As far as I know, only two papers endorsed Trump for president. The Enquirer and, can you guess?

they compete for way more than minimum wage jobs dummy.
Irrelevant to my point. Slow down, you are rabid and saying dumb shit.

My point is that American workers are also willing to work for lower wages, as evidenced by every fact available. Because, anything is better than nothing. So no, you possess no good evidence that immigration depresses wages. President pussy and his lapdog sessions tried to spread that little like with cherry picked stats and specious argument and got called on it.
Actually, the National Enquirer has one of the best records for accuracy in the nation. FAR more accurate than the NY Times or Washington
I see we have made it to the part of the thread where you just start pulling things out of your ass...

Not at all Comrade. Remember, the Bolshevik press is like you, they deliberately lie to promote a political narrative.

{It takes determination to out-demagogue New York City’s anti-cop advocates, but the New York Times has done just that. A front-page article in Friday’s print edition announces: BRONX INSPECTOR, SECRETLY TAPED, SUGGESTS RACE IS A FACTOR IN STOPS. The story goes on to claim in its lead paragraph that a secretly taped recording “suggests that, in at least one precinct, a person’s skin color can be a deciding factor in who is stopped.” In fact, the exchange in the recording, between a police officer and his precinct commander, suggests something altogether different: that crime determines who is stopped by the police. But reporter Joseph Goldstein has twisted the taped conversation into a poisonous indictment of the police at a time when anti-cop passions, already enflamed by irresponsible city politicians, are running dangerously high.}

The Mind-Boggling Lies of the NY Times | RealClearPolitics

One of the major features of you Marxists is that you're fucking liars. Even this thread is based on blatant lies, It's just the way you Communists are.


If you were to write an authentic history showing the evolution of the US mass media, the National Enquirer is more important than The New York Times, because the legitimate media moved closer to tabloid than the other way around.

What CNN considers "Breaking News" today is the sort of thing only covered by the National Inquirer in the past.}

Remember you Bolshevik pigs lying about the "Blue Dress?" The NY Times and other Marxist press lied through their fucking teeth for months - just the way you communists are, fucking liars.

Remember when Gary Condit murdered Chandra Levy? The Bolshevik press circle that wagons to protect him, only the Enquirer would print the truth. The Amazon.Com Post (formerly Washington) is STILL lying to try and cover up for Comrade Condit.

The National Enquirer is a tabloid, they write about celebrities mostly. Even so, they have a FAR greater record of accuracy than the DNC run media - which isn't hard to do given that the Bolshevik media are blatant fucking liars - just like you.
As far as deanturd knows?

That has to be the shortest distance possible without registering movement.

There are scientists still trying to quantify zero in their calculations that can't account for the negative of what deanturd "knows".
Something I do know. In fact, something we all know:

6% of scientists are Republican


They never asked me, so I find the poll questionable at best.

For the poll to be true, 94% of doctors would have to be democrat - which is utter bullshit.
As far as deanturd knows?

That has to be the shortest distance possible without registering movement.

There are scientists still trying to quantify zero in their calculations that can't account for the negative of what deanturd "knows".
Something I do know. In fact, something we all know:

6% of scientists are Republican


So, reading the article at Slate I find SURPRISE, you're fucking lying, as was Huffingglue.

6% of CLIMATE pseudo-scientists claim to be Republican.

In real science, medicine and technology, the rate is far greater.
Irrelevant to my point. Slow down, you are rabid and saying dumb shit.

My point is that American workers are also willing to work for lower wages, as evidenced by every fact available. Because, anything is better than nothing. So no, you possess no good evidence that immigration depresses wages. President pussy and his lapdog sessions tried to spread that little like with cherry picked stats and specious argument and got called on it.
You aren't making a rational point ass....if you have ever had to compete for a job...wages...or a contract with a illegal alien and lost out you would not be trying to defend illegal immigration....
At least you are open about it....the elected dems are scared to death to tell the truth....they want more illegal immigration...they do not want a merit based policy to immigration....they want uneducated dependent unskilled people to come into America...people that will need them and vote for them....fuck that!!!! and fuck anyone that supports that.....
The only thing folks have here is their credibility. However, the matter didn't seem important enough to spend more than a minute or two on Google.

Among the top 100 largest newspapers in America, just two — the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville — endorsed Trump.

Final newspaper endorsement count: Clinton 57, Trump 2

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