As Floridians Are Displaced, Rubio Demands More Foreign Workers

Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Yeah, because Disney really has a problem finding people who will work for them.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.
No, there doesn't. Perhaps we could use so scientists, doctors & mathematicians but we DO NOT NEED an influx of unskilled foreign workers.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
Unions are businesses. You can't have it both ways Rabbi. You either accept regulations on businesses or you dont. You can't regulate one just because you don't like them while giving a pass to another.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.
No, there doesn't. Perhaps we could use so scientists, doctors & mathematicians but we DO NOT NEED an influx of unskilled foreign workers.
Obviously we do. If we didnt they wouldnt come here.
Rabbi is a Koch brothers fan, like all of you you didn't know the Koch's are putting tons of money in to lobbying the House of Representatives the borders and pass amnesty....? but YOU ALL love these guys....??? I know you blame it all on the Democrats like Reid, but you are "blinded by the Right", and cant see or even admit to seeing what is happening with YOUR party, regarding illegal immigration....

Guess who is putting up lots of money to pressure House Republicans to pass a massive amnesty and immigration increase bill similar to the one Reid championed in the Senate? That would be none other than the Brothers Koch.
Memo to Harry Reid The Koch Brothers are Bankrolling Pro-Amnesty Lobby Effort
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Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
Unions are businesses. You can't have it both ways Rabbi. You either accept regulations on businesses or you dont. You can't regulate one just because you don't like them while giving a pass to another.
Unions are not businesses. Guess again.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
It's your choice.
But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
It's your choice.
But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.
You're no patriot. Traitor to the people
Perhaps we could use so scientists, doctors & mathematicians

What we could use is better education funding, and a lessening of restrictions that prevent qualified individuals from entering the medical profession.
Education is already fully funded. The money is wasted more often than not. And there is new regulations in the pipeline that would allow nurses to see & diagnose patients without having to consult a doctor.
Perhaps we could use so scientists, doctors & mathematicians

What we could use is better education funding, and a lessening of restrictions that prevent qualified individuals from entering the medical profession.
Education is already fully funded. The money is wasted more often than not. And there is new regulations in the pipeline that would allow nurses to see & diagnose patients without having to consult a doctor.
They already have those, they're called nurse practitioners.
Perhaps we could use so scientists, doctors & mathematicians

What we could use is better education funding, and a lessening of restrictions that prevent qualified individuals from entering the medical profession.
Education is already fully funded. The money is wasted more often than not. And there is new regulations in the pipeline that would allow nurses to see & diagnose patients without having to consult a doctor.
They already have those, they're called nurse practitioners.
I'm not talking about them.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
Education is already fully funded. The money is wasted more often than not.

You're right about the money often being wasted. Really, when I say "funding" I really meant investment. We need to invest better into education to reform our educational system. We need more technical abilities being taught at the high school level. College is much too expensive and doesn't pay off very well nowadays. And the fiasco that is student loans is bleeding people dry, making it all the more unattractive for people to even pursue. Perhaps most importantly, the funding needs to shift from the federal level to the state level.

And there is new regulations in the pipeline that would allow nurses to see & diagnose patients without having to consult a doctor.

Yes, some states are considering opening up the role for nurse practitioners and allowing them to absorb some of the burden. But this is ultimately a superficial solution. There is a shortage of doctors in our country, but in many ways the nursing shortage is even worse. So it really will be the equivalent of moving around your peas on your dinner plate to make it look like you've eaten most of them.

The way things work right now, there are specific limitations to how many new doctors can be licensed each year. These limitations have not kept up with population increases. So we have more patients and fewer and fewer doctors year after year. It makes no sense. Qualified and capable people are coming out of medical school but cannot become doctors because there are more students than licenses, even though the industry has demand for the labor. A similar problem exists in nursing, but on the front side of the educational system; there are many people who want to enter nursing school but cannot do so because classroom seats are limited by regulations that require instructors to have a minimum of a master's degree. Of course, a nurse with a master's degree is usually a well established professional holding a high level (and high paying) administrative role or is a privately practicing nurse practitioner (also a high paying role). So a shortage of instructors, due to regulatory requirements, creates a shortage of classroom seats available, even despite a glut of eager, qualified students and high labor demand in the industry.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position

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