As a Black voter, I find this offensive: ‘What about 9/11?’ Twitter furious after Biden calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack since Civil War"

Revisionism at it's finest.
No, not at all. I don't think Trump is all that capable of being honest about himself when it comes to losing. It's part of this toxic masculinity paradigm. Admitting defeat is weakness and therefore Trump is incapable of doing so. Once you've decided that you can't lose, then reality is warped to serve that purpose.

Toxic masculinity accusations are the same bullshit as white power accusations, just trying to lump together actual bad behavior/beliefs with mainstream realistic views and outlooks. So any guy that isn't a Beta pajama wearing cuck is the same as a rapist, just like anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is supposedly a Nazi.

Narcissism is bad behavior/beliefs. Narcissists are to be shamed and derided, not placated.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

^ what a blow hard
My name is Crepitus, not dOnald tRump.
you told me your name was ---shit stain demonRAT.....
Sigh. Yup you really got me that time. Good for you.

You go play with the other kids now.

View attachment 485595
time to rest that thing you call a brain...
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

^ what a blow hard
My name is Crepitus, not dOnald tRump.
Also a democrat hack, it was no attack January 6th
Don't be stupider than you....

Fuck it. Go ahead.
The kettle calling someone fuck stupid you piece of shit democRAT hack?

Only a retarded moron would think January 6th was an attack
There ya go, let the stupid flow.
as you do every day....thanx 4 the, if you have FACTS, cool....if not quit typing scum, demonRAT LIES
Remember, you're saying that this was an organized, planned insurrection
I am? I'm thinking most of it was spontaneous, generated by tRump exhortation to "fight like hell". Obviously there were a few there with some semblance of a plan, but it think they were a shocked as everyone else when they breached the Capitol and went hunting for senators. You rabid conservitards are usually more of the armchair insurgents than active ones.
your denial, and deflection is noted, retard
Trump told them to peacefully protest, you left that part out.
He said it once after stoking their anger for months.

Weak and pathetic.

Here's a little hint, when it comes to our anger at SJW progressives we don't need Trump to make us angry.

And anger isn't a vice in the face of tyranny.
These guys weren’t angry about any “social justice”.

They were angry at losing an election. Violence to overturn an election or remove the voice of voters IS tyranny and that’s what the rioters were pushed to by his rhetoric.
AMERICANS are angry over the fraud election....
did you forget that the PIG-lousi twat paid for those actors to cause a riot? no, how about the busses of antifa and black flies matter criminals, that PIG-lousi and company had escorted into DC w/ a police watching the publishers that LIE, they are by no means providers of news. they are a 1 sided, biased publishing organizations
Trump told them to peacefully protest, you left that part out.
He said it once after stoking their anger for months.

Weak and pathetic.

Here's a little hint, when it comes to our anger at SJW progressives we don't need Trump to make us angry.

And anger isn't a vice in the face of tyranny.
These guys weren’t angry about any “social justice”.

They were angry at losing an election. Violence to overturn an election or remove the voice of voters IS tyranny and that’s what the rioters were pushed to by his rhetoric.
AMERICANS are angry over the fraud election....
did you forget that the PIG-lousi twat paid for those actors to cause a riot? no, how about the busses of antifa and black flies matter criminals, that PIG-lousi and company had escorted into DC w/ a police watching the publishers that LIE, they are by no means providers of news. they are a 1 sided, biased publishing organizations

I don't care that you're angry. In fact, I revel in it.
AMERICANS are angry over the fraud election....
Fraud is a made up excuse to maintain power at any cost.
Wrong. Fraud is how Biden won. What rational person would vote for a senile NAZI pedophile? After watching his rallies, who believes he got 80 million votes? He couldn't get more than 12 people to show up at his rallies. Are you kidding me?
We don't know what happened because no one in power wants to do a real investigations. All that has been done is audits of the same numbers counted over and over again.
Yes, we know what happened. Same thing that happens in every election. Votes were counted and a winner declared.

The only thing that was different this year was that we had a weak minded president who wanted to steal the election because in his mind he was right and the rest of us are evil. The results are his supporters storming the capitol in acts of violence for just that purpose.

