As a conservative attorney, I will admit that whites have it better in court than blacks or Hispanic


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.
I will give you another exmisample. A close relative was given a ticket for possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana. This is a misdemeanor charge, and the case was in federal court because she got the ticket in a federal park.

I went to court with her, determined to get her off without a conviction on her record. I knew that a drug conviction, even a minor one, will close a lot of doors.

In the court was a judge, and an army of federal park rangers who were totally out of their depth acting in the place of attorneys.
The park rangers wandered through the court, advising all the defendants to do a plea deal. The fact that park rangers were illegally acting as an attorneys irritated me. But it did tell me one thing: the federal government was not going to spend very much in resources to prosecute these cases.

I went up to the one REAL prosecutor and told him/her (I forget now) that I was NOT going to plead guilty under any circumstances. They kept saying they wouldn't dismiss the charge, and I kept insisting that we were not going to plead guilty.

So , they knew if they didn't make a deal with me, I would force them to go to trial. And then they gave up. They offered community service, and after that was done, the charge would be dismissed.

Here's another reason why whites do better than blacks or Hispanics in court. Most white people know attorneys, or have attorneys in their family, or know people who are related to attorneys, etc.
What I'm saying is our criminal system is broken. We have more people in prison than Communist China, which has a population three times as large. Putting a man in prison takes away his ability to support his family, leaving the equivalent of a widow and orphans, who are then forced to apply for welfare.
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.
I partially agree. But damn! There is a pantload of "assumption" in your post. What if the "white man" had tattoos? Or piercings? What if he had no teeth? What if he had long hair and wore a leather coat? What if he was ugly as hell? What makes you assume that all "whites' have families willing to pay for "expensive attorneys" or that they own homes that they can mortgage?

The reason the criminal justice system is biased towards blacks and hispanics is simple- they commit a disproportionate amount of criminal acts...

There needs to be a major fix to our criminal justice system, and we can't use the usual liberal v. conservative bullshit. This is a problem that everyone needs to be concerned with.
yea, this reeks of some bullshit.

whites can hire lawyers - the fuck we all can
most whites know lawyers - complete and utter nonsense

blacks go to court and just get fucked - learn how to act in court, show some respect and they won't.

took a buddy to court for a ticket, there was a black kid, whos PD was going to get him off, completely off his dope dealing charge. The judge didn't like it, but he agreed as long as he did community service. They bring the kid out, he's got his hat on sideways, won't stand up straight, slurs when he speaks and shows no respect. Judge sends him to jail, his PD has nothing that he can say b/c the kid was a dick.
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.
You said you are a conservative? :eek-52:
You must be one of those rare intelligent ones I meet every now and then.
yea, this reeks of some bullshit.

whites can hire lawyers - the fuck we all can
most whites know lawyers - complete and utter nonsense

blacks go to court and just get fucked - learn how to act in court, show some respect and they won't.

took a buddy to court for a ticket, there was a black kid, whos PD was going to get him off, completely off his dope dealing charge. The judge didn't like it, but he agreed as long as he did community service. They bring the kid out, he's got his hat on sideways, won't stand up straight, slurs when he speaks and shows no respect. Judge sends him to jail, his PD has nothing that he can say b/c the kid was a dick.
So you admit the main point of what I said?

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning.
yea, this reeks of some bullshit.

whites can hire lawyers - the fuck we all can
most whites know lawyers - complete and utter nonsense

blacks go to court and just get fucked - learn how to act in court, show some respect and they won't.

took a buddy to court for a ticket, there was a black kid, whos PD was going to get him off, completely off his dope dealing charge. The judge didn't like it, but he agreed as long as he did community service. They bring the kid out, he's got his hat on sideways, won't stand up straight, slurs when he speaks and shows no respect. Judge sends him to jail, his PD has nothing that he can say b/c the kid was a dick.
So you admit the main point of what I said?

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning.
Thats even before you factor in that the vast majority of cops police Black/Brown people differently than whites.
What I saw would be shocking. I was defending pro-life demonstrators who were given a ticket for trespassing.

The cop lied about what happened, and in the court his son was watching to watch his father commit perjury.

The D.A. would not release a copy of the video our defendant took.

That's an ethical violation. All evidence showing the defendant might be innocent must be release. But the D.A. didn't.

Fortunately for our side, the demonstrator who was taking the video switched it out before the cops grabbed it.

We used it as surprise evidence, and demonstrated to the court that our clients were not guilty of trespassing.

The female D.A. was literally in tears. She told all her other cop witnesses to clear out before we could catch them.

That experience proved to me that our criminal justice system is corrupt. DA's can do anything they want, and no one will ever call them for it.
What I saw would be shocking. I was defending pro-life demonstrators who were given a ticket for trespassing.

The cop lied about what happened, and in the court his son was watching to watch his father commit perjury.

The D.A. would not release a copy of the video our defendant took.

That's an ethical violation. All evidence showing the defendant might be innocent must be release. But the D.A. didn't.

Fortunately for our side, the demonstrator who was taking the video switched it out before the cops grabbed it.

We used it as surprise evidence, and demonstrated to the court that our clients were not guilty of trespassing.

