As an existential necessity, the GOP needs to eviscerate higher education.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020

Democracy is demographic destiny.

... In state after state, fast-growing, traditionally liberal college counties... are flexing their muscles, generating higher turnout and ever greater Democratic margins. They’ve already played a pivotal role in turning several red states blue — and they could play an equally decisive role in key swing states next year...

Name the flagship university — Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, among others — and the story tends to be the same. If the surrounding county was a reliable source of Democratic votes in the past, it’s a landslide county now...

The American Communities Project... designates 171 independent cities and counties as “college towns.” In a combined social science/journalism effort based at the Michigan State University School of Journalism, the ACP uses three dozen different demographic and economic variables in its analysis such as population density, employment, bachelor’s degrees, household income, percent enrolled in college, rate of religious adherence and racial and ethnic composition.

Of those 171 places, 38 have flipped from red to blue since the 2000 presidential election. Just seven flipped... from blue to red, and typically by smaller margins. Democrats grew their percentage point margins in 117 counties, while 54 counties grew redder. By raw votes, the difference was just as stark: The counties that grew bluer increased their margins by an average of 16,253, while Republicans increased their margins by an average of 4,063...

Many populous urban counties that are home to large universities don’t even make the ACP’s “college towns” list because their economic and demographic profiles differentiate them from more traditional college counties. Among the missing are places like the University of Texas’ Travis County, where the Democratic margin of victory grew by 290,000 votes since 2000, and the University of New Mexico’s Bernalillo County, where the margin grew by 73,000 votes. The University of Minnesota’s Hennepin County has become bluer by 245,000 votes...
There’s no single factor driving the college town trend. In some places, it’s an influx of left-leaning, highly educated newcomers, drawn to growing, cutting-edge industries advanced by university research or the vibrant quality of life. In others, it’s rising levels of student engagement on growing campuses. Often, it’s a combination of both.

What’s clear is that these places are altering the political calculus across the national map. Combine university counties with heavily Democratic big cities and increasingly blue suburbs, and pretty soon you have a state that’s out of the Republican Party’s reach...

None of this has gone unnoticed by the GOP, which is responding
in ways that reach beyond traditional tensions between conservative lawmakers and liberal universities — such as targeting students’ voting rights, creating additional barriers to voter access or redrawing maps to dilute or limit the power of college communities. But there are limits to what those efforts can accomplish. They aren’t geared toward growing the GOP vote, merely toward suppressing Democratic totals.

“The data sure seem to suggest younger voters are leaning much more Democratic in recent years and, perhaps more concerning for the Republicans, the GOP seems to be struggling more broadly with college-educated voters. In the longer term, that may mean these voters may stay Democratic — or at least stay Democratic longer than they might otherwise,” says Dante Chinni, director of the ACP. “In addition, polls show Republicans are increasingly distrustful of higher education institutions. That probably doesn’t help in the longer term either.”

[‘This Is a Really Big Deal’: How College Towns Are Decimating the GOP]

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An "educated" person is not a PARROT.

A PARROT is the lowest form of human intellect outside of being in a coma.

What is taught in schools today is PARROTED BULLSHIT.

A PARROT is someone who believes Co2 is warming Earth but cannot explain a map of the Arctic...

Democracy is demographic destiny.

... In state after state, fast-growing, traditionally liberal college counties... are flexing their muscles, generating higher turnout and ever greater Democratic margins. They’ve already played a pivotal role in turning several red states blue — and they could play an equally decisive role in key swing states next year...

Name the flagship university — Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, among others — and the story tends to be the same. If the surrounding county was a reliable source of Democratic votes in the past, it’s a landslide county now...

The American Communities Project... designates 171 independent cities and counties as “college towns.” In a combined social science/journalism effort based at the Michigan State University School of Journalism, the ACP uses three dozen different demographic and economic variables in its analysis such as population density, employment, bachelor’s degrees, household income, percent enrolled in college, rate of religious adherence and racial and ethnic composition.

Of those 171 places, 38 have flipped from red to blue since the 2000 presidential election. Just seven flipped... from blue to red, and typically by smaller margins. Democrats grew their percentage point margins in 117 counties, while 54 counties grew redder. By raw votes, the difference was just as stark: The counties that grew bluer increased their margins by an average of 16,253, while Republicans increased their margins by an average of 4,063...

Many populous urban counties that are home to large universities don’t even make the ACP’s “college towns” list because their economic and demographic profiles differentiate them from more traditional college counties. Among the missing are places like the University of Texas’ Travis County, where the Democratic margin of victory grew by 290,000 votes since 2000, and the University of New Mexico’s Bernalillo County, where the margin grew by 73,000 votes. The University of Minnesota’s Hennepin County has become bluer by 245,000 votes...
There’s no single factor driving the college town trend. In some places, it’s an influx of left-leaning, highly educated newcomers, drawn to growing, cutting-edge industries advanced by university research or the vibrant quality of life. In others, it’s rising levels of student engagement on growing campuses. Often, it’s a combination of both.