The thing you think the other side could have been doing is being used to justify the things that your sided actually did.
The only thing that was different this year was that we had a corrupt political party, demonRATS, who stole the election... The results are PIG-lousi paid actors storming the capitol, to blame someone other than themselves, the scum, shit stain demonRATS
Worst Attack On Our Democracy Since the Civil War

So odd -- -- -- when folks last year said this was totally wrong how that election was held that it unseated America's confidence in our elections being honest prompting a revolt at the capitol, the democrats ignored the complaints, ignored the questions, then called that "dangerous talk we need to nip in the bud," but now that the revolt has happened as a consequence by people driven by high morals and patriotism, Bidden has no problem labeling what they caused as the "worst attack on our democracy ever?"

Again, a few hundred aging, overweight, huffing and puffing seniors in their street clothes and families pounding on the doors of government demanding a simple redress of their ignored grievances as promised in the constitution is an "insurrection that nearly toppled Biden's America?
Trump told them to peacefully protest, you left that part out.
He said it once after stoking their anger for months.

Weak and pathetic.

Here's a little hint, when it comes to our anger at SJW progressives we don't need Trump to make us angry.

And anger isn't a vice in the face of tyranny.
These guys weren’t angry about any “social justice”.

They were angry at losing an election. Violence to overturn an election or remove the voice of voters IS tyranny and that’s what the rioters were pushed to by his rhetoric.
AMERICANS are angry over the fraud election....
did you forget that the PIG-lousi twat paid for those actors to cause a riot? no, how about the busses of antifa and black flies matter criminals, that PIG-lousi and company had escorted into DC w/ a police watching the publishers that LIE, they are by no means providers of news. they are a 1 sided, biased publishing organizations

I don't care that you're angry. In fact, I revel in it.
i don't care you are a retard,.... i revel in your stupidity.....thanx 4 the laughs
Trump told them to peacefully protest, you left that part out.
He said it once after stoking their anger for months.

Weak and pathetic.

Here's a little hint, when it comes to our anger at SJW progressives we don't need Trump to make us angry.

And anger isn't a vice in the face of tyranny.
These guys weren’t angry about any “social justice”.

They were angry at losing an election. Violence to overturn an election or remove the voice of voters IS tyranny and that’s what the rioters were pushed to by his rhetoric.
AMERICANS are angry over the fraud election....
did you forget that the PIG-lousi twat paid for those actors to cause a riot? no, how about the busses of antifa and black flies matter criminals, that PIG-lousi and company had escorted into DC w/ a police watching the publishers that LIE, they are by no means providers of news. they are a 1 sided, biased publishing organizations

I don't care that you're angry. In fact, I revel in it.
i don't care you are a retard,.... i revel in your stupidity.....thanx 4 the laughs

Do you laugh to cover up the pain and embarrassment of being an empty headed douchebag loser?
Worst Attack On Our Democracy Since the Civil War

So odd -- -- -- when folks last year said this was totally wrong how that election was held that it unseated America's confidence in our elections being honest prompting a revolt at the capitol, the democrats ignored the complaints, ignored the questions, then called that "dangerous talk we need to nip in the bud," but now that the revolt has happened as a consequence by people driven by high morals and patriotism, Bidden has no problem labeling what they caused as the "worst attack on our democracy ever?"

Again, a few hundred aging, overweight, huffing and puffing seniors in their street clothes and families pounding on the doors of government demanding a simple redress of their ignored grievances as promised in the constitution is an "insurrection that nearly toppled Biden's America?

Fuck their grievances.
So it was not a goal of the group to kill anyone. Got it.
"Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence..."
You said that "most of it was spontaneous", and you found a handful of people who were saying that. Naturally then, it was the goal of the rioters all last summer to destroy buildings and assault (or kill) people because a handful of them did that. Or was that "different"?
I think you need to look up the definition of spontaneous.
I think you should.
it's obvious,

let me ask you, if it was spontaneous, how could they have planned it?
I've already been over this with at least onenor two other people,. It's getting tiresome. Go read the thread. The answers you seek are there, young grasshopper.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

By what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?

Stop trying to exploit this.

The crazy thing is left wing/commie rioters have actually taken over areas of cities and prevented lawful governments from enforcing laws and regulations for weeks or even months, yet that somehow doesn't count, right?
The commies tried to burn down a federal courthouse, and these NAZIs are crying about a few protesters taking a tour of the capitol?

I'll admit some of them went way too far, and should be charged. anyone who laid a hand on a cop should be charged. anyone who forced their way past a barrier should be charged.

But with things like assault or accessing an area without permission.

