is pretty good too :D

Wow, you're good at dishing out insults, you'll go far in life with a skill like that.
Ive deciphered who he is by his brilliant posts. Its Ted *hic* Kennedy! Truthfully the worst thing you could do to this guy is ban him cause then he'll have to move back to the yahoo boards and argue with other like minded retards.
You apparently believe life is war, which may shed some light on why folks like you love war so much.

You got all that out of one statement, no wonder you are so misguided.

That is why when you willfully decide to invade a country and drop bombs where people live, you are responsible for the "collateral damage."

Now isn't this a stupid statement, all acts of war are willful. Whether justifiable or not is another issue.

What's the difference between WW II and the Invasion of Iraq? Let's see now, the Japs and the Germans started WWII, and we started the war in Iraq?

A Question as an answer to a question, please at very least try and sound somewhat intelligent. These kinds of things bother us people with real educations.

Let's see now, the Japs and the Germans started WWII

The Japanese started WWII ? I must have missed something in history. Furthermore when did Germany pose a direct threat to America. Why did we not just defeat the Japanese, instead of fighting a country (Germany), which did not directly threaten the USA ?
Originally posted by OCA
Numbnuts I didn't come here on day 1 and start badmouthing the USA with a condescending, arrogant and smartass attitude. I eased my way into my current state as the designated attack dog on trolls, of which you are one. And its not to say that trolls are only libs either, we've got a couple of "conservative trolls" also so don't cry about bias now. You've got to pay your dues but at your rate I give you maybe a few more days before you are history here.

When have I ever badmouthed the USA? Would you mind pointing that out? Thanks Rambo!
Like the Iraqi TV station? Wow, what a horrible thing for Saddam to do, put a TV station in the city.

Cute, but that is not what I asked. There were military command and control centers located in the city itself, you do understand what a command and control center is, don't you ?
Originally posted by OCA
So let me ask you this, if there is the slightest chance that a civilian might be injured that target should be left alone? Are you really this stupid? Come on, you're just fucking with us tell the truth, you can't really be this much of a dumbass and from Louisiana.

I'm not suggesting that we not bomb legit targets in times of war. (Though I would suggest we not start unneccessary wars, that is another issue). All I am suggesting is that to think that we are somehow not responsible for the deaths of those we kill is foolish.
Originally posted by insein
Here's your logic. Guys from Lousiana are mass murderers. You are from LA. Therefore your a massmurderer. Lets put you in jail now.

No, that's not my logic, though your fruitless attempt to come up with a suitable analogy was certainly humourous.

You cannot infer merely by me being from Louisiana that I am a mass murderer. You can, however, infer that prosecuting a sustained bombing campaign over densely populated urban areas will result in civilian deaths. Do you see the difference now?
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