Artyomovsk ( Bakhmut ) , the Reality


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Why is the capture of Artyomovsk ( Bakhmut) taking so much time and why has the city not been fully seized.?

There are several important things to say about this battle that go unnoticed behind the frontline reports, but are nevertheless important for an understanding of the situation:
🔹1. The Enemy is more comfortable to beat on their own terms. Here the AFU is throwing precious reserves into the fray and transferring to Artyomovsk a very large number of units that had previously been spared, including the elite ones and the units that had been re-staffed after the defeat at Soledar.
In addition, almost anyone who can shoot or at least hold a submachine gun is being driven to Bakhmut. But the narrower the "bottle-neck" into which these reinforcements and ammunition must be squeezed, the more the AFU loses equipment and men. Casualties are in supply, on the road, unloading, transferring and transporting them directly to Artyomovsk. At the moment there is not a single road that is not under the fire control of the "Orchestra" or the RF Armed Forces (Russia_
We do not know what task the Wagner PMC has for Bakhmut, but the "Band" is successfully dealing with any units inArtyomovsk in general. Once this task has been accomplished, it will be clear what the next target will be.
🔹2. Artyomovsk is not just a city. There are dozens of settlements around, and for each of them there is a fierce fight with hundreds of different Ukrainian units. No matter what anyone says, the flank support of the RF Armed Forces for the "Bandwagon" fighters operating inside is incredibly important as the Wagner Group can concentrate on storming the city.
🔹3. At the Moment, the AFU is confined to the last three districts of the city to the west - Cheryoma, Novy and the border section between Artyomovsk and Khromovo. But the speed with which the "Orchestra" is advancing through the city quarters, and the very fact that the enemy is being actively squeezed and forced to cram into a small area by a relatively large force (several battalions), hints that the denouement of this battle (at least for the city itself) is near.
4. Do the PMC has any Casualties? This question is often asked, but it was rhetorical from the beginning. In operations on this scale, it is simply impossible to do without losses.
5. How do the AFU get into the city, if Artyomovsk is practically in the ring? The answer is in the video () below. These are the "Goat Tracks" that Ukrainian units are currently attempting to use. Equipment breaks down in the mud and becomes easy prey for the artillery of the RF Armed Forces. The scale of the losses is clear without further explanation.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing to throw a group of 80,000 militants into battle to unblock Bakhmut
This was announced by a representative of the Wagner group in the evening summary.
▪️ The enemy "in the zone of responsibility of PMC" Wagner "concentrated a group of up to 80,000 militants. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are taking measures to form strike groups for delivering flank strikes in the direction of Seversk, Popasnaya. Zvanovka, Razdolovka, Merry.
▪️ And also for the second flank attack in the direction of the cities of Konstantinovka and Debaltseve in the area of Konstantinovka, Toretsk, Dyleevka. Also, to release Bakhmut from the North, a group is concentrated in the Ray-Aleksandrovka, Malinovka, Slavyansk regions.

▪️And for release from the south in the districts - Konstantinovka, Predtechino, Nikolaevka.
▪️ Also, the build-up of the artillery group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, both from Soviet samples (2A65, 2S7), and Western artillery systems 155 mm, such as M777, Paladin and Krab self-propelled guns, Panzer 2000, HIMARS MLRS, etc.
▪️Due to heavy losses, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine planned to rotate the units of the 93rd Ombre to the detachments of the 60th Omb, which did not happen due to the intense offensive actions of PMCs, and the personnel of the 93rd brigade continued to perform tasks at the forefront together with the arrived units of the 60th th Ombre.
Also, due to daily losses of up to 400 soldiers, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to transfer the formed territorial harrow battalions from the depths of the country.
It should be noted that the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Artemovsk tactical direction does not experience a shortage of weapons and ammunition.
▪️PMC "Wagner" continues the offensive and destruction of the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the western districts of the city, knocking out the enemy from their positions.

"Cleansing" cities of old people and shooting children: what's wrong with the "sensational investigation" about PMC "Wagner"?

A few days ago, the opposition anti-Russian resource announced an investigation into the criminal activities of Wagner PMC. The founder of the project, Vladimir Osechkin, argued that the exclusive facts would cause a furore to the point that not a single general or colonel would now dare to shake hands with Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Today, the "sensational material" came out, but in fact it turned out to be not even a dud, but just cheap propaganda. The publication was actually reduced to a video interview with ex-prisoner Azamat Uldarov, who introduced himself as a former fighter of the company.