The female D.A. was literally in tears. She told all her other cop witnesses to clear out before we could catch them.

That experience proved to me that our criminal justice system is corrupt. DA's can do anything they want, and no one will ever call them for it.
Its shocking to see someone admit what I have seen too many times where I grew up. I've watched cops plant evidence, rob, assault, and do many other illegal things all my life and get away with it numerous times.
yea, this reeks of some bullshit.

whites can hire lawyers - the fuck we all can
most whites know lawyers - complete and utter nonsense

blacks go to court and just get fucked - learn how to act in court, show some respect and they won't.

took a buddy to court for a ticket, there was a black kid, whos PD was going to get him off, completely off his dope dealing charge. The judge didn't like it, but he agreed as long as he did community service. They bring the kid out, he's got his hat on sideways, won't stand up straight, slurs when he speaks and shows no respect. Judge sends him to jail, his PD has nothing that he can say b/c the kid was a dick.
So you admit the main point of what I said?

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning.

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, acts the fool b/c he won't show any respect, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning. B/c he acted with respect and wasn't trying to get any street creds.

so the difference? blacks want street cred, whites want to go home
blacks demand to be respected, whites show respect

get it?

show up to court all pimped out or show up in a suit and tie?

one will help you get to jail the other will help you get off

see the point?

I know I'm going to be told I'm wrong, but people have to lie
I'm gunna get called a racist b/c people hate the truth.
With all due respect...the most important thing that a judge looks at isn't skin's a person's criminal history laid out on the desk in front of him or her. If you sit in a court of law and watch how the process works it becomes readily apparent that for a whole lot of people...this isn't their first encounter in court and quite often not their first interaction with a particular judge.

When you see a judge drop the hammer on a defendant? Chances are that's happening because the person has a list of priors that could pass for a short novel or because the person was in front of that judge before and was let off easy. You do NOT want to go back in front of a judge that cut you slack before and warned you to get your act together!
We have the best criminal justice system that money can buy. You can have all the justice you can afford. Can't afford it? Tough.
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.

As is witness tampering and witness intimidation also a crime.

Shadow 355
yea, this reeks of some bullshit.

whites can hire lawyers - the fuck we all can
most whites know lawyers - complete and utter nonsense

blacks go to court and just get fucked - learn how to act in court, show some respect and they won't.

took a buddy to court for a ticket, there was a black kid, whos PD was going to get him off, completely off his dope dealing charge. The judge didn't like it, but he agreed as long as he did community service. They bring the kid out, he's got his hat on sideways, won't stand up straight, slurs when he speaks and shows no respect. Judge sends him to jail, his PD has nothing that he can say b/c the kid was a dick.
So you admit the main point of what I said?

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning.

A young black man is prosecuted for shoplifting, acts the fool b/c he won't show any respect, he goes to prison and gets a felony conviction that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

A young white man caught for shoplifting. His parents will be called to pick him up at the station, after a stern warning. B/c he acted with respect and wasn't trying to get any street creds.

so the difference? blacks want street cred, whites want to go home
blacks demand to be respected, whites show respect

get it?

show up to court all pimped out or show up in a suit and tie?

one will help you get to jail the other will help you get off

see the point?

I know I'm going to be told I'm wrong, but people have to lie
I'm gunna get called a racist b/c people hate the truth.

So the truth is that your conviction and sentence have nothing to do with the crime and everything to do with your demeanor?

This is the real world and I understand what you're saying. If you took someone who looks and acts like Denzel Washington or Cuba Gooding and put them in front of a judge and someone who looks like Little Wayne or Snoop Dogg under identical circumstances, Denzel and Cuba will get likely probation and Little Wayne/Snoop Dogg will get detained.

You're stating the way it is. I get it. But the way it is remains unjust. The world of jurisprudence should never be based on "the way it is". It should always be a punishment that fit the crime regardless of whether the defendant is wearing a thousand dollar dress or pants with the waistband down to his ankles.
I was sitting in court one day with some people from the Public Defender's office. I has asked them if I could volunteer.

While I was sitting there, a black man was the defendant at a preliminary hearing to determine if there was probable cause to prosecute him for shoplifting.

What this guy did was he grabbed two armfuls of hair conditioner and walk out of the store. An elderly security guard tried to get in his way, so the defendant pushed past him.

After the testimony of the security guard, the judge ordered that this black man be prosecuted for shoplifting, assault and battery committed against an elderly person.

The defense attorneys did nothing to help this black man. They just sat there and watched it happen.

They told me that some stores deliberately hire elderly security guards so they can get that enhancement of the assault charge.

Had this man been white, the story would have a much different ending. If he was a first offender, he would hae the charges dismissed in return for community service. He would not have a public defender, he would have an expensive private attorney representing him. His family would have put up the money to pay the attorney, borrowing if they had to, or putting a mortgage on their home.

And my guess is the assault and battery charge would have dismissed, because all he did is brush by him.

I am not a liberal, but I'm willing to admit this. People in the criminal system consider all blacks and Hispanics to be potential criminals, so they might as well get them in prison as soon as possible.
Thank you for posting this.

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