As Detroit Dies, No One Says A Word.

"Jeep moving to China" --- again?? :rofl:

What the article actually says is Ford will stop building SMALL cars there -- and will concentrate on trucks.
Nothing about closing plants or cutting jobs.

It's Dark! It's Furry!
It posts in a hurry!
Link doesn't say what he thinks? Not to worry!

"The carmaker says it will stop building the Focus and C-Max wagon at its Wayne, Michigan plant outside Detroit in 2018. The company is not indicating where the vehicles will be built, but speculation is it will "

If they stop building idiot do you really think they will keep the plant open for shits and grins?

If they go into the shits and grins business perhaps. But more likely to build pickup trucks.
You know -- like it says in the article.

Its classic Dark Fury; emotion, but not an ounce of thought beyond right wing echo chamber rhetoric of the most bumperstick variety.

Sigh....and doesn't even read his own sources.
"Jeep moving to China" --- again?? :rofl:

What the article actually says is Ford will stop building SMALL cars there -- and will concentrate on trucks.
Nothing about closing plants or cutting jobs.

It's Dark! It's Furry!
It posts in a hurry!
Link doesn't say what he thinks? Not to worry!

"The carmaker says it will stop building the Focus and C-Max wagon at its Wayne, Michigan plant outside Detroit in 2018. The company is not indicating where the vehicles will be built, but speculation is it will "

If they stop building idiot do you really think they will keep the plant open for shits and grins?

If they go into the shits and grins business perhaps. But more likely to build pickup trucks.
You know -- like it says in the article.

Its classic Dark Fury; emotion, but not an ounce of thought beyond right wing echo chamber rhetoric of the most bumperstick variety.

Sigh....and doesn't even read his own sources.
Behave. :slap:
News out today says the TWO Ford plants just outside of Detroit will be closing cutting untold number of jobs. The jobs will be going to Mexico where labor is cheaper and so are taxes.

The unions are holding strong on pay and the city on taxes even at the cost of driving the last nails of fiscal death to a city and it's residents. It's takes an extra level of stupid to do that.

Union labor costs need to come down and tax rates cut. You have to be able to compete in this world or you starve. And the city of Detroit which is ALREADY a major murder capital does not need an increase in unemployment and welfare and joblessness.

Ford to the U.S. See ya - Yahoo Finance

Obama cannot save a car company because he has never run a car company.
ALL he has ever done is throw money down various rat holes and never killed the rat. Good Bye Detroit!

Glad I live in Philadelphia
Well Gov Synder is the one who needs to be doing something. The people who work at GM and Ford were over the years always picketing for more money, so most of GM and Ford have left , so now they get nothing. People use to envy the workers at GM and Ford. Ford says it cost 57 bucks an hour for an employee in Detroit plants now. I'm sure they will work cheaper in Mexico.
As Detroit Dies, No One Says A Word.

That's only because people are too polite to say "Good riddance".
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

So then the capitalists wanted more money in their pockets. The unions did a lot of damage.
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

The Death of Detroit...(not in order)
1) The old factories were all designed to build giant, heavy gas guzzlers. It was cheaper to build new factories than to re-outfit the old ones.
2) Nixon removing the dollar from gold when the dollar was very weak (probably the biggest reason)
3) Foreign competition.
4) They were making horrible-terrible-unacceptable low quality rust buckets.
News out today says the TWO Ford plants just outside of Detroit will be closing cutting untold number of jobs. The jobs will be going to Mexico where labor is cheaper and so are taxes.

The unions are holding strong on pay and the city on taxes even at the cost of driving the last nails of fiscal death to a city and it's residents. It's takes an extra level of stupid to do that.

Union labor costs need to come down and tax rates cut. You have to be able to compete in this world or you starve. And the city of Detroit which is ALREADY a major murder capital does not need an increase in unemployment and welfare and joblessness.

Ford to the U.S. See ya - Yahoo Finance

Obama cannot save a car company because he has never run a car company.
ALL he has ever done is throw money down various rat holes and never killed the rat. Good Bye Detroit!
Why don't those Ford plans move to a right to work non union state? Why are they going out of the country instead of to Mississippi or Arkansas Oklahoma or Texas? Why are we allowing them to go to Mexico and ship their s*** back? You can cry because union workers get paid more than you but the fact is even you non union American assholes make too much or want to make too much
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

So then the capitalists wanted more money in their pockets. The unions did a lot of damage.
Didn't Ford have record profits last year? The problem with America is there's so many dumb Americans living here
Mexico it is, soon Americans will be going to Mexico for jobs.

