As Confederate monuments come down when will libs come for the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memori

Of course it someone like you that is so totally programmed to believe what your corporate "gubermint" tells you because it is all part of the indoctrination process. People like me that has spent THOUSANDS of hours reading and researching how the world really works and why USA.INC....

The problem is, and I'll say it again, is that your conspiracy theories tend to be so ridiculously complex that they border on the laughable. So, yeah, "LIzard People" puts the whole thing in the proper perspective.

Your life is not unhappy because the Freemasons are conspiring against you.
We've seen it throughout the history: slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, segregation, lynching laws... yep, Democrats are always on the "right" side of the issue.

Yes, when the Democrats were the conservative party, they stood for some shitty things. Now theyare the liberal party and they don't.

They were classical liberals back then, now they're fascist leaning communists.

You're not liberal.
They were classical liberals back then, now they're fascist leaning communists.

You're not liberal.

Never said I was. But sorry, I don't see "fascism" in 'You have to bake that cake after you promised to bake a cake."
Of course it someone like you that is so totally programmed to believe what your corporate "gubermint" tells you because it is all part of the indoctrination process. People like me that has spent THOUSANDS of hours reading and researching how the world really works and why USA.INC....

The problem is, and I'll say it again, is that your conspiracy theories tend to be so ridiculously complex that they border on the laughable. So, yeah, "LIzard People" puts the whole thing in the proper perspective.

Your life is not unhappy because the Freemasons are conspiring against you.

Nope, not complex at all and you are unbelievably gullible as you don't question anything that might upset your world view. The Civil War was about the South revolting over high tariffs for tobacco and cotton. Lincoln raised them higher when he became president. because the international bankers that held the debt of the united stated for America wanted their money after the 70 year period was up thus Lincoln had to negotiate another 70 year repayment plan. What the international bankers wanted was for the new southern states to be pledged as a security to it. I have posted about this before and I am not going to rehash it but the bottom line is that the international banking oligarchs have owned this bankrupted entity that you refer to as your beloved "gubermint" 70 years AFTER the new negotiation which led to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 1933. So much that you do not know and so much you couldn't understand. The Civil War was used in hopes to create a permanent division where British troops were waiting in Canada and French troops were waiting in Mexico to come in on the side of the south but were held at bay by the Tsar of Russia's navy that showed up to keep France and Britain from entering and reclaiming their territories outright. Like I said, soooon much that you have no clue about,
They were classical liberals back then, now they're fascist leaning communists.

You're not liberal.

Never said I was. But sorry, I don't see "fascism" in 'You have to bake that cake after you promised to bake a cake."

Where have you seen that promise? Signed contract perhaps?

Anyways, do you see fascism in preventing free speech, or in beating people up for having different opinion, or in disarming the citizens?
Nope, not complex at all and you are unbelievably gullible as you don't question anything that might upset your world view. The Civil War was about the South revolting over high tariffs for tobacco and cotton. Lincoln raised them higher when he became president. because the international bankers that held the debt of the united stated for America wanted their money after the 70 year....

Yeah... Dale Brought the Crazy!!!!

The Civil War was used in hopes to create a permanent division where British troops were waiting in Canada and French troops were waiting in Mexico to come in on the side of the south but were held at bay by the Tsar of Russia's navy that showed up to keep France and Britain from entering and reclaiming their territories outright. Like I said, soooon much that you have no clue about,

yeah, that's so bizarre and Crazy it's laughable. You do realize after the Crimean War, Russia was effectively crushed as a major power for some time, right?

The main reason why France and Britian didn't help the Confederacy was that they found slavery to be as morally repugnant as the North did. The British had been trying to stamp out the slave trade for decades.
Where have you seen that promise? Signed contract perhaps?

When you offer a service, that's a promise to provide the service.

Anyways, do you see fascism in preventing free speech, or in beating people up for having different opinion, or in disarming the citizens?

No, most civilized countries don't let their citizens own firearms, and they have much lower crime rates.

And sorry, there's been a lot of violence on both sides. When you threaten to round people up like Trump has, they WILL FIGHT BACK.
Where have you seen that promise? Signed contract perhaps?

When you offer a service, that's a promise to provide the service.

Anyways, do you see fascism in preventing free speech, or in beating people up for having different opinion, or in disarming the citizens?