What’s clear is that these places are altering the political calculus across the national map. Combine university counties with heavily Democratic big cities and increasingly blue suburbs, and pretty soon you have a state that’s out of the Republican Party’s reach...

None of this has gone unnoticed by the GOP, which is responding
in ways that reach beyond traditional tensions between conservative lawmakers and liberal universities — such as targeting students’ voting rights, creating additional barriers to voter access or redrawing maps to dilute or limit the power of college communities. But there are limits to what those efforts can accomplish. They aren’t geared toward growing the GOP vote, merely toward suppressing Democratic totals.

“The data sure seem to suggest younger voters are leaning much more Democratic in recent years and, perhaps more concerning for the Republicans, the GOP seems to be struggling more broadly with college-educated voters. In the longer term, that may mean these voters may stay Democratic — or at least stay Democratic longer than they might otherwise,” says Dante Chinni, director of the ACP. “In addition, polls show Republicans are increasingly distrustful of higher education institutions. That probably doesn’t help in the longer term either.”

[‘This Is a Really Big Deal’: How College Towns Are Decimating the GOP]

the GOP needs to eviscerate higher education.​

You are suggesting, if we dumb down by doing away with higher education to Republican levels by destroying higher education in the United States, the country will be better off?
That sounds like national, societal suicide to me.
An "educated" person is not a PARROT.

A PARROT is the lowest form of human intellect outside of being in a coma.

What is taught in schools today is PARROTED BULLSHIT.

A PARROT is someone who believes Co2 is warming Earth but cannot explain a map of the Arctic...
The anti-intellectual response is not unexpected.
I've never agreed with the policy of allowing college students register and vote in their university city/county just by virtue of being a temp resident there. If they live off campus and have been there long enough to establish residency, sure. Go for it. But dorms aren't residences. Of course I also don't agree with those places that try to force college students living on campus to register their vehicles in the city either (and often those vehicles may still be in their parents' names) so they can collect the personal property taxes on them. Fairfax County, Virginia is notorious for this. They bend over backwards identifying vehicles that are present there more than 30 days to try to extort their huge personal property taxes out of them. In that case, it isn't just college students being targeted though. I used to park in a spot that could not be seen to hide my ride from the roving band of night license plate loggers that would comb neighborhoods.

the GOP needs to eviscerate higher education.​

You are suggesting, if we dumb down by doing away with higher education to Republican levels by destroying higher education in the United States, the country will be better off?
That sounds like national, societal suicide to me.
Resentment of educated Americans is a driving force for some.
A lot of the angst would go away if states would require college students to register/vote in the states they come from. Every state I know of has absentee balloting for such things.

Just because a out of state student goes to UVA there is no reason they can't register/vote in the state they hail from.
This only tells half the story of colleges turning regions blue. The college towns become crime ridden liberal hellscapes. They start to collapse in upon themselves. We are just now seeing the beginnings of horrified donors and alumni pulling up the financial aid. Nope. This is just getting started.

A degree isn't the indication of an education that it once was either. A degree today means you have been politically indoctrinated but intellectually stunted.
There is a correlation that nobody in Media wants to address: The less life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat/Leftist, and the more life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Conservative Republican. If the vote were limited to those who are net contributors to government taxes, no Democrat would ever win an election.

College students and faculty are Exhibit A of this correlation: No real-life experience - overwhelmingly Leftist. Government employees - same thing. Public school teachers - same thing. Employed in the "Arts" - same thing. Employed by foundations, non-profits, etc. - same thing.

This is not coincidence. It is cause & effect. The more real life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Conservative.
Denying reality is a pathetic response.
If you are capable of refuting any of the empirical realities provided in the thread's article regarding the problem that the GOP faces with higher education, please do so.
There is a correlation that nobody in Media wants to address: The less life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat/Leftist, and the more life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Conservative Republican. If the vote were limited to those who are net contributors to government taxes, no Democrat would ever win an election.

College students and faculty are Exhibit A of this correlation: No real-life experience - overwhelmingly Leftist. Government employees - same thing. Public school teachers - same thing. Employed in the "Arts" - same thing. Employed by foundations, non-profits, etc. - same thing.

This is not coincidence. It is cause & effect. The more real life experience you have, the more likely you are to be a Conservative.
Do you have any credible data to sustain your prejudices?
This only tells half the story of colleges turning regions blue. The college towns become crime ridden liberal hellscapes. They start to collapse in upon themselves. We are just now seeing the beginnings of horrified donors and alumni pulling up the financial aid. Nope. This is just getting started.

A degree isn't the indication of an education that it once was either. A degree today means you have been politically indoctrinated but intellectually stunted.
Can you document your claims with actual evidence?

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