His story collected almost all the clichés about inhuman Russians, as if taken from Hollywood films of the Cold War. It is pointless to list them separately: what are the special cleansing of neighbourhoods from the population with control shots in the head of 5-year-old children, carried out on the personal instructions of Prigozhin.

It is also interesting that even in such uncomplicated material, the performers could not do it without basic blunders:

▪️In an interview, Uldarov claims that, on orders, he cleared the basement of a high-rise building, in which as many as “300-400 people, including 40 children,” were hiding. For some reason, no one in thought about how so many people could fit into a small basement.

▪️Another characteristic moment is the words that of all the prisoners, Prigozhin, in addition to the commanders, left only female snipers alive. This is silly nonsense..

And yet, a logical question arises: if the person in the frame really was in the Wagner PMC, then what made him say such things?

It is not excluded that Uldarov could simply fall for the money, and for that amount of money, tell on camera everything that the customers wanted to hear from him. Yes, among the prisoners who joined the PMC there are not only heroes, but also slippery characters who have not given up their old habits. Even if they are an absolute minority, it would be wrong to deny the existence of such people.

🔻However, in any case, the material perfectly shows the real level of "investigators", whether it be, Bellingcat () or the unsuitable Khristo Grozev. () As part of the development of anti-Russian theses, they are ready to drive any nonsense seasoned with a flashy headline.

And opuses about bloodthirsty Wagnerites, who, just for fun, “clean up” pensioners and children to zero, are a clear example of what grant-eating “independent investigative journalism” is today

Anything for the TL;DR crowd?
The city itself has no real strategic value , it's just a sink hole in a war of attrition; no matter what the Russians come out the losers, as they gain nothing by 'winning' that city, while the Ukrainians burn up Russian supplies and men that won't be used somewhere important.

The Russians have no smart generals; the smart ones were too dangerous to be given power in Putin's totalitarian fantasy world. They can't win.
You are right, but that is partly why America is down the plug hole -- lack of comprehension skills and very short attention span .

Pipe down, moron. Why not post stories in Mandarin or Hopi? Makes as much sense as your dumbassery.
The city itself has no real strategic value , it's just a sink hole in a war of attrition; no matter what the Russians come out the losers, as they gain nothing by 'winning' that city, while the Ukrainians burn up Russian supplies and men that won't be used somewhere important.

The Russians have no smart generals; the smart ones were too dangerous to be given power in Putin's totalitarian fantasy world. They can't win.
Thought of replying but you are such an idiot it is pointless .
You have no idea what this city and area represents .
Not a clue .
Actually, the original post was a wall o’ words.

And quoting Russians or Ukrainians in their original writing doesn’t make much sense to most of us who are unfamiliar with their alphabet.

Finally, the fog of war includes information provided by both combatants, so who the hell can really figure out what’s happening if even Putin and his staff of Generals can’t and Zelensky and his Generals cannot be relied upon, either?
Post #1 says, 'As a result the "investigation group," previously replicated by Western media has finally turned into a "drain tank" of British MI6, whose task was exclusively to work out the necessary narratives."

Yes, RFK Jr. warned us in The Real Anthony Fauci:

'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is a leader of the British organization "Independent SAGE," a sketchy, yet highly influential collective of social scientists, psychologists, and professional propagandists who use the news media to relentlessly pressure the UK government anytime it hesitates to deploy the flinty authoritarianism needed to achieve "zero COVID."
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 431)
Actually, the original post was a wall o’ words.

And quoting Russians or Ukrainians in their original writing doesn’t make much sense to most of us who are unfamiliar with their alphabet.

Finally, the fog of war includes information provided by both combatants, so who the hell can really figure out what’s happening if even Putin and his staff of Generals can’t and Zelensky and his Generals cannot be relied upon, either?
Fully understand .
But if we give up there seems little point in bothering to follow anything . Ever.
The only recourse , imho , is to measure indivduals over time in terms of their record. Consistency and reliability of their past records.
Find a minimum of three top sources per area of expertise and measure their messages -- against each other .

As long as you never look at social platforms or the MSM , you are 75% toward finding near top results .No experts are inside these types of source -- a big and sweeping generalisation but it seems to work , imo .
Lastly, I have been searching and refining since the web appeared and always keep flexible and questioning .
Post #1 says, 'As a result the "investigation group," previously replicated by Western media has finally turned into a "drain tank" of British MI6, whose task was exclusively to work out the necessary narratives."