No, most civilized countries don't let their citizens own firearms, and they have much lower crime rates.

And sorry, there's been a lot of violence on both sides. When you threaten to round people up like Trump has, they WILL FIGHT BACK.

Take out the Non-white murders and we have a comparable murder rate to some countries that basically can't own guns. Yet us whites have 200 million guns.
Nope, not complex at all and you are unbelievably gullible as you don't question anything that might upset your world view. The Civil War was about the South revolting over high tariffs for tobacco and cotton. Lincoln raised them higher when he became president. because the international bankers that held the debt of the united stated for America wanted their money after the 70 year....

Yeah... Dale Brought the Crazy!!!!

The Civil War was used in hopes to create a permanent division where British troops were waiting in Canada and French troops were waiting in Mexico to come in on the side of the south but were held at bay by the Tsar of Russia's navy that showed up to keep France and Britain from entering and reclaiming their territories outright. Like I said, soooon much that you have no clue about,

yeah, that's so bizarre and Crazy it's laughable. You do realize after the Crimean War, Russia was effectively crushed as a major power for some time, right?

The main reason why France and Britian didn't help the Confederacy was that they found slavery to be as morally repugnant as the North did. The British had been trying to stamp out the slave trade for decades.

HOLY shit, don't have a fucking clue whatsoever. It was the British East India Company that sold slaves and brought them to the colonies in 1670 and continued it up until 1712. Their armies were already here to join in and it had nothing to do with their love or hatred of slavery. They wanted their territories back and the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits were the ones that sowed the seeds of discontent.
Where have you seen that promise? Signed contract perhaps?

When you offer a service, that's a promise to provide the service.

Nope, offer is pretty much advertising. It means nothing unless is accepted by both parties.

Acceptance means contract. It could be in form or handshake, or purchase order.

Anyways, do you see fascism in preventing free speech, or in beating people up for having different opinion, or in disarming the citizens?

No, most civilized countries don't let their citizens own firearms, and they have much lower crime rates.

And sorry, there's been a lot of violence on both sides. When you threaten to round people up like Trump has, they WILL FIGHT BACK.

So what is your fascination with lizard people? LMAO!!!!! Dude, try and defend your position instead of deflecting....

Because when you go off spouting about Freemasons, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, False Flags, 9/11 was a hoax, Jesuits, Bohemian Grove, the CFR, all you really need are Lizard People for a complete box set of crazy.

Of course it someone like you that is so totally programmed to believe what your corporate "gubermint" tells you because it is all part of the indoctrination process. People like me that has spent THOUSANDS of hours reading and researching how the world really works and why USA.INC has been in a perpetual state of war the majority of it's existence that there must be something and someone pulling the strings and using the advantage that they have to print their own fiat currency into infinity because the military might of this corporate entity will insure that they accept this Monopoly money in exchange for their goods and services scares the ever lovin' shit out of sheeple like you. You have no fucking clue on how you have been used, manipulated and fooled...but the day of reckoning is coming. You can etch that in stone unless people wake up to this perpetual debt slavery system.

Perpetual state of war is right. Bankers love the drug trade and the wars.
HOLY shit, don't have a fucking clue whatsoever. It was the British East India Company that sold slaves and brought them to the colonies in 1670 and continued it up until 1712. Their armies were already here to join in and it had nothing to do with their love or hatred of slavery. They wanted their territories back and the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits were the ones that sowed the seeds of discontent.

Okay, but by 1804, they had outlawed the slave trade and by 1830, they had outlawed slavery in the British empire. It was the Royal Navy that supressed the slave trade.

My God, how hard do you have to work to stay this fucking crazy?

Take out the Non-white murders and we have a comparable murder rate to some countries that basically can't own guns. Yet us whites have 200 million guns.

Actually, even if you factor out minorities, you still have thousands of whites who are perpetrators/victims of murder. Compared to only a few hundred in Europe.
HOLY shit, don't have a fucking clue whatsoever. It was the British East India Company that sold slaves and brought them to the colonies in 1670 and continued it up until 1712. Their armies were already here to join in and it had nothing to do with their love or hatred of slavery. They wanted their territories back and the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits were the ones that sowed the seeds of discontent.