Ford's Wayne plant cuts vault Mexico into union talks

Ford to move Focus C-MAX from Michigan Assembly
I sell a machine called a CMM. A CMM measures parts after they are made to make sure they are done right. You would not believe how many manufacturing plants we sell to in Mexico. Maybe one day Mexico will be just as nice a place as America is to live. Because our loss is definitely their gain.

I'm still waiting for an answer from right wing Republicans. Why didn't Ford move to a non union American city instead of Mexico? Stupid Republicans like to say they left because of unions but they didn't have to go to Mexico they could have went down south and employed a redneck hillbilly American instead of a Mexican
Unions killed civil society in Detroit, they should be named as an accomplice in every crime committed there
Mexico it is, soon Americans will be going to Mexico for jobs.

Ford's Wayne plant cuts vault Mexico into union talks

Ford to move Focus C-MAX from Michigan Assembly
I sell a machine called a CMM. A CMM measures parts after they are made to make sure they are done right. You would not believe how many manufacturing plants we sell to in Mexico. Maybe one day Mexico will be just as nice a place as America is to live. Because our loss is definitely their gain.

I'm still waiting for an answer from right wing Republicans. Why didn't Ford move to a non union American city instead of Mexico? Stupid Republicans like to say they left because of unions but they didn't have to go to Mexico they could have went down south and employed a redneck hillbilly American instead of a Mexican

Why go to Mexico instead of down south, I think I know but I hate to say it ?. Do you think because they cared about the people there or because smaller cars have a bigger market there? Yes I agree if we can help make Mexico better it will be better for the US.
Mexico it is, soon Americans will be going to Mexico for jobs.

Ford's Wayne plant cuts vault Mexico into union talks

Ford to move Focus C-MAX from Michigan Assembly
I sell a machine called a CMM. A CMM measures parts after they are made to make sure they are done right. You would not believe how many manufacturing plants we sell to in Mexico. Maybe one day Mexico will be just as nice a place as America is to live. Because our loss is definitely their gain.

I'm still waiting for an answer from right wing Republicans. Why didn't Ford move to a non union American city instead of Mexico? Stupid Republicans like to say they left because of unions but they didn't have to go to Mexico they could have went down south and employed a redneck hillbilly American instead of a Mexican

Why go to Mexico instead of down south, I think I know but I hate to say it ?. Do you think because they cared about the people there or because smaller cars have a bigger market there? Yes I agree if we can help make Mexico better it will be better for the US.
One day maybe Mexico will be equal to America and Canada?
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

So then the capitalists wanted more money in their pockets. The unions did a lot of damage.
We need unions more now than ever

Someone needs to stand up for workers as their pay and benefits erode

It is not the working class in this country that is growing in wealth....I don't see why Republicans are always attacking them
Unions killed civil society in Detroit, they should be named as an accomplice in every crime committed there
When the big Ford plant left my town what replaced it? Strip malls replaced it and non-union factories. None of those jobs pay well. So I hope Republicans don't cry or blame Obama because wages are down when you all hate paying high wages. I notice Republicans like to have it both ways on this argument. They don't like paying high wages but then want to blame Democrats win wages are down. Well no s*** they're down when you sent all the good jobs to Mexico in America doesn't manufacture anything anymore. Same things happening to Greece
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

So then the capitalists wanted more money in their pockets. The unions did a lot of damage.
We need unions more now than ever

Someone needs to stand up for workers as their pay and benefits erode

It is not the working class in this country that is growing in wealth....I don't see why Republicans are always attacking them
Great point. How the hell can Republicans say Americans make too much money when wages are down saving is down and nobody has any disposable income anymore?
Unions killed civil society in Detroit, they should be named as an accomplice in every crime committed there
What an idiot you must be. Unions made my family a great success and thousands and thousands of middle-class families made a great living working for union companies. And those companies made record profits all along the way. The only problem is that the companies are greedy and want to make more and more so they would looked for ways to maximize profits and lower their costs. So of course if we allow them to go Manufacturing China India or Mexico they're going to do it. Businesses or corporations and even business owners have no loyalty to this country they only care about profits.
Detroit did not die because the workers were becoming wealthy. They had the same standard of living they had in the fifties. The unions were fighting to keep wages and benefits.

So then the capitalists wanted more money in their pockets. The unions did a lot of damage.
We need unions more now than ever

Someone needs to stand up for workers as their pay and benefits erode

It is not the working class in this country that is growing in wealth....I don't see why Republicans are always attacking them
Great point. How the hell can Republicans say Americans make too much money when wages are down saving is down and nobody has any disposable income anymore?
Corporate America is sitting on five trillion in capital right now. It didn't go to wages or benefits. Crying that workers make too much is not cutting it
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