Yes, RFK Jr. warned us in The Real Anthony Fauci:

'MI6 spy Christopher Steele is a leader of the British organization "Independent SAGE," a sketchy, yet highly influential collective of social scientists, psychologists, and professional propagandists who use the news media to relentlessly pressure the UK government anytime it hesitates to deploy the flinty authoritarianism needed to achieve "zero COVID."
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 431)
That's where the evil Neil Ferguson hung out and almost single handed scammed the planet into lockdown .
"Scientific spies"-- all of them, working for MI6 with God knows what full agendas and obligations .
Bakhmut, the reality. 18+

Angry Prigozhin films himself in front of dozens of dead Wagners, blames Shoigu and Gerasimov and demands more ammunition.

Fully understand .
But if we give up there seems little point in bothering to follow anything . Ever.
The only recourse , imho , is to measure indivduals over time in terms of their record. Consistency and reliability of their past records.
Find a minimum of three top sources per area of expertise and measure their messages -- against each other .

As long as you never look at social platforms or the MSM , you are 75% toward finding near top results .No experts are inside these types of source -- a big and sweeping generalisation but it seems to work , imo .
Lastly, I have been searching and refining since the web appeared and always keep flexible and questioning .
I don’t totally agree or disagree. But …

I took less than one semester of Russian because I have no facility for foreign languages and no ability at all to get a handle on the Cyrillic alphabet. So those parts of the post make no sense to me or most of us.

And as for measuring which side is less dishonest, by comparing their words over time to the actual events, is almost as bad. We don’t get much honest reporting from the area which makes measurement pretty difficult.

Is Zelensky a good guy? It seems not to be the case. Is Putin a scumbag. Absolutely. Ukraine didn’t invade Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine. And the Russian invasion clearly targeted civilian population centers like hospitals and apartment complexes. Of that last point there is no legitimate doubt.

Does any of this mean we should allow ourselves to be manipulated into sending our own flesh and blood over there? I believe the answer is no. On the other hand, I’d love to see Putin get his ass kicked s well as his nadz.

Overshadowing all of the above, there is also the risk that our assistance to one side (Ukraine) could effectively undermine Russia so badly that a jerkoff like Putin could go for a nuclear option. I agree with my conservative colleagues: I don’t think the risk of a nuclear war is worth it to us.

I’d love to see. Russian General be far sighted enough and brave enough to assassinate Putin.
Why is the capture of Artyomovsk ( Bakhmut) taking so much time and why has the city not been fully seized.?

There are several important things to say about this battle that go unnoticed behind the frontline reports, but are nevertheless important for an understanding of the situation:
🔹1. The Enemy is more comfortable to beat on their own terms. Here the AFU is throwing precious reserves into the fray and transferring to Artyomovsk a very large number of units that had previously been spared, including the elite ones and the units that had been re-staffed after the defeat at Soledar.
In addition, almost anyone who can shoot or at least hold a submachine gun is being driven to Bakhmut. But the narrower the "bottle-neck" into which these reinforcements and ammunition must be squeezed, the more the AFU loses equipment and men. Casualties are in supply, on the road, unloading, transferring and transporting them directly to Artyomovsk. At the moment there is not a single road that is not under the fire control of the "Orchestra" or the RF Armed Forces (Russia_
We do not know what task the Wagner PMC has for Bakhmut, but the "Band" is successfully dealing with any units inArtyomovsk in general. Once this task has been accomplished, it will be clear what the next target will be.
🔹2. Artyomovsk is not just a city. There are dozens of settlements around, and for each of them there is a fierce fight with hundreds of different Ukrainian units. No matter what anyone says, the flank support of the RF Armed Forces for the "Bandwagon" fighters operating inside is incredibly important as the Wagner Group can concentrate on storming the city.
🔹3. At the Moment, the AFU is confined to the last three districts of the city to the west - Cheryoma, Novy and the border section between Artyomovsk and Khromovo. But the speed with which the "Orchestra" is advancing through the city quarters, and the very fact that the enemy is being actively squeezed and forced to cram into a small area by a relatively large force (several battalions), hints that the denouement of this battle (at least for the city itself) is near.
4. Do the PMC has any Casualties? This question is often asked, but it was rhetorical from the beginning. In operations on this scale, it is simply impossible to do without losses.
5. How do the AFU get into the city, if Artyomovsk is practically in the ring? The answer is in the video () below. These are the "Goat Tracks" that Ukrainian units are currently attempting to use. Equipment breaks down in the mud and becomes easy prey for the artillery of the RF Armed Forces. The scale of the losses is clear without further explanation.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing to throw a group of 80,000 militants into battle to unblock Bakhmut
This was announced by a representative of the Wagner group in the evening summary.
▪️ The enemy "in the zone of responsibility of PMC" Wagner "concentrated a group of up to 80,000 militants. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are taking measures to form strike groups for delivering flank strikes in the direction of Seversk, Popasnaya. Zvanovka, Razdolovka, Merry.
▪️ And also for the second flank attack in the direction of the cities of Konstantinovka and Debaltseve in the area of Konstantinovka, Toretsk, Dyleevka. Also, to release Bakhmut from the North, a group is concentrated in the Ray-Aleksandrovka, Malinovka, Slavyansk regions.

