'I don't want any officers' — Trump held private meetings with troops to candidly discuss Afghan war

nation-building hasn't worked in Afghanistan for FIVE CENTURIES, my friends

the Afghan terrain is like Idaho...lots of mountains!
there's more Pashtun in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. the last thing America should do is arm the Pashtun!
Your arrogance is typical of the ignorant- wanna play games?

My gratitude, you fucking moron, is grounded in the TRUTH- ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL AND HAVE CERTAIN UNALIEBNABLE RIGHTS- all else is frivolous, childish, bullshit- the constitution, you fucking idiot, has explicit directives for declaring War- there is NO caveat or provision for the bullshit happening in the ME- that is aggression. Period. It is immoral and arguably illegal- it's been sold with lies and fear- lying is immoral as is killing pre-emptively- many wrongs don't make a right, idiot- left right is immaterial you fucking idiot- those are but tools to divide the citizenry to determine tools or enemies-

Find someone else to play with, kid- come back when you educate yourself- your public indoctrination is hanging out all over the place-
I guess I struck a nerve. Why is that? Have you been I grateful your whole life?

Trump dramatically improves national security against terrorism while lowering danger to our military personnel, and you're just so full of piss and spit that you can't make yourself acknowledge it.

If you loved America it would be pretty easy.
So a place where nearly 10,000 US troops still remain, a place where we have been at war for almost 19 years...that is a skirmish now??

So Afghan and Iraq were fine until Obama came?? Is that your new revisionist history lie?

Cool.....that means Trump can declare victory and bring all of the troops home.....if its only a skirmish, why remain there??
It is for us

Thankfully, American military personnel are mostly training and giving intel out of harm's way.

More may leave soon. I hope it's possible.

Trump's done much better than I expected.

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