As Detroit Dies, No One Says A Word.

News out today says the TWO Ford plants just outside of Detroit will be closing cutting untold number of jobs. The jobs will be going to Mexico where labor is cheaper and so are taxes.

The unions are holding strong on pay and the city on taxes even at the cost of driving the last nails of fiscal death to a city and it's residents. It's takes an extra level of stupid to do that.

Union labor costs need to come down and tax rates cut. You have to be able to compete in this world or you starve. And the city of Detroit which is ALREADY a major murder capital does not need an increase in unemployment and welfare and joblessness.

Ford to the U.S. See ya - Yahoo Finance

Obama cannot save a car company because he has never run a car company.
ALL he has ever done is throw money down various rat holes and never killed the rat. Good Bye Detroit!

Make your city's entire well-being dependent upon 3rd rate car manufacturers, that's what happens. The strong floruish, the weak wither and die.

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