As Confederate monuments come down when will libs come for the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memori

Your Indian name is Foot In Mouth.
You just applied selective contextualism like a good political bigot.

Okay, bud... so what context should we honor theConfederates.

Here's the thing In Germany, you won't find one monument to Hitler or his Generals. The Germans simply can't stop apologizing for what they did in WWII.

TheSouth should follow their fine example.
Answer: Because they base their arguments on feelings and emotions and they suffer from arrested development. They are easily duped by the lame stream corporate media and have a blind faith in it's consensus. They have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. They believe an "Operation Gladio" false flag event like Sandy Hook actually happened because "the media" said so. They believe it because the Barrypuppet wipes a fake tear from his eye. They never stop to think that the same M.O is used every time. Leftards are willing lemmings to the very elites that they claim to be against. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay,Dale, we all know you are a special kind of crazy, and the Lizardmen are leaving chemtrails to mess with you.

I know more and understand more than you, Joe........infinitely more.
Your Indian name is Foot In Mouth.
You just applied selective contextualism like a good political bigot.

Okay, bud... so what context should we honor theConfederates.

Here's the thing In Germany, you won't find one monument to Hitler or his Generals. The Germans simply can't stop apologizing for what they did in WWII.

TheSouth should follow their fine example.
The south were fellow Americans fighting for the same liberty principles that inspired the American revolution. Northerners had no more respect for blacks than southerners. They just didn't have a need for slaves and used slavery as a wedge issue. Southern soldiers were just as gallant and deserving of respect as any northern soldiers. They were Americans, too. What's more, censoring of history is a Nazi tactic.
Lincoln was a Tyrant who trashed the US Constitution over and over again. He was leader of an army who used Terrorist tactics. And he had racist and white supremacist views.

Now who's statues should be removed?
Who said anything about not discussing the issues?
I'm not for covering up what these men participated in, I'm asking when will libs be coming for the monuments?

Okay, you see, we didn't make a monument to Jefferson for raping Sally Hemmings... Although that would make an interesting sculpture if we did...

We honor him for his words.

So what did the Confederates do that deserved to be honored with monuments? They actually did kind of a shitty and stupid thing.

And we've let them have 150 years of therapy... enough is enough.

And those monuments are coming down, and once they are all gone liberals will begin the drumbeat for the others they deem hideous.
Lincoln ordered 34 Sioux to be hanged in the.larges mass hanging we've ever had. Tear down the Lincoln Memorial. It offends me.
Lincoln married into a prominent slave owning family. Tear down the Lincoln Memorial.
Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

Leftists think that V wall thingy, and that unwanted soldier thing are gun nut hang outs.

I don't think that is what you intended.

I was pretending to be a leftists resistance snowflake - I am bad at it
I know more and understand more than you, Joe........infinitely more.

I'm sure that's what the voices in your head tell you..

And those monuments are coming down, and once they are all gone liberals will begin the drumbeat for the others they deem hideous.

And when that happens we can have that discussion. But more than likely, sensible people will say the good these men did outweighs their flaws.

This can't be said of someone like Nathan Forrest, traitor, racist and war criminal. Putting his statue in the middle of Memphis is like putting a statue of Himmler in the middle of Skokie.
The south were fellow Americans fighting for the same liberty principles that inspired the American revolution. Northerners had no more respect for blacks than southerners. They just didn't have a need for slaves and used slavery as a wedge issue. Southern soldiers were just as gallant and deserving of respect as any northern soldiers. They were Americans, too. What's more, censoring of history is a Nazi tactic.

Well, first, most of these monuments aren't to the soldiers, they are to the politicians and generals who instigated the war.

Secondly, a lot of Germans fought valiantly in World War II. But they fought in a cause that was morally repugnant. So,no,we don't put up memorials glorifying them.

Third, the south started the war because an abolitionist won the election. They threatened to do the same thing in 1856 when another abolitionist got the GOP nomination.

Finally, nobody is censoring history. We are just being more honest about it by not letting the Confederate Apologists get away with what they've gotten away with for 150 years...

These were very bad men who fought to preserve an evil institution.
The south were fellow Americans fighting for the same liberty principles that inspired the American revolution. Northerners had no more respect for blacks than southerners. They just didn't have a need for slaves and used slavery as a wedge issue. Southern soldiers were just as gallant and deserving of respect as any northern soldiers. They were Americans, too. What's more, censoring of history is a Nazi tactic.

Well, first, most of these monuments aren't to the soldiers, they are to the politicians and generals who instigated the war.

Secondly, a lot of Germans fought valiantly in World War II. But they fought in a cause that was morally repugnant. So,no,we don't put up memorials glorifying them.

Third, the south started the war because an abolitionist won the election. They threatened to do the same thing in 1856 when another abolitionist got the GOP nomination.

Finally, nobody is censoring history. We are just being more honest about it by not letting the Confederate Apologists get away with what they've gotten away with for 150 years...

These were very bad men who fought to preserve an evil institution.

So like, how do you feel about the Union embracing the very same "evil institution" ?
So like, how do you feel about the Union embracing the very same "evil institution" ?

That we finally got rid of it was a good thing. Now we need to stop enabling the White Trash feeling good about itself.
I know more and understand more than you, Joe........infinitely more.

I'm sure that's what the voices in your head tell you..

And those monuments are coming down, and once they are all gone liberals will begin the drumbeat for the others they deem hideous.

And when that happens we can have that discussion. But more than likely, sensible people will say the good these men did outweighs their flaws.

This can't be said of someone like Nathan Forrest, traitor, racist and war criminal. Putting his statue in the middle of Memphis is like putting a statue of Himmler in the middle of Skokie.

"I'm sure that's what the voices in your head tell you.."

No, it's just a matter of record. I noticed how you simply ignored the letter Lincoln wrote proving that the Civil War had very little to do with slavery and the conflict is much more complicated than the sheeple have been told.... but to stupid leftards like you? The ability to throw off the programming simply isn't in the cards. Ya got nothin', Slow Joe but at least you have a lot of it.

No, it's just a matter of record. I noticed how you simply ignored the letter Lincoln wrote proving that the Civil War had very little to do with slavery and the conflict is much more complicated than the sheeple have been told....

Completely irrelevant to the point. Lincoln didn't start the war because he wanted to end slavery, the South Started it because Lincoln was an outspoken abolitionist.

By your logic, we have a ton of statements by Baby Bush saying he wanted to avoid war with Iraq, but we know that's bullshit.
"Lincoln was an outspoken abolitionist"

Really? Lincoln, as a lawyer, went to court and argued to have a runaway female slave and her children returned to their rightful slave owner. Matson slave case.
Really? Lincoln, as a lawyer, went to court and argued to have a runaway female slave and her children returned to their rightful slave owner. Matson slave case.

You mean he did what lawyers do... argue the law. Come on, you guys keep trying to pretend the Civil War wasn't about slavery, but it was.
Funny how history has
Really? Lincoln, as a lawyer, went to court and argued to have a runaway female slave and her children returned to their rightful slave owner. Matson slave case.

You mean he did what lawyers do... argue the law. Come on, you guys keep trying to pretend the Civil War wasn't about slavery, but it was.

And when the Civil War was over, the Union still had slavery.
And when the Civil War was over, the Union still had slavery.

yes, because the constitution had to be amended to outlaw it.

Sorry, Cleetus, your great-great-grandpappy fought for slavery. Deal with it.

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