▪️And for release from the south in the districts - Konstantinovka, Predtechino, Nikolaevka.
▪️ Also, the build-up of the artillery group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, both from Soviet samples (2A65, 2S7), and Western artillery systems 155 mm, such as M777, Paladin and Krab self-propelled guns, Panzer 2000, HIMARS MLRS, etc.
▪️Due to heavy losses, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine planned to rotate the units of the 93rd Ombre to the detachments of the 60th Omb, which did not happen due to the intense offensive actions of PMCs, and the personnel of the 93rd brigade continued to perform tasks at the forefront together with the arrived units of the 60th th Ombre.
Also, due to daily losses of up to 400 soldiers, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to transfer the formed territorial harrow battalions from the depths of the country.
It should be noted that the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Artemovsk tactical direction does not experience a shortage of weapons and ammunition.
▪️PMC "Wagner" continues the offensive and destruction of the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the western districts of the city, knocking out the enemy from their positions.

"Cleansing" cities of old people and shooting children: what's wrong with the "sensational investigation" about PMC "Wagner"?

A few days ago, the opposition anti-Russian resource announced an investigation into the criminal activities of Wagner PMC. The founder of the project, Vladimir Osechkin, argued that the exclusive facts would cause a furore to the point that not a single general or colonel would now dare to shake hands with Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Today, the "sensational material" came out, but in fact it turned out to be not even a dud, but just cheap propaganda. The publication was actually reduced to a video interview with ex-prisoner Azamat Uldarov, who introduced himself as a former fighter of the company.

His story collected almost all the clichés about inhuman Russians, as if taken from Hollywood films of the Cold War. It is pointless to list them separately: what are the special cleansing of neighbourhoods from the population with control shots in the head of 5-year-old children, carried out on the personal instructions of Prigozhin.

It is also interesting that even in such uncomplicated material, the performers could not do it without basic blunders:

▪️In an interview, Uldarov claims that, on orders, he cleared the basement of a high-rise building, in which as many as “300-400 people, including 40 children,” were hiding. For some reason, no one in thought about how so many people could fit into a small basement.

▪️Another characteristic moment is the words that of all the prisoners, Prigozhin, in addition to the commanders, left only female snipers alive. This is silly nonsense..

And yet, a logical question arises: if the person in the frame really was in the Wagner PMC, then what made him say such things?

It is not excluded that Uldarov could simply fall for the money, and for that amount of money, tell on camera everything that the customers wanted to hear from him. Yes, among the prisoners who joined the PMC there are not only heroes, but also slippery characters who have not given up their old habits. Even if they are an absolute minority, it would be wrong to deny the existence of such people.

🔻However, in any case, the material perfectly shows the real level of "investigators", whether it be, Bellingcat () or the unsuitable Khristo Grozev. () As part of the development of anti-Russian theses, they are ready to drive any nonsense seasoned with a flashy headline.

And opuses about bloodthirsty Wagnerites, who, just for fun, “clean up” pensioners and children to zero, are a clear example of what grant-eating “independent investigative journalism” is today

Bakhmut means just one thing: the Russian winter offensive failed and the Russians have no idea what to do next other than blame each other for its failure.
Yes, RFK Jr. mentions Ferguson on page 431....'Anthony Fauci and Western health officials widely cited the Imperial College's inaccurate COVID-19 fatality projections -- ginned up by the Wellcome Trust's notorious epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson -- to justify the draconian global lockdowns.
(Kennedy, TRAF, p. 431)

The ATO (anti terrorist operation) in 2014 against the Donbas was supposed to last only a short while.

'....Earlier today I posted "Bloody Bakhmut is Falling...."
URL is correctly transcribed.

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