Article V call to action!

If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.


This is the way our government works. Try reading Article V of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers were wary of the Federal government becoming to dictatorial, which it has. Time to use the Constitution the way it should be used instead of letting dolts like Obama defy immigration laws on the books with impunity while suing Arizona who tried to enforce federal laws. Or perhaps you enjoy Trump being unable to enforce federal immigration laws thanks to sanctuary cities in various states.

It's just amazing how Dims can have it both ways. It's time to put an end to being dictated to by a small radical fringe group of Dims.

If you say so traitor.

What makes me a traitor again?

Were the Founding Fathers traitors for putting the Article V provision into the Constitution or am I one for merely suggesting we use it?
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

That's exactly what Trump-o said. "what have you got to lose?" Respect from the rest of world was the first thing to go.

Lose respect from the world? You mean like forcing sexual predators like Conyers out of office instead of letting him fester for decades?


No, not like that. More like the leaders of our allies laughing at the fool. You know Great Britain's parliament already voted twice to ban the orange fool from their country, don't you?
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.
His post IS the way the country works.
You seem a bit uneducated on the subject.

Bulldog is quiet happy with trillion dollar deficits every year and half of America wanting to secede from the union every Presidential cycle, I can assure you.

Unlimited illegal immigration is just a bonus for him.
Yeah, that's a great plan! Gay marriage, abortion on demand, a right to Sharia law, and all of those things libs support will get enacted into the Constitution and term limits won't even be discussed much less brought up for a vote.

Just listen to yourself. Gay marriage and abortion on demand are already the law of the land. Soon Sharia law will be next unless we do something about it.

Look at a map of the demographics.


What the Article V movement is about, is obtaining 2/3 of the states to vote yes so that red states can finally have a voice in America instead of being led around by states like California and New York who will always give the majority vote to Dims.

We have nothing to lose, I can assure you and everything to gain.

That's exactly what Trump-o said. "what have you got to lose?" Respect from the rest of world was the first thing to go.

Lose respect from the world? You mean like forcing sexual predators like Conyers out of office instead of letting him fester for decades?


No, not like that. More like the leaders of our allies laughing at the fool. You know Great Britain's parliament already voted twice to ban the orange fool from their country, don't you?

Ok, how about limiting the orange man's power through the Article V movement then?

No? The hell you say.
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.
His post IS the way the country works.
You seem a bit uneducated on the subject.

Bulldog is quiet happy with trillion dollar deficits every year and half of America wanting to secede from the union every Presidential cycle, I can assure you.

Unlimited illegal immigration is just a bonus for him.

Don't be silly. It's not half. At best it's 32%. A lot more crazies than I thought though.
Ironically, no convention is required. All that is required is that we get some "conservative" judges and justices who take the Tenth Amendment seriously.

This would satisfy virtually every goal of this "movement."
If you don't like the way our country works, why don't you just leave? We don't need you unpatriotic users anyway.
His post IS the way the country works.
You seem a bit uneducated on the subject.

Bulldog is quiet happy with trillion dollar deficits every year and half of America wanting to secede from the union every Presidential cycle, I can assure you.

Unlimited illegal immigration is just a bonus for him.

Don't be silly. It's not half. At best it's 32%. A lot more crazies than I thought though.

You are OK with 32%? How about we let conservative states and liberal state run their own affairs?

Face palm.

Honestly, I'm not paying Bulldog to strengthen my arguments here people.
Ironically, no convention is required. All that is required is that we get some "conservative" judges and justices who take the Tenth Amendment seriously.

This would satisfy virtually every goal of this "movement."

No, we need amendments for such things as fixing trillion dollar deficits and no term limits in Congress.

Nothing else will do.
Be wary of factions that want to amend the Constitution.

Be even more wary of Progs who flat out ignore the Constitution and laws of the land.

Seems like no one gives a damn about them.

Go figure
Look at a map of the demographics.



A map showing population density would look more like the one above.

Psst that isn't a map of demographics.

The one you showed is a map of geography. Last I checked people vote, not square acres.

Don't we already have term limits?

The last time I was a 2-year term for a member of the house
a 6-year term for a Senator.

Then, if they want to continue, they must be elected by the people again.
This is a choice for the people of their District/State on whom they want
to represent them.

Here we go with hijacking terminology again.

How is that hijacking terminology?
Look at a map of the demographics.



A map showing population density would look more like the one above.

Psst that isn't a map of demographics.

The one you showed is a map of geography. Last I checked people vote, not square acres.


Well what do you expect, I cling to my Bibles and guns after all.