Okay, but by 1804, they had outlawed the slave trade and by 1830, they had outlawed slavery in the British empire. It was the Royal Navy that supressed the slave trade.

My God, how hard do you have to work to stay this fucking crazy?

Take out the Non-white murders and we have a comparable murder rate to some countries that basically can't own guns. Yet us whites have 200 million guns.

Actually, even if you factor out minorities, you still have thousands of whites who are perpetrators/victims of murder. Compared to only a few hundred in Europe.

What the fuck does it matter, dumb ass? The point was that it was ENGLAND that brought them here to begin with so fucking what that they had a change of heart about the practice, involuntary servitude ended 153 years ago in this country but it doesn't stop limp-wristed leftards such as yourself from bitching about it. According to you, it must be welded as some kind of weapon, no? So fuck the British Crown for ever bring them here to begin with......capiche?

P.S The Civil War had little to nothing to do with the issue of slavery.
What the fuck does it matter, dumb ass? The point was that it was ENGLAND that brought them here to begin with so fucking what that they had a change of heart about the practice, involuntary servitude ended 153 years ago in this country but it doesn't stop limp-wristed leftards such as yourself from bitching about it. According to you, it must be welded as some kind of weapon, no? So fuck the British Crown for ever bring them here to begin with......capiche?

P.S The Civil War had little to nothing to do with the issue of slavery.

It had everything to do with it.

slavery was America's Original Sin. We still live with the legacy of it to this very day. The first step in absolving yourself of a sin is to confess to it. The second is to make amends.

Tearing down the monuments to the men who tried to destroy the union to preserve it would be a pretty good start.
What the fuck does it matter, dumb ass? The point was that it was ENGLAND that brought them here to begin with so fucking what that they had a change of heart about the practice, involuntary servitude ended 153 years ago in this country but it doesn't stop limp-wristed leftards such as yourself from bitching about it. According to you, it must be welded as some kind of weapon, no? So fuck the British Crown for ever bring them here to begin with......capiche?

P.S The Civil War had little to nothing to do with the issue of slavery.

It had everything to do with it.

slavery was America's Original Sin. We still live with the legacy of it to this very day. The first step in absolving yourself of a sin is to confess to it. The second is to make amends.

Tearing down the monuments to the men who tried to destroy the union to preserve it would be a pretty good start.[/QUOTE

Like I said, Joe, you don't have the full picture and scope of what the Civil War was all about, all the major players in it and what was gained from it and it would be a colossal waste of MY time to try and explain it because you believe what you have been programmed to believe. You want to believe that a tremendous wrong was corrected by the Civil War and as much as I would like to believe that myself? It's not the truth...slavery continued but under different terms and conditions. Chinese people helped build the railroads for E.H Harriman that got his seed money from the Rothschilds that were nothing more than slaves that worked long hours, performed dangerous jobs, rarely if ever paid and if they complained, they were simply killed because another boatload of them were coming in I said, there is a lot you don't know because we were only taught the "red, white and blue" version of history that buries the mistakes of it's past. It's a sad truth but because it is sad, doesn't make it any less the simply "is".

Like I said, Joe, you don't have the full picture and scope of what the Civil War was all about, all the major players in it and what was gained from it and it would be a colossal waste of MY time to try and explain it because you believe what you have been programmed to believe. You want to believe that a tremendous wrong was corrected by the Civil War and as much as I would like to believe that myself? It's not the truth...slavery continued but under different terms and conditions. Chinese people helped build the railroads for E.H Harriman that got his seed money from the Rothschilds that were nothing more than slaves that worked long hours, performed dangerous jobs, rarely if ever paid and if they complained, they were simply killed because another boatload of them were coming in I said, there is a lot you don't know because we were only taught the "red, white and blue" version of history that buries the mistakes of it's past. It's a sad truth but because it is sad, doesn't make it any less the simply "is".

The sad truth is that you are a crazy person. I'm sorry those close to you are not trying to get help for you, because you clearly need it.

Rich people take advantage of poor people. It's always been that way no matter what the system of power is. You don't need to see conspiracies to realize this. But going on about the Chinese is just moving the goal posts, buddy.

A bunch of racist assholes tried to keep slavery. We need to remove any trace of honor from them. Period.
Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?
You lost.
Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?
Fortunately, they weren't traitors.

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