As Afghan war enters its 2nd generation Trump holds enlisted mens only mtg.


After having been in the military for eight years or so, that sounds like a great idea to me. Westmoreland got shit loads of people killed in Vietnam, some of them were my friends.

After having been in the military for eight years or so, that sounds like a great idea to me. Westmoreland got shit loads of people killed in Vietnam, some of them were my friends.
Yep, and too many officers are just yes men.
Has the POS in our WH pardoned any more murders today ??

Thanks for proving my point:
Are you Demwits able to discuss anything in a rational manner?
The jury began deliberating on Monday, nearly two weeks after another SEAL, Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, shocked the courtroom by claiming that he, not Gallagher, killed the captive.

Scott had been granted immunity from criminal charges as a lead prosecution witness in the case against Gallagher, who was accused of stabbing the ISIS prisoner in the neck with a knife. In court, Scott said that he blocked a tube that was helping the wounded prisoner breathe and that he killed the youth as an act of mercy.

Prosecutors said Scott's narrative in court was wildly different from what he said in interviews, and they accused him of trying to protect his former superior from a long prison term. But Gallagher's defense attorney said that the junior members of his SEAL team resented him and plotted against him, as KPBS reporter Steve Walsh told NPR on Monday.
Has the POS in our WH pardoned any more murders today ??
He was acquitted...another Seal confessed to the killing...I won't call it murder though...I don't send troops to war and prosecute them for killing the enemy...only butthole liberals do that.....
7 of those there testified against him Put a knife in a guys throat??? among other knife wounds,, then took pictures of him with the dead body??? Are all you fn republicans AH's or just most?
For whatever reason it appears the men in his charge were wanting to get rid of they lied...but one brave Seal stepped up and told the truth...then the others changed their some homework for Christs sake....
Has the POS in our WH pardoned any more murders today ??
He was acquitted...another Seal confessed to the killing...I won't call it murder though...I don't send troops to war and prosecute them for killing the enemy...only butthole liberals do that.....
7 of those there testified against him Put a knife in a guys throat??? among other knife wounds,, then took pictures of him with the dead body??? Are all you fn republicans AH's or just most?
For whatever reason it appears the men in his charge were wanting to get rid of they lied...but one brave Seal stepped up and told the truth...then the others changed their some homework for Christs sake....

One psycho murderer. Osama won, we're just like the middle east now.
Has the POS in our WH pardoned any more murders today ??
He was acquitted...another Seal confessed to the killing...I won't call it murder though...I don't send troops to war and prosecute them for killing the enemy...only butthole liberals do that.....
7 of those there testified against him Put a knife in a guys throat??? among other knife wounds,, then took pictures of him with the dead body??? Are all you fn republicans AH's or just most?
For whatever reason it appears the men in his charge were wanting to get rid of they lied...but one brave Seal stepped up and told the truth...then the others changed their some homework for Christs sake....

One psycho murderer. Osama won, we're just like the middle east now.
You are sickening....did I miss us crashing a jet into a building of innocent Muslims?....did I miss one of us strapping a bomb vest on and killing babies?...
Has the POS in our WH pardoned any more murders today ??
He was acquitted...another Seal confessed to the killing...I won't call it murder though...I don't send troops to war and prosecute them for killing the enemy...only butthole liberals do that.....
7 of those there testified against him Put a knife in a guys throat??? among other knife wounds,, then took pictures of him with the dead body??? Are all you fn republicans AH's or just most?
For whatever reason it appears the men in his charge were wanting to get rid of they lied...but one brave Seal stepped up and told the truth...then the others changed their some homework for Christs sake....

One psycho murderer. Osama won, we're just like the middle east now.
You are sickening....did I miss us crashing a jet into a building of innocent Muslims?....did I miss one of us strapping a bomb vest on and killing babies?...
No, you're avoiding ours as per usual. Endless wars of plunder - all illegal and unconstitutional. AND entered into by lying to we the people.
Report: Trump held private, enlisted-only Afghanistan war meetings – ‘No generals or officers, only enlisted guys that have been there’


Since taking office, President Donald Trump has been meeting with enlisted troops to get a better understanding of how they feel the war in Afghanistan has been progressing.

Trump did not want to meet with higher ranking officers, instead choosing to meet with enlisted troops to get a more candid assessment of the America’s longest-running war, Business Insider reported.

“I want to sit down with some enlisted guys that have been there,” Trump reportedly told advisers, according to Peter Bergen, author of “Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.”

“I don’t want any generals in here. I don’t want any officers,” he added.

Enlisted members of the military may have been seen as better able to critique the war effort as their roles tend to place them closer to combat and the consequences of a command. Enlisted members are also less concerned with the day-to-day politics that might affect higher ranking officers

Trump reportedly compared the opinions of senior military officers to those of a restaurant consultant.

Rather than taking the advice of the consultant, who would suggest expanding a kitchen for renovations, Trump argued it would be more prudent and cost effective to ask the advice of the waiters who see the day to day operations and can identify the most basic problems in a restaurant’s functions.

One of the first groups Trump reportedly met with were enlisted Navy SEALs who criticized the war and said the war in Afghanistan is “unwinnable"

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Report: Trump held private, enlisted-only Afghanistan war meetings – 'No generals or officers, only enlisted guys that have been there’

Bring em all home
Down with gloBo homo empire
Down With globo homo inc
Why is it that bad things about Trump that are "reportedly" but not verified are dismissed because they are just "reportedly"....but then something that sounds good comes along you believe it like it came down from Moses himself?
Because I know someone in Intel in Afghanistan right now who’s been hinting about such things......
Was this chat before or after the MOAB?

I can tell you with 100% certainty that the enlisted folks loved the idea of the MOAB
Do you sleep here or are you on a rotating shift in Obama's basement?....troll of the month club....
No, he's rotating in obamas basement.

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