The point, which you would leap over a cliff to miss, is most states are conservative and we easily have a 2/3 majority which is all that is needed.

Now getting state legislators to represent them is a whole other thing entirely.
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

I agree with you in principle. But I promise you Marxists will overwhelm the convention. I think a better way would be to repeal the 17th amendment and then see what we can do from there. No power on earth will check itself and when the states lost their voice in the Central government their Constitutional powers began eroding as the Federal government expanded over everything.
And I have to say it again...the government is not the problem. The deep state is the problem. Americans elect Republican after Republican as president and give them majorities in both houses time and again. But they are in the end always defeated by the elites. Whereas Democrats are evil it should be obvious that Republicans are simply weak. Thank God from Trump.
We have to scour the media and academia clean of marxist liberals. The billionaires who bankroll them we cant do so much about. The big corporations though...we can do something about their support of democrats and liberals. The WSJ ran an op-ed with a call for shareholders to begin suing corporate boards when they squander goodwill and corporate money on liberal activism.
The Constitution is as good as it gets outside the 17th and perhaps the 14th amendment...both of which distorted the balance of power. Liberals will simply ignore any amendment as they have ignored the Constitution.
For example the Constitution gave women no right to vote. A more moral and law abiding America didnt "discover" womans suffrage in the Constitution. They passed and amendment to enfranchise women.
I think ERA broke that. Americans rejected the Equal Rights Amendment and liberals proceeded to act as if we hadn't rejected it.\
So what safeguards are there to prevent liberals from infiltrating any such convention of the states?
Edit: here is the link to the WSJ piece. It is behind a paywall though. When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court

edit 2: The article in full no paywall When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court - WSJ
Last edited:
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!

I agree with you in principle. But I promise you Marxists will overwhelm the convention. I think a better way would be to repeal the 17th amendment and then see what we can do from there. No power on earth will check itself and when the states lost their voice in the Central government their Constitutional powers began eroding as the Federal government expanded over everything.
And I have to say it again...the government is not the problem. The deep state is the problem. Americans elect Republican after Republican as president and give them majorities in both houses time and again. But they are in the end always defeated by the elites. Whereas Democrats are evil it should be obvious that Republicans are simply weak. Thank God from Trump.
We have to scour the media and academia clean of marxist liberals. The billionaires who bankroll them we cant do so much about. The big corporations though...we can do something about their support of democrats and liberals. The WSJ ran an op-ed with a call for shareholders to begin suing corporate boards when they squander goodwill and corporate money on liberal activism.
The Constitution is as good as it gets outside the 17th and perhaps the 14th amendment...both of which distorted the balance of power. Liberals will simply ignore any amendment as they have ignored the Constitution.
For example the Constitution gave women no right to vote. A more moral and law abiding America didnt "discover" womans suffrage in the Constitution. They passed and amendment to enfranchise women.
I think ERA broke that. Americans rejected the Equal Rights Amendment and liberals proceeded to act as if we hadn't rejected it.\
So what safeguards are there to prevent liberals from infiltrating any such convention of the states?
Edit: here is the link to the WSJ piece. It is behind a paywall though. When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court

edit 2: The article in full no paywall When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders Can Take Them to Court - WSJ

I disagree. The issue is the power of government, therefore, we need to restrict their pocket book. Then when they lose power they can deep state themselves all day and no one will give a damn. So will restrict their budget? Hell, who will force them to even pass a budget? It won't come from the Feds. Enjoy trillion dollar deficits, that is, till the Republic implodes.

The Founders understood that a collectivist top heavy government naturally tends towards despotism. Play with the 17 amendment all you want but that is the issue.

As I have said, the creation of the Federal income tax and the creation of their own personal printing press are the major issues that have created this beast.

People can be scared all they want, but the bottom line is that we have to do something, and right now we are half way there!
Let's stop whining and start doing something about the beltway!

In Ohio they are trying to pass SJR 1 resolution to try and make Ohio part of the 2/3 of the states needed to amend the Constitution and take power from the Feds and return it to the states.

We have the votes in the GOR committee and the full Senate to pass SJR 1. All we need is for Senator Obhof and Senator Coley to put it to a vote and not stall to put it to a vote.

Please call:

Senator Obhof at 614-466-7505 and Senator Coley at 614-466-8072 to support putting it to a vote. Obhof already said he would not stand in the way. Ask him what he is waiting for.


How glorious would it be to have a Constitutional amendment to place term limits on filth like Schumer and McCain?

It's the only way!
Which part of the Constitution do they want to fuck up?

80% of the American people favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment of some kind.

I guess you despise democracy, probably as much as you despise those who don't vote for establishment candidates.

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