Actual crimes, not political crimes.
It was a politically motivated insurgency. sorry for your luck.

One day of a protest that got out of hand that resulted in only 1 death, that of an unarmed protester.
It was an insurrection, not a protest.

At worst is was a riot, an more probably worst it was trespassing.
Nope, sorry for your luck.

Yep, but keep pretending it was a coup attempt. It makes you look more retarded than you are.
Nope. It's Still an attempt to overthrow our democracy. I just checked.
They had no guns, moron. That's what "unarmed" means. It doesn't mean a few of them had hollow aluminum flag poles that wouldn't even make a bump on your head.
See that, fucking moron? It is once again you who's proving you're a fucking moron, no one else needs to.

Fucking moron, "armed" does not mean "guns." It means any weapon which can include guns but doesn't need to.

furnished with weapons

In our society when you call someone armed, it is assumed it's with a firearm.

usually when it's a melee weapon it's referred to as wielding.
Words have meaning, even if you don't know what that is. "Armed" means being in possession of a weapon. That mob was armed.

Words have meanings that are also interpreted by most people, and most people think "gun" when you call a person armed.
Your ignorance of the meaning doesn't change it.

Sorry for your luck.

Your attempt to imply an actual armed insurrection (meaning with firearms) when it clearly was a protest that got out of control (not even a riot, at most a mass trespass) doesn't mean that reality folds to make it an actual insurrection.
Well that's bullshit. Only in your head does armed = only guns.

Was the teenager with a knife that was just shot unarmed?

If someone attacks you with a baseball bat are you gonna tell the police he was unarmed?

It's amazing the unbelievable bullshit you kids will spew to defend criminals.

Armed with a knife. Armed with a bat. You guys just used armed to make it sound like they had firearms.

At best they were "Armed" with improvised weapons, and we all know that results in a -4 penalty to your attack rolls.
Your ridiculous attempts to twist words don't change reality.

And your inability to accept you've been owned doesn't create your own reality.
You've gone beyond conspiracy theories and started on the reality denial, I see.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

By what mechanism with the numbers and tools they had on them would the government been overthrown?

Stop trying to exploit this.

The crazy thing is left wing/commie rioters have actually taken over areas of cities and prevented lawful governments from enforcing laws and regulations for weeks or even months, yet that somehow doesn't count, right?
The commies tried to burn down a federal courthouse, and these NAZIs are crying about a few protesters taking a tour of the capitol?

I'll admit some of them went way too far, and should be charged. anyone who laid a hand on a cop should be charged. anyone who forced their way past a barrier should be charged.

But with things like assault or accessing an area without permission.

Actual crimes, not political crimes.
It was a politically motivated insurgency. sorry for your luck.

One day of a protest that got out of hand that resulted in only 1 death, that of an unarmed protester.
It was an insurrection, not a protest.

At worst is was a riot, an more probably worst it was trespassing.
Nope, sorry for your luck.

Yep, but keep pretending it was a coup attempt. It makes you look more retarded than you are.
and he agreed it was spontaneous. doesn't know what the word means.
Awww! You found a friend! You kids play nice, now.
Apparently a few dozen unarmed trespassers really has the Leftards shaken up. Uncle Joe especially. A drunk unarmed guy in a Viking hat almost took control of our government.
Aside from the fact that we are not a democracy but a representative constitutional republic - or at least we were - and that the "attack" was carried out by agents provocateurs of the Democrats in the form of BLM/Antifa confederates dressed as MAGA rally goers and police who with malice aforethought were either were kept away from the Capitol building or allowed the aforementioned BlaM-tifarians to enter the building and in one case assassinated an unarmed rally goer Ashli Babbitt, the absolute ludicrousness of the statement would be laughable were it not for the fact that a large percentage of our population think 9/11 is a convenience store, Pearl Harbor is a grunge band from Seattle and have no idea what the Civil War is.

They were not "rally goers"
they were not "protestors"
they were not "drunken partiers"
the were not "rowdy college kids"

They were violent insurgents bent on overthrowing our government in favor of their fascist dictator tRump.

Stop trying to minimize this.

^ what a blow hard
My name is Crepitus, not dOnald tRump.
you told me your name was ---shit stain demonRAT.....
Sigh. Yup you really got me that time. Good for you.

You go play with the other kids now.

View attachment 485595
time to rest that thing you call a brain...
Oooh. Burn. That was a good one.

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